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Bad vax = mutations
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Bad vax = mutations

"a screenshot of a screenshot of a medical test"

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Comments for: Bad vax = mutations
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2021 01:17PM

If you want to decrease your odds of becoming hospitalized or dying from COVID to nearly 0, get vaccinated. If you want roll the dice and significantly increase the odds of hospitalization or death, skip the vaccination. Hydroxychloroquine is dangerous and ineffective, about the other treatments I don't know. Facts, the numbers are out there. And when you can't get treatment for something other than COVID because the hospitals are full of those unvaccinated folks who are seriously ill, tough luck. This woman is a shill for the covidiots and spreadnecks.
Peter Puller Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2021 04:08PM

She and Rand Paul should start a club, "Medical Professionals Who Know Nothing About Science."
Peter Pullshimself Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2021 12:10AM

Your glasses are apparently not thick enough.
So you didn't or couldn't read the crappy screenshot.
Vaccines work and are the most significant medical advance of the last 500 years.
But bad vaccines lead to mutations that spread even further.
The whole point is, if you could read, that the un-vaccinated are not responsible for the mutations.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2021 09:22AM

Peter Pullshimself, yeah, it almost seems to make sense until you get to the dimwitted part about using treatments that have proven to not work and are even dangerous, then it all falls apart and you know you can't believe any of it. The woman is a shill, and a dangerous one at that. The virus will mutant regardless of who gets it, that's what they do, that's what the flu virus does all the time though it's not as virulent or deadly as COVID-19 and its mutations.
Robert Kraft Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2021 07:05PM

In the state where I live the Covids have been less deadly than the flu.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2021 11:50AM

What state is that, Robert Kraft?
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2021 12:16PM

And Peter Pullshimself, ivermectin is for treating livestock that have parasites, but hey, some folks in Mississippi have evidently heard of its "benefits" in treating COVID, lol.

Robert Kraft Report This Comment
Date: August 22, 2021 07:53PM

"What state is that, Robert Kraft?"
Wyoming, about the only people that have been vaccinated are the elderly.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2021 10:15AM

Wyoming flu ; 14.6 death rate

Wyoming COVID Q4 2020 - 230.0 death rate
12 months ending Q4 2020 (1/3 of which weren't during pandemic) death rate: 64.8
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2021 11:14AM

Pulse, now you'll be told those COVID deaths weren't all COVID deaths, they were from the flu and other causes but counted as COVID to make Trump look bad. That's how real 'mericans rationalize it. My own "adult" son tried to tell me the reason flu cases were at a historic low last year was for that very reason, not that the precautions many people took against COVID stopped the less virulent and deadly flu in its tracks.
Robert Kraft Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2021 12:43PM

A relatively large number of the elderly deaths, were people in other states that still had this state listed as their place of residence.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2021 01:35PM

It's 15x Q4 last year than 'standard' flu, and the US only went up from there (I don't have this years stats, maybe it went down for that state; don't know, don't care).

You can't state that "more" died of the flu than covid when 15x more are dying of covid, then say "oh it's because they hadn't changed their license"; I don't think that all those people forgot to change their address.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2021 08:20PM

Any lame idea that fits the narrative, pulse, any lame idea.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2021 06:26PM

Robert Kraft Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2021 02:53AM

I am curious about what the goal is.
The virus has been found in wild animals , so it can't be wiped out.
The virus will keep mutating, until a new inoculation is needed , so is it masks,lock downs and injections forever?
pulse Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2021 09:20AM

As humans if we'd have locked down properly for a few weeks at the start with the alpha variant we'd probably be done by now.

Globally, we didn't. So now we're in this position. I don't know what the end goal is; Australia proved several times in the past, as did New Zealand, that lockdowns functionally eliminated it. Some states in Australia have still only had a few hundred cases total (with a few million population in the cities) and have been living very normal lives for the past 18 months.

Yes it may jump from animals again but that's a pretty long shot. It requires very special circumstances for those kinds of events. We've globally let the genie out of the bottle; it's too late to put it back in, so realistically the only thing left is to play whack-a-mole with vaccines and hope for the best.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2021 12:34PM

If it weren't for the number of innocent people who are needlessly suffering and dying from this because of the politicization of it by one vain man and his dimwitted followers, my personal goal would be to continue to take the simple precautions to ward off the virus, sit back, and watch those same dimwitted followers disappear from the earth because their own stupidity led them off the cliff, hopefully before the virus evolves into something unstoppable in their slack jawed, pea brained bodies. It's evolution, cold and hard, and their continued ignorant behavior has left me cold and hard.
Robert Kraft Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2021 01:29PM

If the government really cared about the virus, they would stop illegal immigration.
20% of the hundreds of thousands of illegals have the virus ,and are shipped all over the country with no precautions.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2021 01:45PM

And the idiocy continues. Millions of unvaccinated and unmasked Trumptards but it's the fault of the comparatively few people coming across the border with it. This is a homegrown problem being perpetuated by homegrown ignoramuses such as the OP and you who'll use any dumbass excuse to pass the buck. The rest of us are sick of your BS, some of us who through no fault of their own are literally sick. Go climb back under your rock or into your cave, Robert Kraft, you're literally a dying breed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 25/08/2021 01:47PM by quasi.
Robert Kraft Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2021 07:46PM

I doubt I will be dying, only about one or two people in a thousand die of it , and they are elderly or have co-morbidity.
The virus is in the biosphere and will probably be around forever.
The cold virus is a corona virus, and they have never found a cure for it.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2021 01:35AM

Oh, is that why otherwise healthy but unvaccinated younger people are dying more often now from Delta? Florida where I live is setting new records for the illness and death right now, mostly among the unvaccinated and younger people. Far fewer of the elderly than before are dying because there was a huge effort to get them vaccinated while many younger people were whining about their own freedumb.
Peter Puller Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2021 03:28AM

I guess I should list myself among those who didn't fully understand what was being said, so my bad about thinking she was saying something she wasn't.

It's not the unvaccinated that are creating variants, it's the unvaccinated that are spreading whatever form of virus they come in contact with.

And honestly, only an idiot would think ivermectin, chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine have any affect on COVID since these medications are not antivirals. But there are plenty of idiots in the world. A Wikipedia article speaks of quite a few quack treatments worldwide.