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"a group of men sitting in chairs"

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Comments for: FatBoy&LittleMan
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2006 07:59AM

We actually let these two jackasses on US soil so they can open their fat mouths and personally insult the president? I think it's time to kick the fuckin' UN the hell out, and screw whatever treaties we have with those assholes. I'd also revisit the idea of sending covert teams over and rubbing these shitbags out.
festus Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2006 08:28AM

I totally agree.These two clowns shouldn't even be
allowed to reproduce let alone address the world or
lead their shithole countries.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2006 10:04AM

Damm right, those two assholes, we should be able to trade in there resourses and tell them what the fuck they can and can not do. Who the fuck do they think they are, next they be telling us in America what we can and can not do, lets invade the cunts I say and take control of there oil and gas. Actually we Americans should be in charge of all counties, none of this one leader for one country crap, Bush to conrol the world I say. Once Bush is in charge then everyone world wide will be able to own a gun legally, good American guns, none of these cheap AK47 Russian specials, now thats a good thing.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2006 12:26PM

Every American is free to insult the president, the government or whatever right? We have freedom of speech right? A leader of another country comes here and you want to muzzle him because you don't like what he says? Maybe we aren't as civilized as we pretend to be....
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2006 02:02PM

Hey many people do you think are gonna realize you were being sarcastic before electing you to office?
chaz_man Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2006 02:38PM

no justice no peace !!!! fuck them all !!! kill them all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2006 08:34PM

Sorry, 23239.. but my allegiance to my country and its interests go far beyond spouting off on the internet. I personally would have little time or patience for some third rate dicktaster like Chavez or that little Iranian bastard sitting next to him defiling our soil, our president, and our principles with their bullshit noise. I'd shove a fuckin' missle up both their asses and drop 'em out of a C-130 over their respective shithole countries. You'd better hope I'm never elected president, 'cause I'd make that happen the day I stepped into the oval office. Mr Bush has shown considerable restraint given the circumstances.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2006 09:35PM

Anonymous 108166 Americans dont get sarcasm, I'm Australian BTW. Anonymous 94109 you have made more sense in two lines than Bush has made in his 5 plus years in power, I say you fucking run the country. 90130 You are the anti-Christ mate, thats why I like you, now go play with your 3 guns. To the rest of America, clean up your own back yard instead of cutting the worlds lawns.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2006 09:55PM

Better America Tip 1:

Hey heres an idea, I imagine the US army trains soldiers in trades, correct me if I'm wrong. Instead of sending more soldiers to Iraq lets send them to New Orleans to speed up the re building of that area. Again correct me if I'm wrong as the Australian army offers Apprenticeships in trades.
HellBent Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2006 11:20PM

90130 sayeth:
I'd also revisit the idea of sending covert teams over and rubbing these shitbags out.

Well, if =we= can do it, then =they= can do it... right? It is just A-OK if other countries (1) pre-emptively strike the USA if they think it is a threat, and (2) assassinate our leaders if they don't like them..

Turnabout, after all, is fair play, don't you think?

U R Brilliant! U Shud set US Furren Policy! SO SMART!

(just a quick P.S. to 23239: the reason they let New Orleans die, and are not rebuilding it seriously is because it was a Democratic outpost in a Southern Sea of Republican, Redneck, Racist Wife Abusers. New Orleans was freer than the rest of the South, and hurricane Katrina was a handy opportunity to crush it. That's why. Nice idea, but you are actually thinking there is justice for Black men and women here.)
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2006 11:57PM

Fuck foreign policy. The world can deal with its own problems, and as far as I'm concerned, blow each other up if that's what they want. I think it's time we've adopted isolationism and closed our borders. Next time you need us, call the French for help.
mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2006 12:29AM

90130_ Hell yeah !!!!!! I'd have a blast watchin the limp wristed French serving as protectors of the world :>winking

Hellbent, you MUST be a really low brow individual if you believe the shit you posted above. Shhesh ... whatta maroooon :>/
HellBent Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2006 09:04PM

Your lame retorts have no substance mrkim. Go read a book for once in your life.

90130: Yes, I agree with you 85%. I think the world can deal with it's own problems. However the US foreign policy doesn't believe that. The US government keeps meddling in the affairs of other countries. But you know, the US has a huge corporate interests all over the world, and those interests are backed up by our Military. So your petty plea for "isolationism" is not going to happen any time soon.

Time to recognize that and actually start paying attention. Maybe you'll learn something you didn't know.

Did you know we funded terrorist armies in Central America to kill organizers and attack "soft targets" and destabilize a democratically elected government?

Do you know that the US sold Iraq the gas they used against the Kurds?

Did you know that the US gives an amount equal to over $2000 per person to Israel's military?

Did you know that Donald Rumsfeld was instrumental in supporting Saddam's early rise as dictator back in the '80s?

Do you realize that Iraq did not attack the WTC and had zero connection to Al Quaeda?

Are you aware that Bin Laden and his attack cells are Saudi's? Do you know why?

Did you know that the US supported the abortive coup against Chavez that had him kidnapped and flown out of Venezuela?

Do you look at any other news beyond Fox?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2006 12:09AM

Did you also know that the current government in Iran came into existence as a direct result of the overthrow of the legitamite government and the installation of the Shah by the US 60 years ago? Didnt learn a thing did we, this is why we now have religious loons in power / behind the scenes in Iran.