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Operation: IVY / Test: MIKE
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Operation: IVY / Test: MIKE

"a large white mushroom cloud"

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Comments for: Operation: IVY / Test: MIKE
richy f Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2004 11:17AM

Test:Mike; Date:October 31, 1952;
Operation:Ivy; Site:Elugelab Island, Enwetak atoll;
Detonationconfused smileyurface; Yield:10.400 Mgt; Type:Fission/Fusion;

The device called Sausage, detonated in the Mike test was the first true thermonuclear bomb ever tested. However, the Sausage was not a deliverable weapon. It was an enormous, complex device, 80 inches wide and 244 inches long. The entire assembly weighted 82 metric tons. Sausage was built using Teller-Ulam principles of staged radiation implosion. Interestingly Teller himself didn't participate in development. Los Alamos Panda Committee, directed by J. Carson Mark did the job. TX-5 fission bomb was used as a fuse(primary stage). Super cooled, liquid hydrogen was used as a thermonuclear fuel. The Cab, building which was housing the device was located on the zero island. A plywood tube was assembled from the Cab to the furthest island, where the detection station was, some 2 miles away. The tube was filled with Helium, to allow radiation rays travel faster before it was consumed by the fireball.
The explosion yielded 10.4 Mgt. Mike's fireball measured 3 miles. The cloud formed by Mike shot was immense. Stabilized, it reached 135 000 ft high, and stretched 60 miles in diameter, which eventually spread over 1000 miles.
Mike destroyed the entire Elugelab island. The crater formed as a result of the explosion measured 6240ft(1.5Km) across and 164ft(53m) deep. Following the test, high levels of radiation covered most of the Enwetak atoll.
This was 4th largest test ever conducted by US, (the largest at that time). For comparison, this is more then all allied bombs dropped during WWII together.
richy_f Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2004 11:25AM

Test:Mike; Date:October 31, 1952;
Operation:Ivy; Site:Elugelab Island, Enwetak atoll;
Detonationconfused smileyurface; Yield:10.4 Mgt; Type:Fission/Fusion;

The device called Sausage, detonated in the Mike test was the first true thermonuclear bomb ever tested. However, the Sausage was not a deliverable weapon. It was an enormous, complex device, 80 inches wide and 244 inches long. The entire assembly weighted 82 metric tons. Sausage was built using Teller-Ulam principles of staged radiation implosion. Interestingly Teller himself didn't participate in development. Los Alamos Panda Committee, directed by J. Carson Mark did the job. TX-5 fission bomb was used as a fuse(primary stage). Super cooled, liquid hydrogen was used as a thermonuclear fuel. The Cab, building which was housing the device was located on the zero island. A plywood tube was assembled from the Cab to the furthest island, where the detection station was, some 2 miles away. The tube was filled with Helium, to allow radiation rays travel faster before it was consumed by the fireball.

The explosion yielded 10.4 Mgt. Mike's fireball measured 3 miles. The cloud formed by Mike shot was immense. Stabilized, it reached 135,000 ft high, and stretched 60 miles in diameter, which eventually spread over 1000 miles.

Mike destroyed the entire Elugelab island. The crater formed as a result of the explosion measured 6240ft(1.5Km) across and 164ft(53m) deep. Following the test, high levels of radiation covered most of the Enwetak atoll.

This was 4th largest test ever conducted by US, (the largest at that time). For comparison, this is more then all allied bombs dropped during WW II together.
KT Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2004 10:10PM

that's quite a bit of information to share. Let's see what this thing will do to a bunch of Iraqi dune coons
Fred smith Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2004 10:32PM

Thanks america for the cancer! I love having nuclear fallout raining down on my head. Makes me all warm and fuzzy..
smatt584 Report This Comment
Date: October 06, 2004 09:49AM

lets bomb the world! it's not like there's anything called wind out there to take the radiation thousands of miles away!
MMHM Report This Comment
Date: October 06, 2004 06:33PM

Let's hope we never have to see one in person!
ho\'sbro Report This Comment
Date: October 06, 2004 08:45PM

when you thank america for the cancer also thank them(if you are not pure aryian)for allowing you to be alive...if not for the "bomb" the germans and japs would have eventually ruled the world and they woulda eliminated one unfortunate creed/race at a time until nothing was left but germans and japs...after that they woulda been at each others throats.....desperate times call for desperate measures....yeah, i wish the bomb had never been invented but it was a decisive factor in ending that war.....alive with residual near-neglegable radiation or dead and cancer-free? not too tough of a choice for me....just glad i wasnt one of the poor people on nagasaki or hiroshima
anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 09, 2004 12:03PM

ho'sbro, you are a xenophobic, heterosexist, inbred, redneck dickweed.

get a friggin' LIFE!

(that means take yer dick out of your habd, step away from the computer, and grab a CLUE.)
ho\'sbro Report This Comment
Date: October 13, 2004 12:01AM

wow ...thought for a second that someone picked up a dictionary then i saw heterosexist (not a word)...xenophobic is a little acurate but not to the point of Phobia...everyone is scared or at least cautious of the unknown, be-it things or people...issue 2 -my parents aren't cousins--check out your past---issue 3 yeah i'm a little redneck not offended in the least by your accusation...issue 4 i can be a dick when people are stupid or mean....issue 5 just because you have to buy a polymer cover for your keyboard doesnt mean that everyone does....i probably spend as much time on the computer as you but the only difference is that i don't spend my time cybering....i prefer the real thing...i have a life besides this...its ashame that you think you are the one with a're so stupid that blondes tell jokes about you.
stiffler Report This Comment
Date: November 06, 2004 08:12PM

hey Ho'sbro! You voted for Bush right?
Michael Report This Comment
Date: November 19, 2004 02:55AM

Glad I wasn't there to witness it...
Betaburn Report This Comment
Date: March 06, 2005 06:47AM

Actually the debate at time of developing the so-called "Super" (later hydrogen bomb, fusion weapon, what have you) was that it was a solution in search of a problem. There was no expectation that the Soviets were anywhere close to fielding a fusion explosive, and the feeling was that inventing fusion bombs was a unilateral escalation of an arms race, kind of like the escalations of weapons technology that presaged World War I. In other words we were asking for a nuclear war if we invented them.

What no one knew was that the Soviets had a direct tap into all American nuclear research at the time, an agent known only by code name who could deliver any technical document the Soviets wanted.

The Soviets used these documents, delivered by the hundreds of pages(!), to reproduce American work on reactors and fission devices then parallel American work on fusion. The end result? A balanced arms race, two sides equally armed. Who was this agent? We honestly don't know, even the ex-Soviets claim not to know.

Balancing the arms race probably prevented a war, but it cluttered the earth with nukes. It may well be that this was a planned thing. What if someone wanted humanity to have a lot of very powerful weapons lying around, and feeding information to the Soviets was how they acomplished this. Kindling for a conflagration? Salvation against attack by little green men? For good or bad the ground is now laid.

We may find that the bitter dividing line between Good Guys and Bad Guys of the Cold War was just a contrived rivalry like that between the Crips and Bloods, two feuding street gangs famous in the 1980s that turned out to have interlocking leadership and were in fact really one gang at war with itself.

Why invent rivalry? Well, in the case of the gangbangers it kept them under control. Without the constant pressure of a rival your gangbanger tends to clear his head, put down roots and make something of himself. Keep him churning in a maelstrom of drugs and violence and he's too busy to be anything but a strung-out zombie for whomever holds his leash.

Turns out the Crips and Bloods were being used as a distribution channel for illegal drugs, mostly cocaine. The average gangbanger thought he was selling drugs to bankroll the fighting. Nope. The money was funneling up to the unified command and disappearing. Just enough weapons filtered back down to the rank-and-file to keep the fight going.

Today we find ourselves entering into a neverending war against The Enemy again. President Bush's principal legacy will be starting the occupation of Iraq, which he fully expects will continue for decades and cost the U.S. taxpayer tens of billions of dollars every year it goes on. Where is this money going? Into the hands of people who then deliver just enough weapons to keep the fight going.

U.S. forces in Iraq are pathetically underequipped and undermanned like no U.S. force since 1942. Amazing how no matter how much money we spend, it doesn't fit our troops out with desert boots or armored vehicles. Isn't it? They really just have enough gear to keep them there, not enough to finish the fight. Odd, that.

Maybe us and the Iraqis are just another round of Crips and Bloods being hustled to dispense a product and collect a revenue.

Or maybe we're what all the nukes are for. Is it time to fight "Amergedden"?

Nice photo BTW.
Coolio Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 10:09PM

americans suck.
Neat_dracula Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 11:46PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 01:18AM

Yea Americans suck...funny........How about a one way ticket to the Ukraine and Chernobyl ya big poopy head