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Comments for: failure
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2007 08:39AM

FAILURE? Leaving one show that you brought a lot of ratings to so you can start your own show and talk about what you really want to, making lots more money, is failure?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2007 12:47PM

Saying carp that just isn't true is failure, like "fire can't melt steel". Check the LA interchange this morning.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2007 06:46PM

someone kill the cunt bitch angry
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2007 03:40AM

Ordering murders on line against a pro 911 truth person........

Looks like we're headed for Number 3....

All truth passes through three stages.

First, it is ridiculed.

Second, it is violently opposed.

Third, it is seen as self evident.

-Arthur Schopenhauer

hot smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2007 10:16AM

When something is purported to be the truth it usually isn't. Nothing that comes out of Rosie's mouth is the truth anyway.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2007 10:03PM

The jgoins propaganda, "the truth is a bunch of lies and the lies are lies unless the people I want to be right are saying them, then they speak the truth and the truth is right unless they're liars and if they're liars then they can speak the truth sometimes so it's not all lies and if they lie it's also the truth because... black is white and white is black... sometimes... unless......."
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2007 10:10PM

Just because you want to fuck a puppet blonde does not mean she speaks the truth, this stupid follower, is asked, Do you believe that Iraq had something to do with 911?... listen to her answer.... good pussy doesn't create good brain!

The Truth!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 02, 2007 12:36PM

Rosie O'Donnell lives a sheltered life in a gated community and people think she knows anything? She is not an authority on anything of which she speaks. She is only an expert at wasting oxygen and taking up space.

Look at a map of the middle east and you can see why Iraq has military significance. The reasons we invaded Iraq were valid at the time and jst because they no longer seem valid means nothing, we are there now and we will need to stay there for future military reasons.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 03, 2007 07:37AM

Doesn't anyone get sick of this shit, this, "well, we made a mistake but now we're in this position because of it and we can't just walk away from it now"...... what total premeditated propaganda, history is not supposed to repeat itself but people just can't seem to see things right in front of them, all you get are simpleton one liners to explain everything and it seems so simple to understand that people think it's right, they just can't believe that IT would happen to them....

Isn't it funny how people go on about "crazy conspiracies" but there are lots of things that have happened that do have hard evidence right there in everyone's faces, but, if that evidence was never found by someone digging in and looking for it you would never know it happened or was happening right then and there and if the evidence wasn't dug into then you would have people going off and calling whoever a crazy, loony, "conspiracy theorist".....

One of there main overall goals is to "control the people", it is a never ending destination......

Whenever they want to do something in the world, if they have to use Americans to do it, they will......


jgoin, I know you're not going to sit there and tell me that Lee Harvey Oswald was just a loony lone assassin! What are you, a conspiracy theorist?

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 03, 2007 12:17PM

Anonymous Wrote:

> One of there main overall goals is to "control the
> people", it is a never ending destination......
> Whenever they want to do something in the world,
> if they have to use Americans to do it, they
> will......
> []

These theories have been around for decades through many different administrations and it has no more to do with the Bush administration than it did Clinton or any of the others so why would now be any different than the past? I support the current administration because they are trying to do what needs to be done in the middle east and if the next administration will continue the fight I will support them as well. Terrorist countries need to be dealt with militarily or we will be hit with terrorist attacks over and over until they get the "great holy war" they desire.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 04, 2007 04:41AM

Bullshit, groups of guys living in caves do NOT threaten the world, if they had any kind of real power they would have used it long ago, you guys are brainwashed, right-wing propaganda to send you in one direction while they do things over in there own little worlds, it keeps you preoccupied with the wrong subject..... and when you go around bombing and killing cities, towns and villages all over the world that makes the people doing it way worse than the terrorist, the terrorist aren't getting that many people killed in 50 years, we do it in 5 years and then bitch about all the pain the terrorist cause, give it a break, the more America goes around fucking little countries the more terrorist we will have in the world, it is a Bush/Cheney "catch 22", that's the way they plan it, they cause it, then have to fix it, over and over and over again........ NWO!

Ray McGovern - CIA Veteran over 25 years

Brig. General John Johns

Goodfella - Gonzales

Why the Middle East?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 04, 2007 11:21AM

One thing radical Islam has is patience. They can wait until we become lax and drop our guard before attacking us again and attack us again they will. When we become too complacent again they will attack. They are not hiding in caves, they are living normal lives in the countries in the middle east which support terrorism and there are more of those countries than you think, not just Iran, Syria and Lebanon. They will attack us again, the only question is, will they be able to use some sort of nuclear weapon to do it? When it comes I just hope it will be in your city and not mine.