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Who do you love?

"a cartoon of a man and a man in military uniforms"

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Comments for: Who do you love?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 01:59PM

Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 02:50PM

All on the right new the risks of their jobs and did so accordingly.All but 17 on the left were murdered.You are a simple minded idiot.I fart in your general direction,and I really hope with your thought train they dont allow you to vote if your American.If not than I dont even know if your opinion is that important.With your lack of morals I assume you had to take time away from trolling school yards for your next boyfriend,or looting nursing homes.I certainly would not want anyone to forget how hard your job is sucking dick for crack.I will not keep you any longer as I know you must be feeming for some rocks so pucker up Mr.Bottom of the food chain.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 03:53PM

Go join an al-Qaida training camp in Afghanistan if you like the Osmama prick so much!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 08:17PM

You forgot the 25,000+ Iraqi's that Bush murdered, yes some of them were insurgents and terrorists, but lots of them were women and children. You also forgot the 15,000 American soldiers that came home wounded, after Bush cut their benefits. So they are both dicks.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 09:33PM

I strongly fear it is just a matter of time before the terrorists succeed in setting off a nuclear device in this country and when that day comes, life as we know it will change forever in ways we cannot even begin to imagine, and the (brave) idiot who created this cartoon will be the first to deny he had anything to do with this piece of work.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 09:40PM

John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 10:09PM

Shush, you. None of those count.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 30, 2005 01:00AM

Only a complete asshole would give this piece of bullshit any consideration at all. This is nothing more than inflammatory crap in its purest form.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 30, 2005 04:54AM

Hey Duane! I posted this earlier in the day and just wanted to clarify a few things for you. I couldn't tell if you were disgusted with me or the cartoonist, but his name is Ted Rall and mine is not. Yeah, I posted anonymously but only because I haven't registered yet. I love the site though seldom post pictures or messages. Sure, it's not Family Circus but sometimes Ted Rall is funny and sometimes he just pushes buttons. I personally don't like him because of his Dan Hellman lawsuit (google it). However, If I don't like him I can still appreciate his freedom of speech, and I certainly wouldn't start a worthy argument only to slip into shitty insults (Duane) because I was too ignorant to hold up my end of an informed discourse. As for your claim that the people on the right knew the risks involved: well first of all, yeah all military personel know the inherent risks, but don't they also deserve to know that they are involved in a war that is truly justified? Plus a lot of the troops are reservists and probably didn't forsee this boondogle. Oooh and then there's also the fact that Osama had nothing to do with Iraq. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Another thing Duane, your grammar is horrendous! I'm sure that I've got errors in mine but I'm not calling you "simple minded" either - although both you and your ugly mama are. Look, I don't like Osama. I wish that W would have gotten him. Instead, Osama is hiding out with Cobra Commander and Destro plotting his next attack and obviously scaring you and 229248 senseless. I don't want to rattle on any longer because I truly doubt that I can change your oppinion and that's okay because you're entitled to one just as I am - and my oppinion is that Osama and his ego, greed, racism, and fudamentalism is the cause of a number of American deaths, and the same can be said for W.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: October 30, 2005 06:10AM

A killer is a killer no matter what side there on. Justified or not.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 30, 2005 02:24PM

Hear, hear, toucansam.
destructor Report This Comment
Date: October 30, 2005 06:35PM

Osama Bin Laden for president! Vote Democrat!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 31, 2005 01:12PM

I heard we have killed 175000 + Iraqi's , yes 10% were civilians, women and children sorry about that, but look at it another way that's 157500 insurgents and terrorists. We have lost 2000 brave soldiers but on a percentage basis, we are killing our share of bad guys.
Truth_from_Georgia Report This Comment
Date: October 31, 2005 04:56PM

Look, let's all just admit that Iraq was a terrible mistake undertaken by people who really did not understand what they were getting into (anyone remember Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, former NSA to Pres. Bush the First telling them that before the war started?). Then we can get to issue number 2, which is that Osama is still sucking air. Which is not the way that it should be. Destructor -- all I know is that a Republican is President and for 5 years has been unable to catch the #1 Mass Murder wanted in the US. Perhaps it is time to give the Democrats a chance. They certainly cannot do worse than the "0-fer" that the Bush Administration has batted so far.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 31, 2005 10:02PM

no iraq was not a mistake yes he lied to us but saddam was a hitler worshiping leader who killed 100 of thousands of his own countiemen and women and children and called it ethnic cleansing. he used chemical weapons in his own country and his neighboring countries.if he had the chem. weapons he would of used them cause that is what he did in the 80's but everyone seems to forget his deathcamps and mass grave sites.i believe if you object to the war right now you probly would of felt the same in wwII against hitler.and we lost more soldiers in one day than weve lost in this war. so keep on protesting and be glad your not speaking german ,because if there were more people like you in the 40's we'de be speaking german.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: November 01, 2005 12:11AM

8166: Oh boo hoo, you care so much for oppressed Iraqis. That's fine. I do too. But why did the US support Pinochet when he took control of Chile and killed thousands? Or Noriega when he overlorded Panama? Or how about Musharraf, the military general who rules Pakistan? Or the oppression in East Timor? Or...

The U.S.'s sense of justice is selective: according to our (corporations') economic benefit. Once you realize that, you may lose your faith in the American Cause. Be warned.

Don't forget that Saddam was the U.S.'s buddy in the 80's, and we sold him plenty of weapons to fight Iran then, and "gas the Kurds".. etc.

This war is _nothing_ like fighting Hitler. Iraq was a toothless dragon by the time we invaded in 2003. Don't forget we had been bombing their infrastructure since 1990 with weekly sorties. They had little to respond with. Thus our rapid invasion and "taking" of Baghdad.

And we studied with Israel on how to conduct "urban warfare" and "interrogations" of "insurgents". (sarcasm) Making us all the more welcome in the region. (/sarcasm)
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 01, 2005 06:19AM

"they're" only our friends when its beneficial to us, when it's over they're the fall guy. case closed!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 01, 2005 02:53PM

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, it's always been that way with every country, nothing new..
Truth_from_Georgia Report This Comment
Date: November 01, 2005 03:16PM

8166: You seem to forget that we did not enter WW2 to take out Hitler. Although Roosevelt (Democrat) wanted to get in earlier to remove Hitler, he was blocked by the isolationists headed by, you guessed it, the Republicans. For that reason, we did not enter until Japan attacked us. We then declared war against Japan on December 8, 1941 and after that (due to treaty), Germany declared war against us on Dec 11, 1941. We did not declare war first against them. Don't even try to compare this to Hitler's Germany. (a) More Iraqis are dying every day now than during the Saddam years (a fact, Google it for yourself and use a bit of math); (b) as the present low-grade civil war in Iraq intensifies, who knows what sort of murderous regime will result in the end. The comparison to Hitler just affirms lack of touch with reality as well as general ignorance of the history you tout as proving your point.

238240: I guess that Iran is therefore our good friend, since they were bitter enemies of both Saddam and the Taliban. Glad to know that the Shi'ites (formerly known as "Shits" or "bad Arabs"winking
smiley are now the good guys and the Sunnis are the "bad Arabs." Gets confusing but at least Bill "Adulterer" O'Reilly and Rush "Druggie" Limbaugh are there to straighten it out for us.
Truth_from_Georgia Report This Comment
Date: November 01, 2005 03:23PM

"On the morning of December 11 the Government of Germany, pursuing the course of world conquest, declared war on the United States. The long-known and the long-expected has thus taken place. The forces endeavoring to enslave the entire world now are moving toward this hemisphere. Never before has there been a greater challenge to life, liberty and civilization. Delay invites great danger. Rapid and united effort by all of the peoples of the world who are determined to remain free will insure a world victory of the forces of justice and righteousness over the forces of savagery and of barbarism. Italy also has declared war against the United States.

I therefore request the Congress to recognize a state of war between the United States and Germany, and between the United States and Italy."

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Message to the Congress
December 11, 1941