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"Liberated" Iraqui Children
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"Liberated" Iraqui Children

"a man standing in front of a group of people"

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Comments for: "Liberated" Iraqui Children
Thomas Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2004 11:04PM

Sure if there is god Bush has to pay for this
pokey Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2004 05:56AM

This is what happens when an zealous, misguided country fucks around in a part of the world with even more zealous militants. Congratulations, Uncle Sam, you know this is all your fucking fault.
usa Report This Comment
Date: April 29, 2004 12:34AM

fuck you
pokey Report This Comment
Date: May 08, 2004 07:51AM

Hey usa if you had any respect or love for the country you blindly stand by you'd FUCKING CAPITALIZE THE LETTERS.
PissedRealist Report This Comment
Date: May 14, 2004 02:50AM

I'm tired of you fucking morons who don't understand ANYTHING. Consider for a moment how much leaders like Saddam value human life...they guy has PURPOSELY killed innocent men, women and look upon the USA who wanted Saddam out of power and gone...well we attack Iraq declare war there are casualties of war...the object is to KILL as many as you can of the enemy...without losses yourself. Accidents happen, innocent DIE...get the fuck over it...the USA does NOT purposely target civilians...but you know what? When tyrants attack to conquer other nations (examples: Nazi Germany, Soviet Union.) Civilians are PURPOSELY targeted, why you ask? Cause it makes a war end makes them feel the suffering and the USA DOES NOT purposely targeted civilians. Yet everyone seems to think we are the worst nation on the planet...when we are truly the most humane...for being the strongest nation in the world...I think you assholes should open your eyes and realize we are the most humane super power to ever exist...WAKE THE FUCK UP...and on a side note we will defend our nation of great power, great sense and great freedom...from all hostiles...Saddam's regime were hostile...and accidents happened during they're continuing defeat...get over it...
uncasam Report This Comment
Date: May 17, 2004 06:13PM

Cretin. Iraq had nothing to do with 911. And no weapons of mass destruction. The US was the agressor. Chimp wanted to invade Iraq from his first day in office. There was and is no excuse. Sure Saddam deserved to go, but not at the cost that the US has now built up. Learn the difference between their and they're, and also you should realise there are many countries with a lot more freedom than the USA. Sounds like you believe your own media propaganda
realist Report This Comment
Date: May 18, 2004 03:02AM

Media Propaganda...the Mainstream media propaganda hates Bush worse than I do. I hate him for his homeland stupidity and inability to make this country into what it needs to be back home. However in defending our nation he does a fine job. And there is weapons there that needed to be taken care of empty warheads and filled warheads. With plenty of sarin gas and mustard gas to fill all the empty warheads. So don't give me that shit about there being no threat from Iraq.
nona anne Report This Comment
Date: July 09, 2004 06:21PM

god bless the children of the world in peace and love. peace and love are the way
... Um? Report This Comment
Date: October 10, 2004 09:50AM

well it sounds like someone filled realist's "war head"
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 19, 2004 11:32PM

simpletons all of you
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2004 06:44PM

u americans r all mutherfuckers ,u go to someone's country and fuck everthing up and then have your fucking stuped ideas.I hope u all fuck off!!!!!
elcc Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2004 11:27PM

Yeah, pissedrealist, WE should really open our eyes....

*blink-blink* "Hey, I see stars and stripes!"
"No, wait, it's bombs dropping down!"
"Well what's the difference...?"
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 27, 2004 01:42AM

its not big, its not hard, and its not right. kids need to have a fun life!!! not pay with there lifes......
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 11:26PM

The funny thing is that U.S.A put Saddam to power in the first place. And later they complained that he didn't do as they told him...
histeria Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 02:08AM

how the hell can you put a picture of dead kids on your internet site
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: February 08, 2005 03:52AM

whats your point compared to past empires, the us is easily the most compassionate
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2005 06:45AM

All you fucking hippies can leave the USA or stop whining. Saddam did things 1000x worse than we could do to those people. And who says those pictures are from when we were there or from else where. That could easily be the Gaza strip or while Saddam was in power.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 12:04AM

war is the result of "if all else fails". loss of life always saddens me. Iraq should have behaved itself.
yourmamasucksitgood Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 07:38PM

May 13, 2004, 9:50 pm PissedRealist@14629 said :
I'm tired of you fucking morons who don't understand ANYTHING. Consider for a moment how much leaders like Saddam value human life...they guy has PURPOSELY killed innocent men, women and look upon the USA who wanted Saddam out of power and gone...well we attack Iraq declare war there are casualties of war...the object is to KILL as many as you can of the enemy...without losses yourself. Accidents happen, innocent DIE...get the fuck over it...the USA does NOT purposely target civilians...but you know what? When tyrants attack to conquer other nations (examples: Nazi Germany, Soviet Union.) Civilians are PURPOSELY targeted, why you ask? Cause it makes a war end makes them feel the suffering and the USA DOES NOT purposely targeted civilians. Yet everyone seems to think we are the worst nation on the planet...when we are truly the most humane...for being the strongest nation in the world...I think you assholes should open your eyes and realize we are the most humane super power to ever exist...WAKE THE FUCK UP...and on a side note we will defend our nation of great power, great sense and great freedom...from all hostiles...Saddam's regime were hostile...and accidents happened during they're continuing defeat...get over it...

wenom Report This Comment
Date: March 28, 2005 02:47AM

Clam down men! smiling
smiley Here in Israel we love USA!

War is war and like in all wars inosent got killed, i just hope it will not be me or my famely in another suisaide boming...
duane Report This Comment
Date: April 10, 2005 10:21AM

Yeah I think it has to do with the muslim religion where everyone else is considered to be inferior animals well you should look at it this way either you keep getting your asses kicked face to face by an inferior animal or your God hates you.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 11:36PM

I love the people who say "Leave or stop whining!" as if Americans have no right to FREE SPEECH! I may disagree with what you say, but I will fight for your right to say it......