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Go George
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Go George

"a man in a suit holding a flag"

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Comments for: Go George
Mr_Sarcasm Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 02:00PM

Best sarcastic post EVER!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 02:13PM

he IS the best president. God knows for which country....
MJM Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 02:32PM

1. It isn't sarastic!
2. Obviously not your country, you ignorant commie jerk-off!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 03:12PM

Well lets see he personally started a war (which now he now admits for the wrong reason)with a country that was no threat to anyone but our real enemy Al Quita .He has done the best job campaigning for election by suckering the religious right. See "2004 the choice" A PBS film
Bob Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 03:29PM

STOP COMPLANING. Just make sure when his term is over you vote for someone who isn't a fascist jerk-off!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 03:51PM

Bob....if the man voted, he has a right to bitch.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 04:41PM

anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 04:43PM

He is taking his orders like the past, and future presidents.
The reason we went to war was for oil. Oil is power. Oil is freedom. without oil, the American economy, and machine, will stall.
I need that oil.
I need to get to work. which of you that oppose this war walk to work, never use the Bus, cabs, or Planes?
The food you eat is harvested by Diesel driven Combines, delivered by Diesel driven trucks, refrigerated by electricity from oil-driven generating plants.
The liberals won't let us drill our own oil in Alaska, They halted exploration in Texas and the Gulf.
Think before you speak
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 04:44PM

Fuck you all why dont u stop watching left winged tv and listening to left winged news and look at what he has actually done for the world.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 05:34PM

Why don't you stupid fucking liberal faggots just go back to looking a Rasputin's dick and leave the rest of the world alone.
jop Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 06:31PM

You're all awful big to hide behind anonymous. What an army of support.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 06:48PM

rasputin? 34161 you sure know a lot about dicks
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 06:50PM

bush is the best WMD
stussy_demon Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 07:37PM

Tiw Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 07:59PM

22920, you seem to think that the world would not be able to meet it's demand for oil if you couldn't take Iraq's, have you forgotten about the rest of the oil in the middle-east, Russia, China, Europe, America not to mention oil from off-shore drilling operations? You also fail to mention other sources of fuel such as solar, wind, water and even nuclear and other sources being developed as we speak, indeed some people claim we have alternatives now but that they are supressed and hidden from the mainsteam population.
anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 08:54PM

Whoa!!!! The Clinton Admin's EPA and NRC stopped all Future implementation of Nuke power, except for Fusion, which is only to be tested offshore.
Try to run a semi-truck on Solar power.
A power company wanted to set up a small wind farm in massachusetts, The kenneddys and Kerry's said"Not in MY backyard"

For the record, Bush budgeted 225 million in grants towards Fuelcell Technologies(Buy one of the stocks, Fuelcell technologies FCEL, Nasdaq)
Also look at hydrogen Generation, also 100 million in Grants.

There is more oil in the Caspian than under saudi, The Russians needed to export it in the 70's to fund their Nuke Sub Fleet, We helped Afghanistan stop them.
Now we need thir Oil, the Taliban would give us grief, so we pull 9/11 to get the American people on our side, go after a fictional Enemy(bin Laden) (Do any of you know him in person? I hear the guy that plays him is a comvience store clerk in Cleveland)Now WE are building that Pipeline, and the Soviet sattelite countries around the caspian are fighting over royalties.

I also Seem to remember, that when our troops finally controlled a portion of afghanistan stretching from the North to the South, Putin was in Texas, and He and GW announced Russia as a new supplier of oil, which Pissed off OPEC, which, in turn, Increased production, which, in turn, Temporarily lowered the market cost of Oil per 1000 gallon contract.

So There!
anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 08:58PM

I also recall How OPEC started cutting back production (raising the contract price)because of so-called "Ethnic Cleansing" of muslims by Christians in Bosnia (kosovo) and Didnt increase production(To lower the price) until WE sent troops over there to Stop it.

We were fighting a De Facto Religious war for the Arabs.

Fuck the Muslims, Kill them all.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 10:36PM

anonymous@22920 EVERYBODY needs oil not just the U.S., including left wing liberals and the rest of the world. You're right, cheap available energy is vital to mankind's standard of living. Look at how much energy it takes to melt steel so we can make durable goods, melt plastic, drive the injection machines, drive the heavy machinery, it never ends. It is involved in every stage of the economy. NOTHING will be as cheap and available as fossil fuels. When it starts to run out, people when then look back on our time as an incredibly age of abundance. Nuclear, solar, wind: they will never be as abundant as fossil fuels, and according to supply and demand, the price will be very high. Only critical applications will be fed. The big hope of course is Hydrogen power. Well you know what? Hydrogen is only a storage medium for energy. The energy must come from somewhere to create the hydrogen gas, it does not exist in that form naturally. This energy comes from powerplants fired by coal or oil/gas. Electric cars only force more coal powerplants to be built. Nuclear plants are now considered too risky and expensive to maintain, and the waste is so incredibly toxic nobody knows what to do with it. And IF the motivation for the Iraq invasion was oil, don't stoop so low as to believe that the US is somehow pumping it to Texas for free. It will be because the US and the rest of the world, cannot risk a madman having control of a vital resource, and being able to blackmail the Western world. The US would probably be very happy if a moderate government just sold it for fair market prices.
anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 11:19PM

Ahh yes, Well put. But I do not believe that the oil goes to Texas.
Most of it goes through the Gulf to Refineries in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Indiana.(I live near Quite a few of them)

Use solar Power to create electricity to cause electrolysis of water(Drop a 9 volt battery in a Glass of water with a pinch of salt in it and see what happens)

Kill the Muslims. only the Muslims. Kill them all
anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 11:22PM

Oh, and one more thing..... My first job was at US Steel Gary Works. Steel is made by burning some of the gases that are by-products of Coke oven gas, which is trapped when Coal is pulverized and Baked. the Electrical power is even generated on-site, and some of the gas is re-routed to Fire the Ovens. completely self-sustaining. On Coal. Yes. Coal. From Minnesota. And Illinois. Coal. Yes. Coal.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 11:39PM

I'm not sure what you're getting at. Do you know how many solar panels it would take to provide substantial energy to a burgeoning world population? I don't know but I assume you would have cover massive tracts of land with them that you could probably see from orbit. It would be prohibitively expensive. That cost would be passed on. Not only that, but in the production of said panels a toxic waste is produced. When oil starts to run out, competition for alternative energy sources such as coal will skyrocket, and so goes the price. The bottom line is that nothing can be as cheap and abundant as something that can be pumped from the ground and cheaply processed by a cracking plant.
Nyninchr Report This Comment
Date: February 02, 2005 11:51PM

Great! Then Lets go kill some Towel heads and TAKE the Oil!!!!!!!
More Oxygen for me.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2005 04:10AM

Exactly right, turn that area to glass, I'm not going there on vacation anyway. I don't care if they drill through a reindeer's head in Alaska if it keeps the oil flowing.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2005 01:56PM

Best president ever if you're an oil exec. Butt-sucking fool of a president.
Bob Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2005 03:30PM

fuck this liberal shit chatter. if you really hate this guy so much get rid of him!
nyninchr Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2005 09:00PM

right. The liberals only hate him because he's a republican, and the Media tells them that is the thing to do.

Do you really know if GW Sucks Butts? I like to suck my wife's ass, lick it good, does that make me a bad guy? does it make you a bad guy if you do it to your womans's ass?
bush is bad because he likes to pleasure his wife. Hmmmm....
Clinton is OK because he accepted pleasure from another. hmmmmmm.....

So the way that it works, If you are a giving person, people will not like you, an dif you are a Taking person, people will adore you.
somehow, to me, that doesn't seem right...
Is he a fool? I do not know him personally.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 05, 2005 01:14AM

only morons who dont have a fucking clue would think he is the best president. he isnt even a GOOD president.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 05, 2005 03:55AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 05, 2005 07:11AM

that's why God made smart people. to manage the less intelligent.
Gravity_Buoy Report This Comment
Date: April 05, 2005 06:39AM

George W. Bush is not smart.

Herman_Goering_Hitlers_ReichMa Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2005 06:23AM

"Naturally, the common people don't want war,but after all, it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag people along whether it is a democracy, or a facist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.This is easy. all you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country."
strife Report This Comment
Date: May 11, 2005 10:01AM

Why is it the liberals continually attempt to bring up Nazism with Bush. Try this on for size... Facism agrees with Liberialism half of the time.

For instance, in Facism, just like in Communism, in order to control the populace you have to have a government takeover of industry. I have yet to see Bush do any of that. Liberals want the government balls deep in industry through taxes and regulations.

In Facism, gun-control is required once again to control the population. I haven't seen Bush do that. Liberals continually attempt to limit and in some cases entirely ban the use of firearms.

Besides, that incredibly overused quote was given by a facist, who naturally is going to think it is the role of government to control people. That's a core belief of facism.
Hillary_Clinton Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2005 08:31PM

George Bush is the Best President ever!!!

He has good Policies.

He is a great leader.

He is one honest man.

Hillary Clinton