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Re: Image comments for 50°F Wut!
Posted by: Mrkim
Date: 27/06/2013 12:47AM
For us here it's a slow burn from May to September that peaks in late July to mid August.

I often ask northern transplants if they just felt a need for an additional few months of hell in their diet smiling bouncing smiley

From June to September it dudn matter whether you're comin into Texas from the north, east or west, the further you head south the browner the landscape gets. About the only upside to our summers is there's so little rain the grass dudn need a lotta cuttin between May and September. Even if it does rain, in a day or so it's all dried up and it never gets a chance for the grass to get any moisture.

If you live in town and have a nice lawn you'll almost need a 2nd mortgage to pay off the water bill to maintain a beautiful lawn this time of year.

BTW, this Texan did manage to get the worst sunburn of my entire life while canoein in Canada. Sittin crosslegged in a canoe all day while paddlin across all those marvelous lakes was tough on the skin, but it was so hot our last day out I (illadvisedly) kept splashin water on my already sunburned legs to cool 'em off (which acted like addin a magnifying glass to the already beamning sun!) and ended up with a 3rd degree sunburn on our last day out (*facepalm*)

I literally had blisters larger than my mondo monkey sized paws on my inner upper legs and then strips of blisters down the insides of my lower legs that had to be bandaged from the bottom edge of my shorts all the way to my socks for the entire 3 day road trip back home. And lemme tellya it was NOT pretty nor sweet smellin when those blisters popped and soaked my bandages on our second day of the trip (throwup)

smoking smiley

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