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The Entire World Wants a Throw
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The Entire World Wants a Throw

"a group of people in a courtroom"

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Comments for: The Entire World Wants a Throw
aspie Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2008 01:37AM

shoe toss for pres
te he he he
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2008 09:09AM

Bush43 is such a douchebag .. that he doesn't even acknowledge

that the entire world thinks he is a dumbass .. and hates him ...

I hope he dies .. in short time .. so he never knows just how hated he is
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2008 12:05PM

I hope I see just as much hatred for Obama as I saw for Bush. What will come under Obama will make Bush look like a choir boy.
aspie Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2008 12:45PM

it is not known yet because it did not happen yet
you have to take into consideration all of the dimensions, one of them being all of the symbolism behind said man, and will it make once unpopular phenomena resulting from the shoe thrown one now popular:
will it become popular, the policies under the br now under the or?

stay tuned...
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2008 12:48AM

jgoins ... you are still an idiot

Bush43 was the biggest fuckup in American history.

Bush43 should not only get hit by shoes.

He should be in jail.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2008 12:02PM

Ah beast, you still can't make a point without insults. You still haven't produced any proof Bush did anything illegal nor has anyone else. Just because you don't agree with anything he did does not make it illegal.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2008 09:52PM

The now retired most senior judge in Britain has said the war in Iraq is illegal, and he ought to know, he was until recently the most senior judge in Britain. Strange that he should wait until retirement before speaking out... Just because Bush & Blair & friends have not been prosecuted does not mean they have not broken any laws. Jgoins, your mom broke the law when she conceived you but was she prosecuted? No. (Aside from having you as a son, of course winking
smiley )
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2008 10:17PM

allegations and convictions are different thingies Z.eye
rolling smiley
nic Report This Comment
Date: December 18, 2008 12:09AM

what was done was criminal, whether the criminal is apprehended or not which is entirely up to the population, democracy, but wielded by said populations instead of against them as is being done now
it thinks what is to be the question now is how do these bad guys get away all of the time and what type of system would allow for this and for these to be in the position of doing these things in the first place, and then what is its worth and then out of irony: said its value
and then it should appear as what its history lies, within it
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: December 18, 2008 01:24AM

Beast your just a little bitch as that guy is... What's next,ya gonna want somebody to pull his hair
nic Report This Comment
Date: December 18, 2008 10:27AM

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 18, 2008 12:00PM

Just because a retired justice in Britain says the war was illegal does not make it illegal. Produce evidence of a crime being committed instead of just saying it was illegal.
nic Report This Comment
Date: December 18, 2008 08:56PM


is not much... too lazy though to find the real list online somewhere buried under piles of porno which is the need for a new movement to burn down the internet and start over again
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 19, 2008 12:50PM

Well congress is the only ones who can impeach the President and they don't seem to believe there is evidence to do it.

No need to burn down the Internet. I can find anything I am looking for without dealing with porn. Besides I and billions of others like the porn or they would not be making the money they do now. Since porn is becoming the highest paid product in the world it seems to have overwhelming support. Leave our porn and our guns alone.
nic Report This Comment
Date: December 19, 2008 01:33PM

never you mind, i am apologize for the confusion of talking over its head. i understand you live somewhere else where 6 billion people practice islam within the u.s. alone! and also where there has never been a crime committed in the name of christianity (one is making an assumption for the latter). one could also assume that w is a true hero for not just the u.s. but for all of humanity, in the universe said one lives in
pulse Report This Comment
Date: December 19, 2008 01:42PM

Yeah. Think about it. It's all relative to the price of sausages.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2008 01:09AM

You still haven't produced any proof Bush did anything illegal nor has anyone else

Actually ... it has been proven ..

Straight from Cheney's mouth ...
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2008 01:10AM

they don't seem to believe there is evidence to do it.

No ... they have the evidence ... but chose not to do it ...
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2008 01:15AM

somebody slap me, i think i just agreed with beast! eye
popping smiley
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2008 08:44AM

Save your strength ...

The Ravens ... are going to slap the Cowgirlz on Sat.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2008 12:07PM

Ever wonder why, if they had enough evidence for impeachment, a democrat controlled congress didn't go ahead with the impeachment?
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2008 03:14PM

The ravens better win tonight or say bye bye to the playoffs beastie the
finger smiley
nic Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2008 03:38PM

Ever wonder why, if they had enough evidence for impeachment, a democrat controlled congress didn't go ahead with the impeachment?

now you're beginning to ask the correct questions
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2008 11:23PM

Ever wonder why, if they had enough evidence for impeachment, a democrat controlled congress didn't go ahead with the impeachment?

Ever wonder how the REPUBLICAN controlled Senate ... would have voted against impeachment ?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2008 11:25PM

now you're beginning to ask the correct questions

Have you been smoking crack with jgoins ?

The Republicans have controlled the Senate during the time on any impeachment talk
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2008 01:27AM

Silly beast..the democrats have controlled everything except the presidency for the past two years..get your facts straight dumbass
nic Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2008 02:38AM

lol (smokes crack with jgoins)
dems, reps both parties are contradictions within the same rulers of u.s.
since 2006 illegal wars have continued and will continue during its period of the or, it is necessity for an older society, but it is nolonger necessity, hence making it a crime... thus why its question was a good one despite the outlook of the br actions not being criminal:
why not have dems done anything about merely impeachment even then? the answer is it is not in their interests because their interests are in the abstract the same as the reps because they are both parties for a particular class, this is obvious if one analysis to democracy when being applied in the type of nation as u.s. for example is actually dictatorship and has always been, although not remaining the same as this has gone through changes and become much more difficult for rulers to manage, but at its very foundation of u.s. and other countries it is old and foolish to continue to grasp onto, one can make this summation through dialectical analysis of this particular materialist occurrance... on crack /sarcasm
but this same fact is what makes the actions of the br criminal, and why was it even given the opportunity to commit the (recent-on an historical level of analysis) atrocities... because the whole system is criminal
this is why one such as i never does support any candidate or any party that within the interests of the rulings, which can only commit crimes because the whole damn system is criminal one, old and not necessary, and dogmatic of said rulers to hold onto these dark ages, so there is only one way to get out of the nightmare
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2008 06:41AM

why not have dems done anything about merely impeachment even then?

Hey MORON ... yes you .. NIC the small dick ..

Republicans controlled the Senate until Jan 20 2009 ..

so it was pointless ..

nic Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2008 12:41PM

lol one shouldn't laugh because it is kind of sad
so many with your whole world outlook itself is why there is not been impeachment
it really is been criminal the way so many have been kept ignorant of scientific thinking and method
it has also helped develop the paranoia that the br has controlled everything, which is a good thing is not been the case, you have no understand the workings of the monstrosity, and will only lead to them to support the continuation of the crimes while being committed under the or
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2008 12:42PM

Beast you had better check again. Dems have had control of house and senate since 2006. Why didn't they impeach over the last 2 years. Maybe because there was no evidence of any crimes committed?
nic Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2008 03:55PM

"no evidence of any crime" is have no understanding of all the facts
but the dems have power, is not that impeachment is in the interests, then molded said its mind into having the sheep logic as: no conviction = no crime
then other sections of its population do have the sense of the crimes, but a lot are still being tricked to believe it is the solution to rely on a wing that will commit the same crimes
it is the dogmatist approach common , common sense, and all the crimes will continue until we treat this scientifically
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2008 08:52PM

Beast you had better check again.

I don't have to check again .. ROOKIE ...

Dems don't have control of the Senate ... so there is no point ..
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2008 08:53PM

Maybe because there was no evidence of any crimes committed?

Nope ... the evidence has been there .. but it would be pointless ..

I prefer convictions after they leave office anyway ...
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2008 11:25PM

Paraguay grinning smiley
nic Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2008 05:33AM

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2008 12:05PM

Never gonna happen.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 18, 2009 03:03PM

the obama gestapo is coming for you.