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freedom of speech, for the dc beast...
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freedom of speech, for the dc beast...

"a group of soldiers standing in front of a flag"

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Comments for: freedom of speech, for the dc beast...
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 06:15AM

These men are not protecting any american's right to free speech.

The american colonists and founding fathers defended my right to speak freely.

Iraq and the phone "war on terrorism" is not about protecting american freedoms. It is about killing former CIA asssets and those who object to american imperialism.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 06:16AM

How does it feel to be a mercenary for the Shia of Iraq ?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 08:49AM

What a Wack-Jab, Lonney U R beast.
an_AmericanSoldier Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 09:06AM

DC, these men fight and die on a daily basis, so your fat lazy ass dose not have to, they have families, hopes and dreams, just as im sure that you may have, in some sort of lonley, twisted and sick way, they dont ask for your respect, nor for your unkind words, as a matter of fact, they ask for very little, and, it is because of these meen and women, that you mat be allowed to open your meely mouth in unkind ways, the soldiers in this picture, and the thousands that came before them have fought and died on battle filds all over this planet to ensure your right to act like a dipshit, what have you done for your country, beside belittle it, and show it what a true patriot should NOT be, you should get on your knees every day, and thank god that these men and women exist, for without them, you sir, are nothing more than a whining piece of shit, if theer is a hell, there is a special place in it for people like you, where you will be tortured by the accuser, until the end of time....
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 09:20AM

DC.. Take your gibberish somewhere else. Your mental condition has been pointed out to you before but you appear to lack the capacity to heed the advice of those who would benefit from your passing.
tribucian Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 09:54AM

My roommate pointed out yesterday that these were all volunteers, not draftees. Sadly this is true, but it is a Catch-22 situation. They volunteer so they will not be drafted. If there were no volunteers, the draft would be used, and those same soldiers would still end up in Iraq, only then it would be at someone else's choosing
90130 Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 10:02AM

Semper Fi, 8882.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 10:16AM


These men fight for BS. As a former US servicemen, I take offense at idea of being a mercenary in an internal civil war.

I don't care if they have families, dreams and other BS. If they violate international law like the Geneva conventions (the law that protects soldiers from unlawful treatment) then they are no longer operating justly.

Choosing sides in a civil war is UNJUST by any measure.

Do not try to link this unjust cause to WWII. The last just cause.

That was the only other time the american way of life was in peril.

Vietnam. BS. Korea. BS. Grenada. BS. Panama (Noriega) BS.

Patriots do not paticipate in the war crimes of others. Current US military participating in Iraq are accomplices to crimes against humanity.

Any time you want to show up in DC, I will show you the MFing way.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 10:18AM


I have the ability to shrug off moron ideology that can't be supported by reason or law.
an_AmericanSoldier Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 12:48PM

you did exsactly what as a us service man, serve chow, in a nameles field exercise, and then, board with your on inept ability to improve your self, ended your time in service, to lead a life of ignorance and decadance?, you are not an american, you are a wanna be, if you were ever a soldier, then you must know this....."ours is not to question, ours is only to do" as a soldier, you follow orders, and when your ass is on the fuckin line, then, you better be prepared to defend it or die, and one more thing you spineless jelly fish, dont fuckin threatin me, you may end up seeing your own entrails...
an_AmericanSoldier Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 12:52PM

my fight with you will never be over beast, i will not rest until you are exposed, and run fleeing in terror from my great nation, i will ohund you until the ends of this earth, only to smile while watchng you die in your own fear and excriment, when that time comes, let the world rejoice in the passing of one more unsaveable soul, yours....
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 12:55PM

"ours is not to question, ours is only to do"
is about the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Knowlwdge is power, ignorance is bliss.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 12:56PM

typing is a skill
an_AmericanSoldier Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 01:23PM

and education is a must if you expect to win this fight zxz
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 04:40PM

aDCBeast...take your meds
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 05:44PM

Who the fuck do you think you are AmericanSoldier? You sound like a lame Sgt. Slaughter rip off, and he sucked in the first place! Take your helmet off so you can pull your head out of your ass.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 06:46PM

goverment killers is all..........
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 06:53PM

US soldiers pledge to defend the constitution, iraq was never a threat to our way of life or our constitution.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 07:03PM


You will never do jack shit to find anyone. You are in fact the poser. You are not US military at all.

Nice try geek.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 02:22AM

Hey Beast,Im a former soldier and I could take you like a cheap whore,and with beer goggles just might.ZXZ the point he was trying to make is that when you question authority in the millitary you loose your advantage.Plus you end up in alot of trouble unless its waranted but that is not happening in Iraq.If these freedom fighters(terrorists)wish to blow up there own people to prove there point then they committ the crime not the U.S.If they hide among the women and children then they are cowards and murderers,not brave or martyrs.Sadam has been a constant thorn in our side and was going to get worse if the French and Russians convinced the UN to lift the sanctions against them.The whole time UN insiders were breaking the rules of the oil for food program.I see nothing lost by taking out Sadams government or for that matter Irans if they get to cocky!These people are not democrats or republicans they are fundamentalist and with them its all or nothing so these future terroists are going to be regardless of what you think as long as it seems to be in the good grace of there fundamentalist religion.Taking away any power they have will make them regroup and rethink thier strategy.However you look at it,its about power.If you have nothing against fundamentalists and persuit of power then you should stop debating with the religious right.One thing our founding fathers had was pride in what they were creating and the belief in the system that they created.This is something you dont have and your angry with anyone who does and disagrees with you.I feel sorry for you Beast,if your not paid to do what you do then the people around you in your life must hate seeing how miserable it is for you to live in the greatest country on earth.Thats if your not taking the same tone with them that you do with the people on this site.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 03:34AM

""ours is not to question, ours is only to do" as a soldier, you follow orders, and when your ass is on the fuckin line, then, you better be prepared to defend it or die"

--- Exactly right. Soldiers don't think, they just follow orders. But if the orders are morally wrong, does that mean that the soldiers following them are morally wrong too?

Ok, so I'll give that the soldiers are in a bit of a catch-22 as Duane points out: if you disobey your superiors, you can end up in a personal hell.

However, DC *does* have a point, as does 18340: Iraq never posed a threat to the US.

The lies we were fed about WMD and Iraq's alleged ability to "hit the US in :45min" was a big pile of B.S. fed to the U.S. population (and the military) in order to engage in a war for ulterior motives. The U.S. illegally invaded a nation w/ a paper-thin pretext, and has unleashed a Pandora's Box of hellfire and cultural infighting that will not be settled any time soon. Way to go USA!

Now Duane, your point about "I see nothing lost by taking out Saddam's govt or for that matter Irans if they get cocky"... is a reflection of US ego-centric thinking. Who is the USA to impose or demand anything of any soverign country? No nation is required to act according to the dictates of the USA, any more than the USA is required to act according to the whims and desires of China (e.g.).

Our track record of setting up and supporting dictators in other countries disqualifies the USA from any moral high-ground (Pinochet, Noriega, Saddam, Ayatollah Komeini, any central american military junta, the list goes on).

If you say "might makes right", which is all the USA has to go on at this point, then that also justifies Saddam's regime, as well as China's.

Now, the soldiers are largely innocent pawns in this. The foreign policy decisions of their superiors are not their doing... they are just largely ignorant (and unhappy) grunts doing shit work. I personally don't blame the soldiers, they are doing as they have been trained. May God rest their souls in peace.

But the objectives that they are sent towards are faulty. The occupation of Iraqi lands is a violation of international law. The US is at fault in this particular 'conflict'.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 03:35AM

oh who cares.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 03:49AM

"Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under." -- H.L. Mencken
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 04:32AM


All of the comments directed at me on this site are because I have the ballz to say the truth.

No WMDs. That means there was no justification for war. The WMD story was a LIE. A known LIE. To trick mom and pop middle america into swallowing the Bush plan for taking down a powerless dictator in Saddam.

Well if someone cries wolf and their cries are based on lies then I am going to do something about it.

1) The person's who cried wolf can only be perceived as a LIAR.
2) When those lies cause people's deaths, they should be removed from any position of power.
3) then they should be prosecuted.

Making excuses for lawbreaking that cost thousands of people their lives is unacceptable.

As a soldier you should feel shame that the armed forces were used to carry out a mission based on a known LIE.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 04:48AM

Fun Facts:

A 1,600-inmate faith-based prison opened in Crawfordville, Florida. Police began random bag checks of subway passengers in New York City. *It was revealed that the CIA had set up a secret system of prisons, called "black sites," around the world* ; *it was also revealed that the National Security Agency was spying on Americans without first obtaining warrants.* Journalist Judith Miller was released from jail and said she wanted to hug her dog. U.S. Congressman Tom DeLay was arrested; U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby was indicted. The Pentagon admitted to using white phosphorus during the 2004 attack on Fallujah, Iraq, and allocated $127 billion to build a robot army. *The total number of American soldiers killed in the Iraq war rose to 2,174, while the total number of Iraqi civilians killed rose to 27,636. "We are all waiting for death," said an Iraqi soldier, "like the moon waiting for sunset."* *The U.S. Defense Department, in violation of the federal Privacy Act, was building a database of 30 million 16- to 25-year-olds.* The Department of Homeland Security announced that it had wasted a great deal of money and needed much more. Starbucks came to Guantanamo Bay. Scientists began work on a complete, molecule-level computer simulation of the human brain. The project will take at least ten years.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 05:01AM

On January 2, 2006, 10:18 am aDCBeast said :
I have the ability to shrug off moron ideology that can't be supported by reason or law.

I believe my suggestion "Your mental condition has been pointed out to you before but you appear to lack the capacity to heed the advice of those who would benefit from your passing."
Can be supported by any reasonable person who reads this site on a regular basis..
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 06:39AM

Who are you beast to claim that anyone is a fake as a soldier. You being the one who has constantly avoided my questioning of you military service with simple questions that any soldier of your supposed training would know. You are a coward and a FAKE.
OH and if you would like me to repost my questions I will gladly do so, just to be constantly fair to you, by giving you endless amounts of time to prove yourselve once and for all.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 07:53AM

GOODMAN: We're talking to Robert Fisk, correspondent for the Independent newspaper in Britain. He has just come out of Iraq where he has spent the last month. He is back in Beirut where he is based. Robert, the hospitals, you spent a good amount of time there. Can you describe what you saw and perhaps what we're not seeing. If you can follow our coverage at all here in the United States.

FISK: Well as a matter of fact this afternoon, I took several roles of film...real film, not digitized camera film into my film development shop here, and was looking again at the film of children who'd been hit by American cluster bombs in Hilla and Babylon whom I took photographs of. I'm rather shocked at myself for taking pictures of people in such suffering. I would have to say, and one must be fair as a correspondent, that I think that the Iraqis did position military tanks and missiles in civilian areas. They did so deliberately; they did so in order to try and preserve their military apparatus in the hope that the Americans would not bomb civilian areas. The Americans did bomb civilian areas. They may or may not have destroyed the military targets; they certainly destroyed human beings and innocent civilians.

War is a disgusting, cruel, vicious affair. You know, I say to people over and over again: war is not about primarily victory or defeat, it's primarily about human suffering and death. And if you look through the pictures, which I have beside me now as I speak to you, of little girls with huge wounds in the side of their faces made by the pieces of metal from cluster bombs, American cluster bombs, it's degoutant, as the French say, disgusting to even look at. But I have to look at them. I took these pictures.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 07:54AM

Cluster bombs, to reiterate a tired point, are illegal under the Geneva Convention, to which the US is a signatory.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 08:07AM

Cluster bombs: illegal.
White phosphorous: illegal.
Torture: illegal.
Invasion: illegal.

What else is the US doing that is illegal?

Why did we actually invade Iraq? Please, tell me the truth, and not the "WMD" or "to get rid of a dictator" bullshit.

If the USA was invaded by a more powerful enemy, what would you do to repel the invaders? Hmm?! What would you do. Would you cut the heads off the invading troops? Would you serve them tea? Would you shoot them from sniper positions? Would you wire carbombs? Would be an informer and tell them where the insurgent positions were? Would you hide amidst the local people to disguise yourself? Would you lie to them? Would you knife them in the kidneys? Would you suicide bomb their ships in the harbor? What, exactly, would you be willing to do to repel an invading force??
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 08:28AM


Sure Duane.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 04:27PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 09:54PM

i assure you i am not duane, though i will assume that you would assume the same thing even if i chose to have a user login
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 09:59PM

by the way is there anything else you enjoy other than stirring the masses with political horseshit (all politics are horseshit). Do you fish, play the guitar, do anything constructive or relaxing. If you do have a hobby other than politics i would suggest posting some pics of what you like and maybe, just maybe i will think you are human. Otherwise your rhetoric is a little tiring and robotic to say the least.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2006 04:30AM


You're going to have to think I'm not human.

How about sitting back and wait to see if the shit I say is true or happens in the future ?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2006 04:44AM

are you have good times making many enemies aDCB?
i'm warning for YOU.
todays friends could be tomorrows enemy.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2006 04:52AM

On January 4, 2006, 4:30 am aDCBeast said :

You're going to have to think I'm not human.

How about sitting back and wait to see if the shit I say is true or happens in the future ?

You deserve no more time for your opinions than you have allowed for others. Tell me why should i contemplate your thoughts when you are closed to others?

By the way you never seem to like to answer the simple questions or any question for that fact.

You have a very anti-socratic method of logic. The majority of your comments are pointed statements. Yet you never seem to give reponse to ligetamate questions. How do you expect to convert anyone with the hope that you can say "i told you so". If you are right you are only turning people away from your thoughts.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2006 06:09AM

It's pretty easy to tell in all this verbage who is informed and who is not. After Afganistan was secured, there would have been no invading Iraq if the terrorists had laid low for a while. All the evidence from Clintons administration pointed to problems in Iraq. The invasion was not against Iraq per se but against supporters of Al Queda and the Talaban. I'll bet all you terrorist supporters would like to see Iraq back the way it was with Sadam in charge. Apparently you think he is a nice guy. Ask the thousands of families that were terminated by him and his ilk because they said something much less harmfull than you do in these blogs. You ought be glad some one else is over there doing the dirty work for you so you don't have to face the East 5 times a day and pray in Arabic.
History repeats itself. Let dictators of this ilk survive to opress its people and it will turn to others to opress until they are stopped or they conquer the world. You can't just sit back and see what happens, you have to do something to change the course of events or get become one of the opressors victims. Show me one GOOD dictator. This government will fail also if it keeps listening to liberals and those politians who want to raise their income beyond the capacity of the people to pay. We are getting close. We need to clean house and return to our conservitive roots.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2006 08:09AM

Just in passing, I'll note that none of the posters here have taken on my comments. They persist in attacking DCBeast with ad hominium ("attack the man"winking
smiley assaults - labelling his character and dealing nothing with the substance. Granted, DC does largely the same by insulting people back, which basically baits them into pointless firefights.

I dare someone to take on the substance of what he, or I, are saying.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2006 05:49PM


Because unlike you, I have more info than you. That info is getting out slowly but you all fight it every step of the way.


Afghanistan is not secured. That is Manure.

The government was microscopic so overthrowing it was easy. Especially since the rebels were far less armed than those in Iraq.

Saddam should have been removed the legal way. What the US has done is illegal.

Saddam was not a dictator. He had very little little power in his own country which made his more of a figure head. The secret police and higher divisions of of the army did their own thinking and killing. The CIA and DIA know that. Your average american does not know this.

The government in Iraq is going to fail no matter what liberals or politicians say about it.
The country is having a civil war as we speak and the US military is the referee.

When the US leaves the government will be overthrown by pissed off Sunnis because securing Iraq is not what the Shia care to do.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2006 05:52PM


What enemies ? Oh you chumps? No challenge there.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2006 05:56PM

what makes you think you know more than me dc, is it your so-called government job. You must believe you are the only connected individual then.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2006 08:28PM

13573: You got some facts? Bust 'em out, yo. So far you've only unleashed lame insults.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2006 10:30PM

Am i not to question someone else's logic, John_Stone? I make no counterpoints because their have been no answers to my question. I want to know who,what,when,where, and why, and yet still all the "facts" you "busted out" are less than tangible. So prove to me why i should think your way. Please don't repeat the news to me, i can watch or read the sensationalism when i want to.

And please don't tell me that when you and dc beast make statements (biased) that they are facts. They just end up as conspiracy theories. Though to your credit John_Stone when you do occassionally take off you mind reader's hat and actual state undisputable facts (us sponsored dictators).
I just have no need to argue with things that i agree on, but i will question "facts" that seem biased
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 05, 2006 07:32AM


No one has delivered more than I. What I have said has come true.

And it's not because I'm Nostradamus.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 05, 2006 11:30AM

Well, you can't be Nostradamus =and= God, can you?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 06, 2006 05:17AM

You might. God in supposed to be in everything.