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what really happened
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what really happened

"a man and woman shaking hands"

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Comments for: what really happened
Phil_Harmonic Report This Comment
Date: December 04, 2009 03:07PM

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 04, 2009 04:06PM

If this is such a "dead horse" issue it might ought to be explained to the puppetmasters legal team who have continued to block every attempt in court to hand over the documents that have been requested that would otherwise make this all moot. Kinda makes that "transparency" claim look a bit suspect, donchathink? <-Ooops, forgot who I was addressing .... nevermind (*facepalm*)

Similarly, why is a man who preaches "transparency" also blocking all requests to view his educational transcripts? If there's nothing to hide or be ashamed of, why should these be sealed?

If there are valid reasons for either of these actions I'd sure enjoy hearin 'em, otherwise, I'll just keep askin the same questions winking

maddie Report This Comment
Date: December 04, 2009 06:25PM


Blah blah blah, blah blah....haha

Blablablaba. Blah

Newsflash/Bush had a chance to catch Osama Bin Ladin in 2004 just like John Kerry said in the 2004 election runoff. Turns out that Cnn had more feet on the ground in Iraq than did the military. F A C T........
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 04, 2009 07:33PM

^^^^^^^ As usual, nothing about the topic at hand and certainly nothing of any substance either ^^^^^^^^ eye
rolling smiley

rolling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/12/2009 07:33PM by Mrkim.
DarkKlown Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2009 03:22AM

Why wasn't obama's birth certificate and school records checked before he became president? The Press was to busy slagging the republican party?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2009 03:44AM

we are amidst the most hostile of takeovers in history DK, and there isn't a damn thing the world can do but to pray Nancy Reagan didn't break Tecumseh's curse. enjoy what freedoms you have left for all they're worth because the end of the world as we have known it is upon us. the Repugnants have been doing a fine job of slowing it (keeping the shitbag libs at bay) but in the long run they have been propagating the same demise. the one world government is speeding towards us at mach speed now with nobody standing in it's way. disappointed smiley
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2009 04:03AM

An excellent question DK. Actually there were many sources crying foul but the umpires seemed to all be asleep at the plate.

Why was he elected when he had multi-year associations with known domestic terrorists as companions and "mentors"?
Why was he elected when he was found to have spent 20yrs attending a radical largely racist church whose minister openly damned America and white people?
Why was he elected when his own extremely prejudiced and racists comments in his book showed a side of his makeup no one else could have espoused and ever sought the office of president afterwards?
Why was he elected to run a country when he'd never even had a job in the private sector is his whole life?
Why was he elected after it was revealed his college education and appointments were all made by foreigners with dubious backgrounds far aside from anything that would have let anyone else get elected after these details were made piblic?

Lotsa good questions and no really good answers hot smiley

Every mention of this, then as now, was derided by the mainstream press as manifestations of racism or small mindedness posed by wackos and neatly disposed of as pure bunk. Had any serious investigation into his background been done there's at least a chance things might have turned out differently. Even as effects of that duping of the media has begun to wear on those (segments of the media) that were bedazzled during the campaign, whatever needed to be hidden is and what had to be cemented closed is also now .... unavailable and now considered a matter of state/national security.

As I've said before, many, many things will all come out once it's no longer of any relevance, but not while he's still in office drinking smiley

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2009 10:45AM

Even if he is replaced in 2012 the damage he causes during his reign will never be repaired. I do not believe he desires a one world government. He desires to bankrupt the nation and thereby destroying America. He is not doing this alone but I do not believe that this is the desire of the democratic congress, they are being duped by the white house to do this by being given everything they want all at once. Alqueda loves this administration because America can be destroyed without them ever lifting a finger. Say thank you Sheik Obama.
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2009 06:57PM

If you know so much ,why hasn't it helped you any? Cause your Dumber than a box of Rocks.

Obama's your MAMA, for another 3 yrs HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

so suk a dik..and get in line.
Wolfgang613 Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2009 09:18PM

I have an answer to all your questions Mrkim.
spinning smiley sticking its tongue outBecause McCain was even worse. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
Most of the time we elect the lesser of two evils not the best man for the job.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2009 12:05AM

Since I'm sure you really believe that Wolfie unless you have a government job (which have expanded by 7,000 under the current admin. in less than a year!) I gotta ask ya what the hell you think Obama's done for this country that's worth mentioning?

Since no one can say for sure I can only speculate that if McCain/Palin had made it in we : Wouldn't have seen any "I'll belittle the American people while kissing the rest of the worlds ass" tours, the Russians would have at least shown him the respect a US President is due, it's also unlikey the US Govt. would have become major share holders of GM or Chrysler, we wouldn't have had a 3 month gap between when McChrystal asked for the additional troops and when the President actually decided to make a call and finally agree to send them, much less would we have given the Taliban a time frame to wait things out before we decide to pull out the troops so they can just step up their shit again afterwards, we likely wouldn't have rushed $1.5 trillion worth of unexplained bailouts through congress lined with enough pork to fully fund several smaller nations, nor would the congress be expecting to pass healthcare legislation to drop us another $ trillion worth into deeper debt at the worst possible point in the history of our country financially.

These are just guesses, but I feel pretty strongly that none of the above would have occurred winking

90130_ Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2009 04:58AM

Ding! Ding! Argument in favor of Mrkim. Well said/smileys with beerdone.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2009 12:04PM

Good come back madmex still using your 1 brain cell I see. Dropout.
Wolfgang613 Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2009 04:58PM

Mrkim, you asked why Obama was elected and I answered it. You can speculate all you want but we are here now and have to deal with it, so stop living in the past and start helping now for a better future. I know this my sound like a public service announcement, but arguing about what might have been won't solve any problems. It just makes you sound like a bitter old man.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2009 05:18PM

you brought it up and he gave you an honest answer. you got stuffed admit it.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2009 05:36PM

it's sad that anyone really thinks that Barry is the answer to anything other than what he IS good organization against "the man" more importantly "the white capitalist man". liberalism is the most dangerous "theology" to the survival of the world than any other factless ideological movement in history. and it's a good thing that their real agenda has become transparent to more people in recent months.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 06, 2009 06:17PM

You're right, it's all supposition as to what might have happened had the election gone another way, but the unanswered question still remains Wolfie .... what has he done that you see as beneficial to the nation since he took office confused smiley

And, you won't convince me that a candidate with long affiliations with domestic terrorists,communist/marxist organizers, a racist/anti American preacher who then went on to publish an openly racist book revealing his inherent mistrust and disgust of white people (including members of his own family) looks anything like a wiser or better choice over a highly decorated Viet Nam war veteran (including several years as a POW) whose intended focus was on getting the economy back on track had he been elected.

You can try peddlin that shit just like the liberal media did during the campaign, but then, and now, that's a no sale here dude thumbs


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2009 06:31PM by Mrkim.
Wolfgang613 Report This Comment
Date: December 07, 2009 02:49AM

I answered your question, Mrkim, of why Obama was elected. You are now asking a new question, and you made it very clear that your mind is made up that President Obama can not do anything right, so there is no debating just name calling. star wars fighting I suggest we agree to disagree on this.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 07, 2009 03:14AM

what has he done right?
gimme 1 thing
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 07, 2009 06:17AM

I guess if I were tryin to find support for havin chosen Big O I wouldn't wanna hafta do so by recounting his accomplishments since he's taken office either.

BTW, nice way to side step the issue eye
rolling smiley

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 07, 2009 11:46AM

Mr Kim did ask that question previously, here is part of his post. How about an answer?

Posted by: Mrkim [x]
Date: December 05, 2009 07:05PM

Since I'm sure you really believe that Wolfie unless you have a government job (which have expanded by 7,000 under the current admin. in less than a year!) I gotta ask ya what the hell you think Obama's done for this country that's worth mentioning?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 09, 2009 09:47PM

Someone should have asked her for her STD shot record.

You know Mr Salahi is #1000 to hit that.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 10, 2009 04:18AM

serve satan!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 10, 2009 04:32AM


just a coincidence? or just another fruitloop? totally lost

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/12/2009 04:34AM by fossil_digger.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 10, 2009 12:23PM

We will know in 2012