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shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 28, 2006 05:49PM

Washington - the Andy card White House chief of staff Joshua Bolten resigns with the budget director, is exchanged, White House shakeup and Tuesday in the growth call because of the Republican Party worry concerning the appraisal of poll of falling down of the bush president bush were announced.

The bush announced the modification of broadcast appearance of the elliptical office nationwide. "I the consultation whose Andy of crisis is wise at public works projects, that calmness, that absolute integrity and that am ゆ the bush which is said to the responsibility which is not seen," depended. "The next 3 years require many of the year when it is useful to our countries. As for us the fight which it possesses, the global wars which should win. "

As the bush that long time service praised with the attack, war and legislation and economic challenge September 11th, with that hand with the card and that side stoically 58 where it stands. Grasping the direction stand, brush the earlier description of that farewell: The good person and president where "is. "The eye of the card included the water. The card meant that you see first in he being the friend of the fair bush. As for the bush the criticism whose then five of the back sections is fast in him was given, two departed the elliptical office together. The president Wall Street and Bolten of the experience whose Washington which includes last 3 years is wide, 51, called the person, as a director of the office of management and budget.

Republican 党員in order the president original idea and the advisor whose energy is directly new to add, has hastened support ratio of decrease concerning the Iraqi of the bush war and being surprised by unhappily. The bush ever since that first campaign because of White House there was Bolten. There was no immediately sign of modification of under way other things. "1 staff whom good news management it actualized finally and is," from it is necessary directly to change the method of the deep, but problem going Senator (news, the record of bio and poll), D-N.Y Charles Schumer who was said. As for re-arranging the deck chair of enormous simply by exchanging Josh Bolten and the Andy card which "do not have the dramatic change of policy this boat which is not corrected. "

The bush the member of that cabinet of the rose garden got together in mid-morning after the argument concerning the war of fear. He he why did the modification of the staff, approximately ignored the question to which shouted from the reporter. The bush him meant that speech of Wednesday concerning Iraq is conveyed. "We longer us - chief of staff housekeeping Director Andy card of strong wind Norton, the bush which was said possessed the chance which gives reputation to 2 members of my cabinet which greatly is not". "These 2 people are useful to our countries of distinction, give reputation. I brag along with those working and call those the friend and brag. "

Whether you described as the speech where what kind of authorized personnel in Ohio state stirs in the steward Gun Republican Party Monday the fair night, it gave the card. When "I hear now morning, as for me? ' "What ' you said, the managing director of the aforementioned Scot Owens party. As for Owens you said that the card that did not give the sign of announcement of the resignation which is imminent.

To the public, Card may be best known as the aide who calmly walked into a Florida school ROOM and whispered into Bush's ear that America was under attack ON Sept. 11, 2001. He was known for keeping his COOL under pressure. When Bush's father, then President George H.W. Bush, got sick at a banquet in Tokyo, aides and security officials ran toward the president. Card ran in the opposite direction and out the DOOR to make sure the motorcade was ready to rush Bush away. "Josh is a creative policy thinker," Bush said. "He is an expert ON the budget and our economy. He is a man of candor and humor and directness. No person is better prepared for this important position."

"I the Andy card with the opportunity which succeeds as White House chief of staff can give the current reputation which Bolten answers deeply". "Him him. "Being not to be possible, to be exchanged, in order for the Andy card which ' succeeds, as for the movement which was said as for the president the advisor whose original idea is new and to come having new energy depending upon me because you do not exchange, ' to be beaten, and it came being you propose clearly republican 党員due to the fact that the bush raises the criticism of the Iraqi drawn-out war.

Rather than the card it came to the bush recently, him from the work which he keeps from first day of president job of bush, calling, the quick government-related person should walk, you proposed. The camp day bit, with Md. during stay of weekend, it designates the bush which accepts the resignation of the card as especially, being not to think, that in order to show Bolten as that exchanging, he would like to acquire the president with preemption right, it was the source which you spoke with anonymity.

Bolten is experienced Washington, White House similar and the National Diet is chief of staff representation before the director where he becomes the office of management and budget being both, widely. Last week in White House press conference, the bush was asked to work being the vibration of White House staff concerning rumor. As for bush him me by your. It meant that it is satisfied "with the people who are surrounded"

"I in with respect to all, first, egoism establish the staff of the people whom it has," you said that time of him, it has. The function to which "these are good, are hard, they are the suitable people. And we handled the large quantity. We handled the large quantity. We handled war. We handled retreat. We handled scandal. We handled Katrina. "I had in edition, those large quantities, it means. And I recognized efficiency, hard work and as for those when it has my confidence, "he said.

You called the bush, "I am satisfied with the people where I surround with by my. We are the management which is stabilized very, it is good because of the country. "As for me the veteran of the card first both management of Ronald Reagan president and bush president who are thought was respected widely by that colleague of White House of the bush. As for them him who was called kindly "the patsy. "With

He usually with wing approximately 5:30 AM west arrives with work, frequently did not go away to 9 or 10 p.m. the card when the switch of Bolten happens, plans the fact that it is restricted to the work to April 14th.

You said the companion thought that we would like to establish him himself, as White House of the serving where the card which is chief of staff alternate transport Director bush president and because of the beginning is longest chief of staff that it had. Harry S. Truman ジェームス where Steelman is 6 years and the chief of staff of the president who is useful for possessing the card goes 5 years that much long. As for recent AP Ipsos poll that poll that the lowest appraisal it understood that approval of work of the bush soaks in 37 percent. The people almost 70 percent the track/truck which the United States makes a mistake, mean that to 6 point jumps ever since February it is. Approval of work of the bush between republican 党員, sign of agonizing because of White House of election year fell from February 82 percent to 74 percent.

The card did not display that plan immediately. As for that resignation he returns to Massachusetts immediately in operation for the governor, or M. Kennedy Edward where perhaps challenges to Senator (news, the record of bio and poll), D Massachusetts presently does not face the challenge of principal GOP for this falling re-election, or Senator how question approximately was urged. John Kerry, him in the face of re-election in 2008 helps defeat as 2004 Democratic party president suffering appointment people, D Massachusetts. The native people of Holbrook which is useful the card, as a representation of state from that home from 1975 to 1982.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: March 28, 2006 08:27PM

More political claptrap. =YAWN= We hate politics on this site. Go away!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2006 04:03AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2006 05:57AM

By James M. Klurfeld

WASHINGTON: Too little, too late. President Bush is going to the nation to bolster his plummeting credibility because the war in Iraq is going badly. He’s even admitting the original war plans weren’t so great and that it won’t be on his watch that troops can be withdrawn. Out of desperation, he’s trying candour or a limited version of it. It’s not enough. There is one thing Bush has thus far refused to do, and it’s crucial: Fire the people who made the key decisions about whether and how to fight this war. I’m talking about Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley. Along with Vice President Dick Cheney, they brought on this foreign policy disaster. Cheney ought to get the boot, too, but he was elected with Bush.

I thought I had a pretty good appreciation of how poorly these people had prepared for the war and its consequences. But recently I’ve been reading excerpts from a new book, “Cobra II: The Inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq,” by Michael Gordon, the New York Times military correspondent, and Bernard E. Trainor, a retired Marine lieutenant general and former Times military correspondent.

The lack of preparation for the post-war period was even more appalling than I had believed. And those early failures haunt us every day. The book reveals that military commanders on the ground warned the Pentagon early on that an insurgency was quickly developing, and different tactics and many more troops would be needed.

They were ignored by the general in charge, Tommy Franks, who had sold his soul to Rumsfeld. And Rumsfeld’s response to cries from the field and criticism was to bully the generals, ignore their advice and threaten reprisals to those who continued to speak out.

Yes, Rumsfeld is tough, intelligent and dedicated. But how Bush could keep him on the job after things have gone so wrong in Iraq is beyond understanding. At the very least, he should have been asked to retire after the first term. Rice, very popular now in opinion polls and a close confidante of the president, was national security adviser during the first term. It was her job to coordinate information about the war and make sure the president had all the facts. If some officials were skewing intelligence to support their position for an invasion, it was her job to make sure the information reaching the White House was as accurate and objective as possible.

We also now know that the State Department had serious misgivings about the post-war planning and had developed a set of plans itself, including the need to prevent looting in the immediate aftermath of the invasion. That information was wholly ignored by Rumsfeld, and it was Rice’s job to make sure that did not happen. Some officials I know who have watched and worked for the National Security Council over many years believe Rice was the weakest, most ineffective adviser in the council’s history. But she was promoted to Secretary of State for her work.

Hadley, self-effacing, quiet-spoken and highly regarded in the national security community, was Rice’s deputy. What she didn’t do, he should have. He didn’t. And now he is the head person himself. When asked what happened to all that political capital he was ready to spend after his re-election, Bush, almost wistfully, noted that it was all going to Iraq. Hasn’t he ever asked why and who is responsible? He has got almost three years left in his term. We can’t fire him, and, indeed, he was re-elected. But he’s not only running out of capital, he’s losing all credibility. That’s not good for any of us. If he wants a second wind for the second term, he must fire the first-term national security team. They’re proven failures.—Dawn/Washington Post News Service
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2006 06:29AM

James M. Klurfeld Washington work: In remainder a little, excessively slow. It meaning that the Iraqi war has gone badly, that the reliability which falls bolster Bush president has gone to the nation. **time-out** uniform He.fs approve original war, do plan the large weren.ft very do, the troop do る thing can withdraw and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and of the thing which that that that watch in the won.ft be be. That candidness from the desperation and the he.fs which try the edition which is limited. The sufficient there is no It.fs. There is a serious it.fs which cuts off the fact that the bush of one thing does so far,: Discharge the people how main thing decision and at this war it omitted the method of fighting. Concerning Stephen Hadley Secretary of State and the private secretary the United States of the Condoleezza of the defensive Donald Rumsfeld and advisor of national security story the which is done. With the vice-president the Dick Cheney, they brought with disaster damage of this diplomatic policy. The Cheney should obtain the boots, excessively, but, he was chosen the bush. I thought of that it possesses the appreciation I may be clean these people how prepared imperfectly because of war and the result. But recently there are new books namely book-reading extract from of.gCobra II the I.fve: The story in the midst of invasion and occupation of the.h with the Iraqi Michael Gordon, when the correspondent and the Trainor of the New York troop, being the lieutenant general and before of the ocean which you make retire, correspondent Bernard E of the troop measures time. Rather than I believing, scarcity of preparation of postwar period furthermore more was the appalling. And it commutes those early failures to all day us. The commander of the troop of the land warning to the pentagon in advance it made the book clear, the maneuvers which rebellion developed directly, differs and the っ and the many troops are necessary. They were ignored by the free delivery mails of the Tommy general taking charge, that spirit God was sold to the Rumsfeld. And as for response of the Rumsfeld.fs to the scream from field and criticism there is a bully to the leader, ignores threatens their advice, and retaliation to those it continued to speak. It is, the Rumsfeld is hard, lucid enthusiastic. Thing the hind-wing oak bush which so by mistake goes in Iraq how can maintain him of work, understanding exceeds. Being very minimum, he should ask in order first to retire after the word. The opinion poll of the president and the United States which now spreads with the close confidante very first was the advisor of national security between the word leaf. That was her work which adjusts information concerning war, the president there was factual everything in verifying. The intelligence where a certain public official supports their positions for invading it turned aside and seems cod that the information which reaches into Whitehouse the possible way in the same way the accuracy, was her work which verifies that it is purpose. Concerning postwar plan the seriousness there is an insecurity in the state section, itself developing the plan of the deck in addition as for us including the necessity which prevents the fact that it plunders with immediately aftereffect of invasion now, it has known. As for information being ignored completely with the Rumsfeld and that the っ which is work of the Rice.fs which verifies that it does not happen it is. Being able to use it is in order to believe at the looking and the United States in the め of the national security national assembly of many seniorities public official I who have someone have known, whether it was weakest, most non- effective advisors of history of the council.fs. But she was promoted to Secretary of State for her work. The Hadley and the self-effacing, quiet speaking with the コミ ュニティー of national security, and being considered very, it was representation of the Rice.fs. She as for him should have what which the didn.ft is done. His didn.ft. And now he is the head human his our body. As for political capital city using after that re-election of him, when preparation doing it is asked those which happen to everything surround with most wistfully bushes which in having done to Iraq completely, are noted. Hasn.ft he why asks, who is a responsibility but it is? he that word leaf the remainder obtained almost 3 years. We to discharge can.ft him, completely, he the re-elected. But the he.fs which moves from the he.fs which simply loses capital city namely reliable everything. Which because of us good That.fs. If we want depending to the 2nd wind for 2nd word, he first must discharge the national safe preservation obstacle team of word. With the They.fre proof れ る failures.? News * service of post of Dawn/Washington
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2006 06:47AM

While I was cruisin in my blingin ride I had to piss so I pulled over on the side of the road a peed on a bush once :>winking

I almost felt bad, but it felt sooooo good yakno, what can I say?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2006 08:32AM

Writing all this shit - you fuckers have way too much time on your hands. You must be welfare Democrats without jobs.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2006 04:05PM

in high school i bagged this chick who never shaved =down there= so i stuck my dick in a bush
can't say i felt bad at all, but it felt great when i pulled out and shot spunk all over her big ass titties...
anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2006 09:41PM

Big ass or titties? Make your mind up.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2006 10:34PM

Anonymous@229248. Fuck you, dumb ass. I'll die the day the U.S. Gov. stops TAKING my money, my money that I work hard for, so I can live and have nice things, any thing I want. AND STOP GIVING A BIG ASS CUT TO SOME WELFARE, LOOPHOLE USING, SORRY SACK OF SHIT PEOPLE. Welfare should be the line to the gas chamber.

Welfare should be the line the gas chamber.

I work hard to get what I want. I'd execute the motherfuckers my self, eveyone of them sorry fucks that won't help themselves. To death is where they should go. I've no use for them, AND GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY KOOLAID MOTHERFUKERS !!!!!!
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 30, 2006 02:33AM

but what about all the shorties?...

For da shorteez (Doin' it for da shorteez)
For da shorteez (Doin' it for da shorteez)
For da shorteez (for da shorteez)

For da shorteez gather 'round and let me tell ya somethin'
For da shorteez can't you hear them little stomachs rumblin'
For da shorteez yo, ya gonna eat that raggamuffin?
for da shorteez let's show the shorteez some lovin'

C'mon, my name is Sir Loin, been at this for a while
I got four stomachs for only one stomach and mouth
That's a little empty belly with a vacancy sign
kinda like close encounters of the charity kind
Ya got canned goods just collectin' dust
Ya got meat, got fruit, got vegatables
Only prerequisites that can set a bowl
Get ya freak on at my freaky food festival
Cold cuts a must, don't even take bread crust
Cuz the shorteez be beggin', some begga's don't give a fuck
They's hungry, let's face facts, they starve
Feel a void in yourheart, fill ya shoppin' cart,

for da shorteez
For da shorteez (for da shorteez y'all)
For da shorteez (for da shorteez)

Think at what's at stake, look upon your plate
If it's a slab o' steak, time to regurgitate
Ya got a double chin, their little chins too slim
Ya think it's good for them?
The little kids expose ribs
Just think of all da shorteez, can't ya hear 'em cry?
Paula, cough up that burger and fries
Hams on my left, double cans, Bob's got high
Give to the hungry shorteez, so the shorteez won't die
Stop the felon please, steady eatin' ham and cheese
Throw away your greens, you be pissin' on a dream
Gimme all your onion rings, it's a'ight listen
A slice a pizza, it don't matter if a bite's missin'
Prime rib, porkchop, porterhouse, it don't stop
My actin' like hogslop, to the shorteez it's alot
They been hungry since birth, so hand over your desert
Open up your mouth, stick a finger down, it could be worse
listen closely , gimme all your groceries
Cuz a little baby's screamin "man , I need a hogie!"
"Somebody hold me, somebody console me, somebody boil me up a pot o' pirogies!"
Think of what we're facin', all those little faces, c'mon let's erase this... for da shorteez

(Check It Out)
Doin' it for da shorteez
Doin' it for da shorteez
Doin' it for da shorteez
Doin' it for da shorteez , y'all

For da shorteez

Got crackers, got chips, got puddin' cups
You'd be surprised what little shorteez like to munch
Could be trash, could be mold, could be excrement
Could be a bag o' old diapers, they'd call that lunch
Mayonnaise been out for a couple o' days
Milk and corpses, scabs and eggs
Sweet bread, pig heads, horse heads too
Wanna drop it like it hot?
here's what ya do

(For da shorteez)
6-1-2 Wharf Avenue, what?
6-1-2 Wharf Avenue, what?
(For da shorteez)
6-1-2 Wharf Avenue, what?
6-1-2 Wharf Avenue

But please, no more canned yams man
We got more canned yams than we know what to do with
MC Pee Pants in the h-- I mean.. uh, Sir Loin's in the house!
And I'm out
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 16, 2006 06:15AM

more nice lies duhhh!!!