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The real goal of the Iraq occupation
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The real goal of the Iraq occupation

"a man in a suit"

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Comments for: The real goal of the Iraq occupation
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 12, 2005 08:46PM

I' sorry I looked at all four, there was a message in it somewhere, I know there was. Could you please point it out? I mean dead Iraqi kids are just less the american soldiers have to shoot. Seems like saving tax dollars to me.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 12, 2005 08:59PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 12, 2005 09:00PM

And o' yeah

GO BUSH!!!!!
Anonymousse Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 03:53AM

Stop with the propaganda. There are idiots on this forum and they are easily swayed without thinking for themselves.

You have no idea of the origin of this picture.

He/she might be an innocent victim, or might have had a bomb, been with his/her Dad who had a bomb and detonated it, or was being used as a human sheild.

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 07:22AM


killed by us fire.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 10:06AM

this bush bashing is getting fucking boring un this site
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 03:51PM

Maybe they could go to ?
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2005 12:51AM

Sorry to say this Beast, but this "propaganda" you are posting is unfortunately just this side of agitprop. It appears to serve only to inflame the biased emotions of our neighbors on the other side of the fence. Do you have a larger point here?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2005 05:58AM


Only what I have been saying all along.

People who voted for Bush need to be reminded that their poor decision has lead to the death of innocents under a false cause.

Accountability. People who voted for this clown need to be held accountable for Bush's bad actions.

They allowed themselves to get played by the NEOcons. They let themselves get caught up in media hype rather than make a good decision.

Bush mortgaged the farm going into Iraq. He financially crippled the US so much so that we couldn't even cover the cost of Katrina without Clinton and Daddy Bush begging and every media outlet having a telethon.

9-11 happened and there was no call for telethons begging for money.

Why now ? Cause Bush pissed the money away with tax cuts and a ficticious war on terror.
Cuntmonger Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2005 02:36PM

A bit of clearasil will clear that up!!
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2005 09:38PM

Yes, but your emotional-rhetoric is only serving to entrench biased opinion. You're not successfully reminding anyone of anything, but instead forcing a bigger wedge between people who should be finding common ground in realizing that (a) Bush is a figurehead, (b) the government is opposed to the people, and (c) money-interests are the ones pushing the agenda, not so much politics.
What say you?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 01:21AM

Maybe we should just stay here inside the borders of the US and not venture outside of our borders. This way we will not be involved with anybody elses problems. The Mideasterners can hacknslash all they want until they all are gone but a few fanatics, the communists can nuke each other untill they are all gone, the Mexicans and Canadians can ship stuff around us to each other and we will not let anyone in or out of the country. We will then be SAFE, right.
This makes about as much sense as you libs picking present asministration. If your looser cantidates Kerry & Edwards weren't such loosers, you may have had a chance to handle the WTC and Sadam in a more appropriate way. Your have New Orleans to practice on but what have you done about that? You just sit around and whine. If you guys were really sharp, you would have had a contingency plan ready to fly just in case GWB didn't act quick enough after the hurricane. But what did you do? All of you liberals just sit around on your asses and point your fingers.
As it turns out, GWB started a day ahead of the hurricane to roll out the rescue but the NOLA mayor and govner refused help. And guess what, they are both liberals too. You liberals yammer about helping everybody and you can't even let the people get on a schoolbus to get out of town. How do you explain that, Beast. I suppose that is GWB's fault to. The proper protocol for assistance is if there is a Mayor, the Mayor is to ask for County help if it is available, then State help if it is available, then the Governer asks for federal help if his state cannot come up with the resources. GWB cannot override the Mayor unless there is gross malfesence, but that would be a matter of litigation and there was not time for that. Help was offered both to NoLa and Louisana before the hurricane hit. Now whose fault was that, Beast. Was it GWB's fault the govener and mayor refused help? I think not. Jesse Jackson sit back and whined about lack of help but did you see him drag his ass down there to help? He seems to have enough money to go every where else and run his mouth, at least he could have gone to NoLa with an SUV full of Charmin. You know he would have racked up points for that and would have been one up on GWB, but NO. Like Beast, all he can do is sit around and whine and try make himself look good by making others look bad.