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War has solved NOTHING AT ALL!!!
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War has solved NOTHING AT ALL!!!

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Comments for: War has solved NOTHING AT ALL!!!
WarFalcon Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2004 06:16AM

and technically it hasnt ended communism.
Caspertoo Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2004 11:09AM

Technically it didn't end communism, technically peace did, and a military buildup but peace. Oh and the dumbass is being redundant, nazism and facism is practically the same thing.
stussy-demon Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2004 01:52PM

lil\'Diablo Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2004 10:20PM

No, religous people are killers. I never saw "the spirit of christianity" go out and wack someone, but i agree to your point.
lil\'Diablo Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2004 10:21PM

Remember: people will skew anything to support what they do.
stussy-demon Report This Comment
Date: October 18, 2004 09:38AM

Yes good point Diablo but I still think religion is the cause of so much war and think the whole principle of it is primitive and I keep saying where are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? Science is backed up with fact where as religion in my opinion is over exaggerated stories from the past.
Devast8r Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2004 01:57AM

Problem, Stussy-Demon, is that the bible is primarily the HUMAN RECORD, and since homosapien erectus has no record until millions of years after the end of the Creataceous, why would they bother to put a record of Dinosaurs in the bible?

To add to that, it's not religious factions that kill others, it's religious fanaticism. It's the people that take their own agendas, and twist the religious agenda to fit it.

And to add one final note, there is no scientific proof of "the big bang." There is evidence of Evolution, there's no doubting that, but can't try to tell me that there's any scientific proof of "the big bang theory." I'm sure you might still rebuttle, but I'm sure you could take that part up w/ my Bioligical Anthropology Professor smiling
stussy-demon Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2004 11:37AM

Written in the 3rd century by a chap called Cosmo as a means of controlling paople without the need of money, dictatorship, Bush/Blair, genocide, Hitler etc etc.
Still working as well!
If you are spitually unforfilled and need some primitive worship of a non entity then fine I respect your views, and I suppose it can bring something to people that may have nothing and for that it is a good thing...but fuck me, don't you just think it's a bit far fetched! The Garden of Eden, Adam & Eve, The world created in are so stupid. There are infact studies and a detailed programme that expains and shows how our own solar sytem was created by a swirling mass of rock and debrit around a different sun to what we see now that was colliding and ultimately forming the Planets & Gas Giants and I'm sorry but anyone with any intelligence that saw this programme (and others similar) would agree that it makes a lot more sence than the made up bullshit in the Bible.

Yes there probably was a great man called Jesus that did kind and generous things but tales get eggagerated and distorted over time. Why are there different versions across different cultures with different ideas, rules, stories?? Because it is all derived from the primitive logic used thousands of years ago before science and fact could prove some of the unknown that probably seemed impossible then! The Bible never refers to the World being round am I correct? And surely the Great One would know this? Thats because no one knew including the person that wrote was flat then. There are so many flaws in its writing that I could go on forever but religion has continued to brainwash people for centuries and will continue to do so for many matter what I say will be ignored if you really belive in something and that I respect, but I am sick of the War and Death it causes: Northern Island / Israel,Palestine...the list is endless and all over beliefs in a different religion that have spiralled out of control, whether it be Islam, Roman Catholic, Christianity blah blah blah. Would a real God want this much trouble in his creation, why not help Jesus, he could of he can do anything. Is this just one of his he fucking with us! Very funny!! I love the poverty, famine and death of this world! You have failed us all Jesus!
right Report This Comment
Date: October 21, 2004 01:18AM

OK, but where did the "swirling mass of rock and debrit around a different sun" come from?
geezer Report This Comment
Date: October 21, 2004 02:21AM

Stussy-demon: the bible is interpretive work. That means you can't take every single thing in it literally. Dumbass.
stussy-demon Report This Comment
Date: October 21, 2004 05:54PM

If you'd take your head out of your ass 'right' you'd realise that the sun (a star) goes through different stages of it's life and at that time it would have a greater magnetic strength that has settled enough for our planets to form, it will eventually turn into a red giant and earth and all the deluded, primitive, lost, religious people with it..period! Now try comment with some thing that has some intelligence to back it up! Or I suppose a snake told Eve not to eat the apple, I'm not sure if thats right seeing as it sounded like a story you STUPID FUCKS! YOU ARE VERY VERY FUCKING BRAINWASHED! EAT McDONALDS STUPID FUCK ONES!

Geezer just fuck off I can't even be arsed to reply to your turd that fell as your last comment...iterpretive? more like distorted truth you FUCKWIT! Can you remember EXACTLY what happened 3 centuries ago...probably not..just like the person that wrote and hyped up the Bible.
stussy-demon Report This Comment
Date: October 21, 2004 05:55PM will eventually turn into a red giant and 'consume' the earth and all the blah blah blah...
lil\'Diablo Report This Comment
Date: October 22, 2004 11:35AM

If the bible is a "human interpretation", isn't it more than likely that they were lying/just telling inspirational stories? Also, what stussy said about them using it to explian things makes perfect sense. You never se antone supporting Roman religion anymore, so what's so different about christianity that makes it "correct"? NOTHING. What about that is worth basing your whole life around and killing for? If you're right, you live forever in harmony, but if your wrong and this really is all that there is to life, then you just may have wasted your one and only existance. Also, who says that the rock had to "come from" anywhere, just because, as mortals, we cannot comprehend the concept of the infinite , doesn't mean that there needs to be a guiding being behind it all. We should just be thankful for whatever power/force/enigma is responsible for our being here and enjoy it while we can. For good or for bad, we are truly not long for this world.
lil\'Diablo Report This Comment
Date: October 22, 2004 10:48PM

"see anyone"
fuck you asshole Report This Comment
Date: October 24, 2004 10:28PM

As for all of you who already have: good luck, you'll need it!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 12, 2004 07:36AM

we are all dieing.. the world sucks.. why not take somebody out with you? or become a buddist.. they are cool
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 06:43AM

eh go fuck a tree
strife Report This Comment
Date: April 21, 2005 11:05AM

I would have went to war in Iraq except for a few physical conditions (namely my completely fucked up eyesight) that kind of won't allow me to. You have no idea how much you could mess up your chances at getting health insurance and such if you try to join the military and are denied, so I didn't need to take that risk.

Anyways, going back to the whole religion thing, people like Stussy are entirely ignoring that even as science proves all sorts of things, one thing it doesn't do is disprove a creator. Even if everything is organized and follows an extremely complex set of rules that are explanable to humans through science, it doesn't prove that it wasn't designed by a God.

Hell, if anything, the sheer complexity of DNA supports the idea that a God created us. More information at a greater level of complexity than a modern computer stuffed into each of our cells, and you think that happens normally?

You don't have a complete knowledge of the universe, no matter how hard you try to have one. Most of our theories on creation are just THEORIES, which means that they aren't proven. In fact, there's no real evidence of a big bang, except in that different galaxies are moving apart from eachother, which could be explained in other ways. Theories that have been accepted widely have been disproven time and again, idiot.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 09, 2005 01:25AM

religion is the main problem with the world, war isnt...
Tim Report This Comment
Date: June 26, 2006 03:52AM

Many wars are started because of religion but religion isn't the problem, people are. No, I am not religious.