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"a man holding money in his hand"

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90130_ Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 04:25PM

You're a fuckin' whigger homo, and I could snap your neck with my bare hands.the
finger smiley
Studley Hungwell Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 06:30PM

What an incredibly intelligent looking young man. He obviously suffered from a loss of oxygen at birth. He is certainly quick-witted and satiracly versed a real bonne homme the double entendre.I would even go so far as to say that he is a jewel of the community and has earned at least a 9mm between the eyes.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 06:42PM

As society collapses around our shoulders a good bit of the blame can be laid squarely at the feet of a lack of realistic parenting and coupled with the rediculous constraints within our society of political correctness in insuring a total lack of any parental rights in regard to proper discipline of ones progeny when they fuck up.

This kid seems a glaring example of both the above principles hard at work. With that having been said I doubt the kid wrote the caption attached to the pic which does tend to provoke a certain response from most right brain thinkers.

As always, YMMV, so drinking smiley

Studley Hungwell Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 07:38PM

We can certainly blame a lot on society, whether it is government, local council or our parents. We are products of our enviroment and behave accordingly but I do believe that there is in each of us a basic principle where we can associate between right and wrong.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 07:59PM

While I agree with the concept of personal choices and the inherent responsibilities relevant to said choices, the concepts of right and wrong are ingrained into us through the environment and actions of our parents from early on in a life.

With that in mind a good deal of responsibility can be laid at the feet of ones parents in how ones concepts of right and wrong are formulated. If one grows up in an abusive environment and never sees the other side of how life might occur in other places such behavior would seem normal and a likely pattern of continuation of such actions in ones life is likely to be repeated.

Only once one reaches an age or level of maturity where ones choices become ones own can individual choice come in to playin determining how live unfolds to an individual. Unfortunately, by that time formulations about right and wrong have already become imbedded in ones psyche and refutation of even wrongful behavior becomes foreign.

school drug dealer Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 09:47PM

90130_ Wrote:
> You're a fuckin' whigger homo, and I could snap
> your neck with my bare hands.the
finger smiley

yo my nigga yo want a piece of me?i'll beat yo ass down!bring it on cupcake,meet yo on the playground!
Studley Hungwell Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2007 11:19PM

These are wise words indeed, Mrkim.Unfortunately trying to converse with someone like this is very difficult and we find ourselves drawn to the conclusion that a 9mm would solve everybody's problem.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 06, 2007 12:12AM

OMG, you are so cute!!!
You look like a small retarded mouse with a crappy cap on the top of your ugly head!
ooooh, sooo cute... Shitface!

btw. everyone could kill everyone, only bastards do it...
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: October 06, 2007 02:41AM

He needs to take that $200 and buy some clothes that fit, and stop wasting "small change" on that CHEAP ASS Pakistan shit on the wall. Aiight !?!
Jordan1st Report This Comment
Date: October 06, 2007 03:08AM

boy you cant kill a dog! school drug dealer! WOW you must be so proud loooool the
finger smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 06, 2007 04:25AM

Only you would think that $200. in cash is an impressive amount of money to wave around. It's a bit embarrassing don't you think?

Things that you will probably buy with your $200:

More tacky, ill fitting clothing, perpetuating your inbread appearance
Maybe some video games....those are always stimulating
Wait, a BIG muffler for your 92 Honda Civic..

The possibilties are endless. Choose wisely. If you see a really tall building near you. Climb the stairs to the roof and then jump off.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 06, 2007 04:31PM

Why do people assume that the guy in this pic will ever see the comments here? This pic was probably found on the internet somewhere and posted here so the person in the pic will never know what was said. I seriously dobt that this is Oralndo399 or anyone he even knows. So directing your comments directly to the person in the photo will be wasted.
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: October 14, 2008 05:37AM

Early pic of fossil?