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"a gun and bullets on a graph"

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Comments for: FIREARMS.....
PW Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2008 06:45AM

this is why i can sleep at night.
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2008 07:30AM

Comfortably, I might add.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2008 09:49AM

Those numbers are misleading, the firearms in European countries are only in the possession of police and military personnel in case of an emergency. No civilians have the right to own or carry small arms, the only legal guns here are historic (deactivated) or farmer's shotguns.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2008 11:03AM

Here we go again with the gun debate! Somebody (who has more time than me to do the research) needs to overlay a graph of the number of non-war, gun related deaths per 100 people. I'm sure it would make intersting reading and you guys may not sleep so comfortably!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2008 11:11AM

Yes then corelate the data according to race.
Sackman Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2008 03:39PM

Sorry Zxz you're wrong, in Germany you can buy anything apart from automatic rifles and laser targeting devices.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2008 03:54PM

i always love how it's the people from countries with no handguns to strict control of always question our right to. o.k. well i guessif you've never had the right to bear arms, you might not understand why there were a need to carry to protect yourself from people who want to kill you, steal all your shit, rape your wife and daughter for some small monetary gain.

why would you not want to have the opportunity to change the odds into your favor?
the fucking police won't show up 'till everything is long over and the perp is long gone.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2008 06:33PM

fossil, just because I don't have it written into my constitution to have the right to bear arms does not mean I do not understand the need to protect myself or my family! I am not questioning your right to bear arms, I am questioning what that right has led to. Does it really change the odds into your favour? Doesn't it just encourage a criminal to carry a gun themselves to even the odds back up? The reason the right to bear arms was written into the constitution was not for protection from crime, but to be used to overthrow the government if they stepped out of line!
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2008 06:38PM

fossil, I just want to clarify, given the constitution you have and the number of guns in your society, I would probably have a gun for protection if I were living there, so I am not questioning your individual right or choices.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2008 09:04PM

ok, but it will be a while before any Germans start anything after the last time. winking
For most of Europe gun ownership is neither necessary nor is it wise.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2008 09:23PM

mi fuqn ceybord iz mizpelun wurdz ajin.

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2008 12:37PM

If everyone carried a gun on their hip then crime would go down and nobody would know who was faster then themselves. Sure there would be a few nutjobs who think they are fastest draw but they would not last very long. In the old west gun crimes were not as prevelant as the movies made it out to be.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2008 07:38PM

jgoins, if you really believe what you put in that last post, you are more deluded than I previously thought. Sure, if everyone had a gun, there may be less crimes such as muggings, hold ups, etc., but with such easy access to guns more murders (plus other crimes against a person) would occur. Most crimes do not accur while people are walking down the street, but in places and at times when a victim most likely wouldn't have a gun at their hip any way.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2008 11:52AM

If criminals knew others would be armed then they would try to commit their crimes when they know nobody is around. Only an insane person like Billy the Kid wouldn't care if someone is around. Nobody wants to take a chance on being shot so there might only be burglaries and vicimless crimes. Crime has gone down in areas where conceal carry permits are allowed.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2008 08:15AM

jgoins, i won't bother to argue against guns in the USofA, but I will argue against your faulty logic.

Crime has gone down in areas where conceal carry permits are allowed.

In comparison to areas where there are no conceal permits not compared to places where guns are not at all part of the culture. You have compared an unfavourable situation with a similar unfavourable situation in stead of a best case scenario.

That is to bend the figures to fit a prejudiced result.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2008 12:09PM

Even if all guns were outlawed the criminals would still be able to get them. If a criminal in any country wants a gun they can get one easily. New York has one of the most strict gun laws in the country and they have the highest crime rate. Laws do not apply to criminals, they only apply to law abiding citizens.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2008 03:47AM

jgoins, you are making comments that are not backed up by facts - again. Just because you say or think something doesn't make it true. Specifically - you claim that, regardless of the country or gun laws, criminals can get guns easily. This is utter crap! While I accept that, if a person is determined enough, they would be able to get a gun illegally in any jurisdiction, I dispute that it would be easy. The difficulty in obtaining guns means that the petty criminal does not have access to those sorts of weapons due to the fact that, as a general rule, petty crims are lazy and not that determined. The real benefit in this though is that, as petty criminals are not armed, the general populace does not feel the need to be either, or at least not armed with lethal weapons.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2008 12:07PM

The reason they are called petty criminals is because they commit petty crimes which would not include the use of guns. If they use guns in a crime the crime is no longer petty and becomes a major crime. Petty criminals is not the problem but major criminals are. A normal law abiding person has no idea if it would be easy for a criminal to obtain a firearm or not. An experienced police officer, like I was, would though. The ease of obtaining firearms anywhere in the world is made easier by the amount of money the criminal is willing to spend and the contacts he has in the criminal arena.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2008 07:22PM

Thanks for confirming my point - to obtain a gun is not easy, as in your own words it takes significant amounts of cash and the right contacts. You must have had an amazing career having been a cop in all those countries to know that every place in the world is the same! Personally - from my own significant travels I find each country to be different in so many ways!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 19/09/2008 07:22PM by GAK67.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 20, 2008 11:25AM

For criminals the right contacts are not hard to make and getting the money for the guns is not to difficult either. Unless you use magic you will never remove all guns from around the world and if any exists anywhere criminals can get them. It would be easier to remove nuclear weapons from the world then to remove all guns and that is impossible.