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add cheap oil as a means to grow and transport food
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add cheap oil as a means to grow and transport food

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Comments for: add cheap oil as a means to grow and transport food
Cascadian Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 05:52AM

Raise the price of oil for transportation of food or to jobs and that then is lowering the carrying capacity when the population has already passed the old carrying capacity. Die-off! Please all you dumb asses kill yourselves! My people will need room for our crops!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 11:04AM

you're a tree-hugging ass... go mulch yourself...
destructor Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 06:35PM

I agree with this man, we need to decrease population to prevent poverty in the future and if other countries won't cooperate we should ban migration with them.

Eugenics is the best way to decrease population.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 09:30PM

yes... who could disagree technically... but how, in the real world, is any of this approachable? specific interests are so strong... if you fart in the wrong direction, you can easily touch off the next local war...
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 09:41PM

Mulch.. heh heh..

The problem is that the dumb asses are too stupid to see the logic of our argument and won't off themselves, while the smart people who understand the sitch are not the ones we want to die... or they are too smart to kill themselves.
Cascadian Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 10:13PM

well lack of cheap oil will solve the problem in a VERY unpleasant way very very soon.

Anonymous@116133 what can I say... I hope you are one of heaps of compost for our fields soon.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 11:02AM

touche' !
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 09:05PM

first... I am bio-respectful and have conducted my entire life with empathy for the planet... but, hey... an afterthought... I recall a very old Star Trek episode where people voluntarily went to some sort of disintegration chamber as a more humane alternative to war... how about that, Cascadia... would you sponsor or promote that?
Cascadian Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2005 12:58AM

Well in the movie Logan's Run they has a life limitation of 30 years old. Then the 30 year olds were expected to enter a domed theatre to be elevated to their death.

Personally I support Death With Dignity (Euthenasia) and my state is the only state that protects doctor's assisting suicide for people with painful terminal illness. It is a very personal matter for me. I have a friend who with her husband has moved to my state because of our laws. But offering suicide pill or death chambers are not the answer. Reducing the population through education, economic incentives, raising the quality of life in the "developing world" and encouraging adoption should be priority. In societies where women become the focus for education population increases tend to slowdown and even decline. The reason is numerous such as that college and university tends to be the peak age of reproductive females; females recieving functional education tend to wish to create a career hence a delay in reproduction and finally when then choose to have children they tend to want to give the best of their economic power to just two children. Where as reproduction is countries where life expendency is low families reproduce hoping that one of the seven, eight or nine children will survive. Also children in the "third world" often are seen as a new set of hands to bring in money for the family where as "post industrial" countries tend to see their children has inheretors of the parents' privelege.

So would I support "disintegration chamber" well... its not part of my culture. I will add that that Star Trek eposode is roughly based on a real society. Many Meso-American tribes specifically the Aztecs practiced a form of warfare called "Burning-Water". The aim was not to kill your enemy, but to capture them alive for sacrifice later on to the Gods. An Aztec would see the Western model of warfare as barbaric, because their prisoners (in theory) were treated like Gods because they were thought to be sent to the Gods as messangers. Prisoners were offered prostitues, lots of food and treated with respect. Then taken to the alter to have their hearts ripped out and shown them as they died and then their corpse kicked down the steps of sun pyramid. An Aztec could easily look at the Western war machines as cruel beyond any thing they could do. They would say the intentional blowing off of faces, limbs and causing of over all suffering as an act of a barbarian. The devastation of cities, prime farm land and the disrespect of the honored enemy as something the Gods would find repulsive.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 02, 2005 02:32PM

Malthus and his theories have been disregarded by serious scientists for decades. his ideas have been empirically disproved. Only amateurs and those with no more than middle school level economics educations still give any credence to the rudimentary level of his thought.