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God Bless America
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God Bless America

"a flag with stars and stripes"

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Comments for: God Bless America
Bob Report This Comment
Date: January 12, 2005 10:21PM

Bob Report This Comment
Date: January 12, 2005 10:21PM

Well done America! They finnaly gave up trying to find WMD's that were never there in the first place
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 12, 2005 10:49PM

Well Bob, I am pretty sure that there are some Iraqi Kurds that will strongly disagree with your contention that the WMD's never existed. Saddam undeniably gassed an entire Kurdish village with a weapon classified as a WMD.
anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 13, 2005 12:11AM

Just how fucking stupid are you? Yes, we all know the stories of the past, your Prez has been pulling them out for years now.

The simple fact is, that TODAY, and when your President was telling the WORLD that Iraq was full of WMDs, ready to launch at a moments notice..


We all know they used to exist, that was never in doubt. Go crawl back under the rock you came from you conservative turd.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 13, 2005 12:20AM

It's amazing how there are so many people upset over Bush, yet he had one hell of a turn out in his favor on election day. Thanks America! You see how well he is making the world a safer place by creating so many more enemies and running our country into major debt. It isn't a red or blue state thing...just give us someone better next time around.
joe Report This Comment
Date: January 13, 2005 12:25AM

fuck america. i hope all the middle east bomb the fuck out of you.


alah alah
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 13, 2005 12:27AM

As long as foreign countries are pissed off at America it proves we are doing something right. The world loved our weakass past presidents like Carter and Clinton. By the way, we still occupy Japan, and France next time you are on your own.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 13, 2005 12:36AM

Wow, what a thorough, poignant, and articulate argument you made 22375. I think you personally should be making the monumental decisions that affect millions of people in the present and the forseable future. You could obviously know when to preemptively act to protect the strategic needs of a superpower and head off looming threats to society. Who cares that all available intelligence indicated that those weapons that were used just 15 years ago still existed. Who cares that Iraqi defectors were coming out the woodwork claiming that they were working on the WMD programs. You would have know that they were lying, desperately trying to get rid of Saddam. You would know that there was no possible way that Saddam would hide these weapons from the world. Because youre a brilliant armchair world leader and you have been wrongly ignored for too long. And you have correctly deduced that the real reason the US invaded Iraq was they want the oil. Right now they are probably filling up massive container ships for free and shipping them to Texas. Forget that billions of US taxpayer $'s are being spent just trying to get the infrastructure of Iraq back to productive levels, long neglected due to Saddam's insane military spending. But you knew that.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 13, 2005 12:47AM

I would just like one of those ignorant pricks who like to bad mouth america come here to Iraq and walk in my shoes for a while. It's easy for them to stand back and make judgement from the comfy little desk they are sitting behind. I was in the first Gulf War in 1990-1991 and the weapons were there, and they were used. Now I am here again and happen to know first hand that they are still here. If you think you can find them better than us, you bring your ingnorant ass over here and comb 20000 square miles of desert. You can bury a lot of shit in a kitty litter box this big. However on different note, lets see who calls who the next time thier country is in trouble. GOD BLESS THE USA!!!! and any loyal allies
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 13, 2005 01:09AM

60247, yeah it's irritating to see people criticize those burdened with creating stability in the world for the past century. This goes back to the Marshall plan after WW2 where billions of US$'s went into reconstructing Europe. And that is why they are so biased. They are sick of endlessly hearing about the U.S. being dominant and the one to shape world events, it doesn't matter if it is for good or bad. So they jump on any opportunity to criticize the US. They ignore the humanitarian successes like the end to the Muslim massacres in Bosnia and they seize on any mistakes to no end. They interpret events so that they fit their bias. Classic psychology.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 13, 2005 01:27AM

joe, as to your hopes that the 'Middle East bombs the fuck' out of the U.S., I have read that there has been talk in the inner circles of the Pentagon, that if a WMD ever did go off on US soil, then mysteriously a nuclear weapon would go off over Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the holiest city in Islam, the city of compulsary pilgrimage for Muslims. This would be chosen because of its symbolic nature and the relatively low casualty estimate of under 2 million. Now I wonder what these events would do for world stability. It would plunge into a dark age that would make everyone wish for the good days we have right now.
TConX Report This Comment
Date: January 13, 2005 06:19AM

I think Bush is hella smart. I mean, when he wants to go to war with a country, he gtes the UN to pay for weapons inspectors to get the 4-0 on his opponents gear. If he thinks he's got good chances, he invades.

Fuck Amerikkka!
Anonymouse Report This Comment
Date: January 14, 2005 01:11AM

16852: Creating stability? The US has started more wars in the last century than all other countries combined. Look it up. Try the terrorism we instigated on "soft targets" in Nicaragua, for example. Or the FACT that we SOLD SADDAM THE GAS THAT KILLED THE KURDS, and now when it's inconvenient to have him around, we toast his ass. He's a fuck, that's obvious, and should be jailed. But now over 100,000 Iraqi civilians have paid with their lives for our "capturing" Saddam in order to bring "stability" to a region, with a war. Sounds logical to me.

The justification for the Iraqi war was false. The UN Weapons Inspections teams - already on the ground in 2000 - knew there was nothing, and said as much. You wanna believe an Iraqi "defector" with stories over UN Teams' facts? If Iraq actually had anything that could even touch the U.S., we'd have taken it out long ago. Trust me. Or Israeli Mossad would, like they did once before.

The WMD argument was a classic fear tactic to sell the invasion to the American public. Talk about psychology. American's are largely sheep, scared into voting for anything through fear. Just before the election: oh no! It's a video of Osama! "Boo!" sez Osama. Pow, people vote Bush. Classic.

Anyway, more to the point of the image: Why do people seem to believe that America has some sort of monopoly on God? Didn't God create ALL men in His image? Isn't He the God of everyone (even though they call Him different things)? Doesn't God bless EVERYONE ON EARTH? Regardless of race, color or creed? God Bless The Whole Earth... we're gonna need it.
Anonymouse Report This Comment
Date: January 14, 2005 01:12AM

"They say the chief US investigator, Charles Duelfer, is not planning to return to the country.

Mr Duelfer reported last year that Iraq had no stockpiles of chemical or biological weapons at the time of the US-led invasion nearly two years ago. "


As Bob pointed out. There was nothing.
buzdo Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2005 03:36AM

rest in pain america
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 09:55PM

fuck you anti-american basTURDS we will finish what we started, as far as Im concerned were done now and can come home and I hope theres another attack on America so we can embarass and bomb the fucking shit out of another fucking country (Syria,Iran,N.Korea,Lebanon,or maybe France)we could kick all your asses at the same time while half drunk your fucking pathetic pussies
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 08, 2005 04:32PM

am i ment to rate it with all them stars?!?
america is going to get blown up one way or another, just wait for that super volcano!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 26, 2005 05:32AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 26, 2005 05:03AM

I'll make sure I bring some pig's blood along to dip my bullets in before I shoot some muslim asshole.