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Bush plays role of pussy in attempt to win foreign support

"a man in a suit and tie"

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Comments for: Bush plays role of pussy in attempt to win foreign support
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2006 07:35PM

And it took the dumbshit this long to figure that out.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2006 07:48PM

caption should read..."this is the most bullshit any president has had to deal with in a long time. don't expect the middle eastern crisis to end any time soon. if you think it's my fault the arabs posses a losing position as well as a twisted sense of reality, you are an idiot! now stfu and let me do my job"
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2006 08:49PM

not that I am praising Mr. Bush, but I am always amazed at how many critcs there are... the basic question... CAN YOU DO A BETTER JOB for the most thankless job in the world? it is tough trying to be a leader within a world of free speech and opinions... as the old saying goes, "opinions are like assholes; everybody has one and they generally all stink"... OK, now flame me...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2006 08:57PM

Hillarious. Bush is a total SHRUB! he should sit back and take a nice tall drink of Jesus Juice...the same kind that was served at Jonestown! RETARDED SCHMUCK
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2006 08:57PM

_digger, you need to sign up for the 'war' and go off to die you fucking piece of shit BITCH
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2006 09:18PM

No, the most thankless job in the world is mine and those of all the other dedicated honest citizens in this country that go to work everyday, pay our taxes and bills, try to do the right things, play by all the fucking rules, help other people when we are able, cast our votes, and still get lied to, spied on, ripped off and fucked in the ass by the government every time we turn around. I like you Digger. Don't make me come down to Texas and bitch slap you! smiling
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2006 09:25PM

cast our votes and still get lied to wah wah wah lmao
why the fuck do you cast votes in a pseudo democrasy anyway... only to bitch like my mom after a quarter century of my bullshit when things don't go your way
and if your tired of getting fucked up the ass, stop turning around just do what i do and move in to your mom's basement, smoke crack, drink bourbon, and masturbate to japanese porn on the internet all day... that'll show 'em
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2006 09:45PM

Crack is bad for you man, smoke pot instead. Don't get your ass all hyped up niether.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2006 10:02PM


The facts are undeniable.

Bush fucked up his academic career.

He fucked up in his business career.

Now he has fucked up the entire world by promoting hostility the way a teenager would.

Complete fuck up accomplished. Way to go Bushman.

Conservatives just can't face the idea they backed a loser. Someone whose performance was\is so bad that he has put everyone on the planet in more danger in 3 years than even the most pessimistic security analyst could have dreampt of.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2006 10:05PM

shaDEz go hit the bong again you idiot.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2006 10:42PM

another worthless anon comment there 1988.
i don't need a job or an education or whatever else the army is trying to get people to enlist....and calling me names just further aligns you with Nancy. strange bedfellows there buddy

Nancy: why do you continue this campaign of slander? the election was a long time ago and i think your boy lost....crying makes you look like a total dipshit. oh i'm sorry, that's your right. get a new subject to bitch about girl, because nothing you do or say will change anything except maybe your blood pressure level.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2006 11:50PM

"let me do my job" ?!?! What fucked up media are YOU reading? Bush is not in power.. *Cheney* et. al. are calling the shots. Oh, and Bush Senior... Bush W. is a fucking dimwitted pawn. He doesn't know his ass from an oil well.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 12:02AM

funny but that's a hollow argument.
how many brainchilds have been in office in our history? not many.
you don't have to be a genius to be pres. so what
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 12:30AM


On performance alone Bush is giving Millard Filmore a run for his money as the worst president in history.

Bush Performance. F.

You may not have to be a genius to be president but you do have to be successful. Bush's record of failures and lack of success was laid out before he was elected.

That conservatives overlooked these signs of failure based on Clinton hatred is laughable.

Thanks W, for throwing rocket fuel onto the fire in the middle east. You are doing one hell of a job.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 12:52AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 12:57AM

more bullshit from aDCBeast! Hey aDCBeast threw in that nigga head in the pic to make more funny
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 01:38AM

i still fail to see you point. W was doomed to be a fall guy for all the worlds problems because he isn't that smart? that doesn't hold any water at all. the upcoming war in the middle east has been building up for 50 years. there will never be peace as long as Hezbollah and hamas etc. and other islamic extremists are in existence. the iranians are totally out of control as well as the Syrians. they see the current deployment situation of the U.S. as a perfect time to carry out their hopes of cleansing the earth of the Israeli people.

hile Hitler!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 01:42AM

just sit back and watch as no talks will make any difference whatsoever in this war. it will cost many lives and be the bloodiest confrontation since the 2nd world war. there is nothing W or any other countries leaders can do to stop it.
it's not anybody's fault except maybe the U.N. for awarding the Israelis the land in the first place.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 02:12AM

F_D I have to agree with you on many points, but that doesn't retract from the fact that Dubya is a clown-puppet. He's stupid, he can't even say things right when other people write them down for him. If you can't see that than I'm truly sorry for you.

We've got the best government money can buy, unfortunately it's just not good enough for the American people. We're better than this shit and we DESERVE better. We've worked and fought HARD for it. Sitting back and saying "It's the hardest job in the world" doesn't hack it. He wanted it, he got his kin to help him buy it for him, but he's still a moron and he needs to get the fuck out. Thank God and our founding fathers for term limits. The bozo needs to go.

I'm not really sure God is ready to launch Armageddon quite yet, but who is? Your beliefs may vary. It doesn't matter in the long run, I'm secure. Are you?

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 02:30AM

i do see it but fail to see the point still, sorry.

and he will not go anywhere till '08. not even our great senators or representatives have the balls or know-how to impeach anything. they know as well as anyone we need to have W finish the business at hand before condemning someone else to failure. at least give him the chance with a little support from the democrats and other bitter losing W haters could solidify the world. sounds like Viet Nam huh? our enemies think the country is divided and cannot make a definite decision as to policies thus strengthening their possibilities to carry out an extinction. sadly they're not far off.
they are not stupid, but extremely opportunistic
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 03:06AM

I am not a Bush-hater. I don't think I truly actually hate anyone. I'm glad our government is still intact and somewhat stable. I am thankful to God that He blessed me and my family to have been fortunate enough to be born in the greatest country on Earth.

Yes, GWB will finish out his term and hopefully not starting any more wars in the meantime.

I pray and and mourn for my fellow patriots and their families that have died and suffered in this big mistake. Yes, it is very much like Vietnam, and it is a big mistake. (I'm a Vietnam war veteran, BTW)

My point is that we are the the PEOPLE. We are not a bunch of numbers and clueless idiots that have nothing to say about how we and our families are governed. It appears sometimes as a psuedo-democracy, but in the country _I_ was raised in _we_ still have a say and the will of the people _shall_ be enforced, one way or another. That is our heritage, our right, our priveledge, and our duty.

You can believe what you want. Truth is THAT WHICH IS SO. Covering your eyes and plugging your ears will not change it. GWB is an idiotic puppet.
messyflatmate Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 03:13AM

An idiotic puppet of a very large and powerful group of extremely rich players, who have links in a great number of organisations throughout the top levels of the US.

Kind of a mafia in many ways (except that they don't tend to engage in internecine wars like the mafia has done).

Their money and power, combined with their web of and positions and institutions they control makes it extremely hard to combat.

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 03:54AM

come on CRAPPER

W thought being president would be an easy job like when he "worked" for the Texas Rangers baseball team. He thought is would be cool.

However he was too naive (along with the NEOCons) to think that Bin Laden and many other former foreign CIA operatives didn't remember Scumbag Bush I. The guy who befriended Bin Laden to fight the russians then tried to have him killed once the war was over. Yes I just said a part of Bin Laden's jihad with the US is based on CIA director Bush backstabbing Bin Laden. that would piss me off too.

This shit used to work in the old days but now the scumbags that the foriegn operatives the CIA hires have learned from past mistakes and are doing something about it.

The socalled war on "terrorism" is really a war on people who got fucked over by the CIA. The CIA is just trying to kill off any former assets that can tell the world what they know and did. Bin Laden is definitely one of those people the CIA wants dead for that reason.


Teh next middle east war has started. This one will make Iraq seem like a picnic.

Anyone who is american better stay in the US because american citizens now have a target on their back in many countries across the world.

Thank Daddy Bush, shrub, and the NEOCons. If only the true conservatives would kick the NEOCons out of the republican party the world would be a better place.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 04:22AM

so in your eyes gore would've done a better job?
that's hilarious if true.

those were the voters choices and thank god he didn't get elected!

you think shit is fucked up now.... my god just think what would be happening if "the inventor of the Internet" (cough cough smirk snort) would've been elected. i'm afraid to even contemplate the ramifications of that possible fiasco
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 05:19AM

i'm real interested to get jordan1st's comments and feelings on the situation.

speak up bro.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 08:01AM


Anyone would have been better than W. He doesn't have the mental capacity or the success needed to be the leader of the US.

I love your red herring by injecting Gore into the conversation. Fuck Al Sharpton would have been better than W. Your aunt susie and the blind man playing the trumpet in Dupont Circle would have been better than W.

W has always been a failure. Always. A failure that daddy had to clean up after.

And conservative venting their hatred of Clinton voted in the worst president in history at a time when someone who is either smart or successful needed to be in office.

Stop telling the Hannity lie. Gore never said he "invented" the internet. He did say as a congressmen that he promoted the growth of the internet. Gore saw the usefulness of the internet and sponsired legislation for its continued growth.

the "invented" crap is NEOCon spinsters providing the morons that listen to them fodder. these same spinsters could sell the idea that the moon really is green cheese and these idiots would believe it. Oh, sorry Crapper.

I also love the "things would be worse if so and so was elected". that is a really weak. Only limped dicked faggots speculate as to what would have happened if.

The real truth lies in what did or has happened. W has proven to be the loser libs said he was.

A failure as a student that required daddies money to get him through.

A failure in business that the Bin Ladens bailed out a few times.

A failure as president that everyone is running full steam away from.

W is a loser. Embrace it.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 02:11PM

nancy: you'll never get it will you?
that's O.K. your views and reasoning are quite funny. keep it up because the recent posters and comments are boring as hell. who the hell wants to read some guy saying, "oooo i'd like to fuck the shit outta her and....." i guess i've been grown up too long.

"limped dicked faggots"? don't tell me your a homophobe as well. lmao, i guess that doesn't surprise me at all.

who did you vote for in the last 2 elections?
there's no way in hell i will ever say that the only president in a long time had the balls or conviction to take on every problem in the world at the same time, disregarding what the crybabies say or do is a moron, looser, or whatever other liberal euphemism they can pull outta their asses. the arguement of bitter crybaby loosers. B.F.D. he's stupid.....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 03:44PM

F_D, I ain't saying Gore woulda been any better, what I'm saying is this is some fucked up repugnant shit up in there. Making excuses for Bush or anyone else in DC don't hack it, bro. Playing the fife and banging the drum blindly and sucking up to the gov't `cause that's we we got is NOT what this country is about. In fact, it's just the opposite. Read the fucking Declaration of Independance. It applies now more than ever. We do NOT have to settle for this shit, it is our DUTY and HONOR not to. Rock on!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2006 03:53PM

the choices were shitty in both respects but crying about the outcome or the job being done does noone any good except our enemies. funny how that didn't make the declaration huh?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2006 05:44AM


No one is crying about the outcome as if our horse lost. I am speaking out because a moron with ZERO international experience and the ego of a 13yr old won.

Conservatives have tried to downplay this but this ego problem is what lead to the Iraqi occupation and now the collapse of the middle east peace process.

Bush knows he's licked by acting like a dog that shit on the carpet at the G8 meetings. His head is down knowing he is going to have to kiss some major league ass and surrender his dignity for a while.

It's about time conservatives in the US start calling a spade a spade. In other words Bush is fuck up.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2006 12:02PM

I am grateful we had a president, at least for a while, who would do what he thinks is right and not be pushed around by leaders of other nations as has happend so often in the past. In dealing with the terrorists organizations the only think g that will work is to orchestrate their deaths. This increase in violence in the middle east has been on the way for decades and is only the fault of the terrorists orgainzations and the nations who support them. What needs to happen in the region is for the fighting to increase even more and include Iran and Syria. I am certain that is on the way. You people are so afraid of your gas prices rising that you would kiss the ass of every nation in the region to keep the prices down. There is nothing anyone in the world can do to prevent what is happening or what is going to happen. Even if Bush were replace right now the outcome would be the same. The only difference would be the amount of attacks we see in our country. Maybe you pussies should install seatbelts on your couches because there is a bumpy ride in our future and nothing you can do about it.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2006 01:11PM

the real sad thing is we let Iran dictate the major percentage of oil prices and then they take the $ and use it against us supporting terrorist organizations and further degrading any peace that our dumb asses think will ever happen. THERE WILL NEVER BE PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST UNTIL THE ISRAELIS ARE EXTERMINATED. this has been coming for centuries. it's not something new created by W. if you think otherwise you are plain and simply an idiot. the world needs to quit lying to itself and let them kill each other, then pick up the pieces. that's extreme, but nothing anyone can say or do will change the fact that extermination is the only thing Iran, Syria, and every other extremist weasel dick regime will be satisfied with.

dissent was good in the 1700's, but now it is being used against us and aiding and abetting the enemy.

I'm glad that nancy's arguement has degraded to W is a fuck up, because that's a really weak arguement. sure he's not the brightest bulb in the box. SO? at least he has the balls and conviction to stand by his agenda and do the right hing to bring about change and reduce the # of dictators and repressive, racist regimes.

"that's all i have to say about that" (F.G.)
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2006 01:39PM

Thanks Forrest :p
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2006 03:34PM


Having someone with ZERO international experience do what they "think" is right ? Are you fucking kidding me ?

Bush has done what he "thought" was right his entire life. Too bad he has always been wrong.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2006 03:41PM

Actually Crapper,

this has only been coming since 1948 when the UN with US backing formed the illegal state of Israel.

The US caused this. That is why the US runs to Israel's defense.

President Truman caused all of this with his misguided attempt to make the world safe for jews by stealing land from palestine. Another idiot.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2006 04:33PM

1948? son you need a history lesson.
read the koran, (or the interpretation of the extremists) it's a bit older than that. and it's not just the jews that are wanted dead. they are only the beginning of the "holy war"
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2006 07:11PM


There is no "holy" war. that is bumber sticker thinking for the stupid. They just want the influences of the west on their culture out. The west was not asked into their culture. The west forced themselves on their culture. Dumb white boys that thought you can treat 3rd world citizens as peons. What a dumb move.

There was no problem with the muslim world for the US until 1948 when Israel was illegal formed. Britain started their trouble with the muslim world a century earlier when they thought they could colonize the world at will.

Funny how americans seem to forget about the many religious extremists that have and still exist in the US. Extreme punishments of death for the smallest of sins.

Remember the puritans ? there are many people in the US who still have this fundamentalist idea of religion. That man should judge man vs. God judging man.

then there are the people of Tim McVeigh's terrorist group that american's don't even know about. The FBI and justice dept. have kept quiet about the fact that McVeigh was just the bomber for a larger radical organized criminal group.

Where is your outrage for these american terrorists ?

The framers of the constitution foolishly thought that religious tolerance is something the US should have so they made it apart of the first amendment. So if you are going to tolerate any religion then you must tolerate them all oftherwise the first amendment falls apart.

You can't pick and choose which ones you will tolerate. That is what King George did. King George's actions were the reason the framers wrote it into the constitution. To guarantee all expressions of religion no matter what they believe.

Considering these people live outside the US the US should know to tread lightly on other people's home turf. To advance your beliefs in another country as brazenly as the US has would make even the most timid person speak out against the US.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2006 09:21PM

no holy war huh? tell that to all the extremists who keep hollering for one.
they now have realized that the "holy war" is not an accepted term by anyone but themselves. they understand now that they need to change the term to "all out war", same damn thing. both involve the extermination of all infidels.

as for mcveigh etc. they're not terrorists in my definition, but crazy ass whackjobs that need to fry like bacon.

now tell me you don't agree with the death penalty either, it won't surprise me at all.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2006 09:24PM

"There was no problem with the muslim world for the US until 1948 when Israel was illegal formed. Britain started their trouble with the muslim world a century earlier when they thought they could colonize the world at will."

that's another myth created by these idiots to try and justify their hatred of all "infidels".
the U.S. didn't create of give the land to the israeli's. the U.N. did
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2006 12:00AM

I seem to remember the Bible mentioning that the Jews were in the region since the days of the Pharros(sp?).
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2006 01:30AM


The US has rhetoric. Fundamentalist muslims have rhetoric. As soon as your hear "jihad", anyone knows you are about to hear a load of shit meant to stir up the masses. Kind of like "Bring em on".

The US was the UN in 1948. Nothing got done without US backing. Nothing.

If Truman didn't sign on to the creation of the state of Israel then it would not have happened.

Truman made a promise to help jews survive by stealing land in palestine.

They gave land to people who were being cleansed in Germany by Hitler (the jews lived in the USSR, Poland, Germany, Austria, etc.) yet the US decided to give them land 1800 miles away in Palestine. WTF ?

Jews from eastern block nations didn't know Palestine. Palestine was not their home. Why would they want land there ?

Damn. You're making me think you never went to college.

jgoins .. your point is ?

Many people's have had their land taken through battle.

Plus this is all based on a bad assumption. That Jesus was the son of God. More manure.

Funny that you putz don't even know that many jews do not view the land in Israel as special. they view the religion as special. that where it happened is irrelevant.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2006 01:58AM

the arguement of who's land it = should = be is irrelevant. it is the israeli's now and they have every right to defend it, especially when some fanatics are trying to kill them for it.

every piece of land in the world has been previously owned or occupied by someone else. possesion is 9/10ths of the law. even if you refuse to acknowlege the law.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2006 02:57AM

"This increase in violence in the middle east has been on the way for decades and is only the fault of the terrorists orgainzations and the nations who support them"

Like how the USA supported Saddam back when he was "our" terrorist. Don't forget that the US sucks Saudi Arabia's cock too (...and it was Saudi boys who flew planes into our buildings, remember).

So, it's pretty clear that the mess in the middle east has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fact that the USA is building permanent bases in Iraq, and is planning on occupation for the long term?

Hmm. Then I wonder what all the fuss could be about? Silly gits. They should just stop fighting. It's really that simple.

(confidential to jgoins: Pharaohs. look it up sometime. You ARE on the Net, aren't you?)
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2006 03:00AM

"it is the israeli's now and they have every right to defend it"

Except that they keep taking more land all the time -- haven't you read about that aparthied wall the Israelis have been building? Taking extra land, cutting farmers off from their orchards, cordoning off water sources... you know, low-intensity warfare stuff like that.

Not to mention randomly bombing the Palastinians, killing their leaders, shooting their unarmed children, using jets to create sonic booms over residential areas, creating little jewish "colonies" in Palastinian areas... etc. etc.

They are hardly more innocent in this matter. In fact they are operating much like their hated Nazis at this point. So weird.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2006 04:11AM

it's true that the Israeli's dicks are all hard right now because they see the opportunity to put a severe hurt on Hezbollah and hamas. they haven't learned anything from "the war on terror". bombing the shit outta people doesn't help anything, but is quite counterproductive.
contrary to popular belief diplomacy is a waste of time in this situation as well. the only answer is go to the source (Iran and Syria) the support they are giving is a bottomless bank account. hmmmmmmm frozen accounts? that outta really jack the price of oil with the asshole wall street speculators.(the real problem in the recent price increase).

every time the shit hits the fan it has no effect on us small guy oil producers. because we are under contract.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2006 12:29PM

Fossil you are correct in that Iran and Syria needs to feel the consequences of their actions with terrorist organizations, but the namby pamby countries which make the decisions of the world will never do it. Unfortunately unilateral is the only way it would get done and the world doesn't want anyone to do that on their own. The only way anything will be done tc Syria or Iran would be if they did something extremely devistating in the world and could be tracked back to them easily. Even when we lost our buildings there were those in the world who still refused to see the connection to Afghanistan. Personally I think we should just wipe out the entire middle east and divide the oil among the nations who helped do it.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2006 02:10PM


fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2006 02:33PM

232123: kon-nichiwah, yeah beast and i are the same person, i just love arguing with myself.

you don't agree with me?
very sorry for you.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: July 27, 2006 08:13PM

Crapper doesn't even argue with me. He tries but he fails miserably.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 27, 2006 09:13PM

fails? you're not even worth an effort.
you disprove yourself at will.