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Axis of Evil
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Axis of Evil

"a green and blue map"

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Comments for: Axis of Evil
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2005 04:30PM

wow, even 3 year olds can use a computer.This is pretty stupid
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2005 04:53PM

Pure ignorance! Well I guess countries like North Korea that have massive death camps where they work to death "unpatriotic" people and 3 generations of their family, just don't count for evil anymore. Anyone caught trying to escape the "worker's paradise" to China are hunted down and immediately executed. Or theocracies like Iran where teenage girls are hung in a public square for having pre-marital sex.Or Iraq where a paranoid murdering dictator tortures and executes thousands that could possibly be "unpatriotic", and whose future leader sons would go into nightclubs, point out the hottest girl, and have their thug bodyguards apprehend her so they can rape her. She would later turn up in an alley with her throat cut.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2005 04:58PM

anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2005 05:04PM

Chalk it up to Jealousy.

Fuck the Muslims. Kill them all.
Irishman Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2005 06:55PM

Hey Asshole, Assuming that the blob in the middle is your cartographic attempt at drawing Ireland, leave us out of it. We're overun with asylum seekers here, most of them muslims and my tax is feeding and housing them.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2005 07:54PM

anonymous@33920 Fuck and keel the juice too.
Tiw Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2005 08:29PM

Try walking around London these days and not get accosted by assylum seekers (often women holding babies) begging for money (they already get too much given to them where others have to work for what we have.

If they were true asylum seekers they would stay in the first safe country they travel to, not travel through an entire continent so they can choose a country where the government cares more about them and their kind than the people they are supposed to work hard to care for.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2005 09:12PM

Canadaman Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2005 09:24PM

In line with the comments of Irishman, make sure you put the border up between USA and Canada. We've got enough fuckin' refuges and foreigners running here as well and my tax money is going to them.
Bob Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2005 10:53PM

ROFLLAMNAO AOMG OMG LOGORY you are a genius. Getting both the Americans, British AND Irish mad all in one image is brilliant. Rock on man and maybe get photoshop someday?
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2005 11:11PM

Bob, agreed, LOGORY has done well to upset so many people with one crappy little picture, but if you use the word 'both' it should be referring to two items not three.

So what if your countries are 'overrun' with assylum seekers (and yes we have them too). Get over it, it is a fact of life in the modern world. As for staying in the first safe country, if you had nothing and no family ties to a place, plus the freedom to move to another country, would you also not go to where you thought you would be best looked after!!

208121, you forgot about the african country (I forget which one it was) that convicted a pregnant woman to death by stoning for having an affair, while letting the man off free, and then delaying the sentance until the baby was 6 months old so she could breast feed it. (The execution never took place due to international pressure on the government.)
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 01:03AM

NUKE ALL ARABS! NUKE IRAQ! that will end the war real fucking fast
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 01:43AM

16875, what if some body posted, 'NUKE ALL AMERICANS! NUKE THE USA!' I can just imagine the response that would get. The arguement has the same logic though - the war would be ended just as fast. If you are going to post comments, make them intelligent.
jop Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 01:52AM

Why make an intelligent comment when you can jump up and down like an illiterate monkey spewing shit?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 02:04AM

Israel is part of the evil.
Animal81 Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 05:16AM

Everybody needs to ignore this fuckstick and he`ll just go away.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 05:22AM

i really wonder why the fuck do u stupid americans (note, i mean the stupids) think u got the right to say stuffz like "kill the muslims" or "nuke all arabs"... after all, what did THEY do to U?
shouldn't THEY hate U all?
u guys really think u rule the world... pf...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 05:58AM

Anonymous@5236 to answer your question of why there is so much animosity towards Arabs (and I'm not saying I think it is right, and I know it is wrong to generalize): I believe this is part of the reason. To be honest, as far back as I can remember, Arabs and the middle east in general have seemed to be at the center of global turmoil. Yes, it is caused by a relatively small group of extremists, but you just don't here this happening nearly as much in other parts of the world. Every time you hear about an airliner being blown up, a school full of children being blown up, or a cafe full of teenagers being blown up, it always comes back to Muslims. Every time it involves innocent people being violently killed. It ends up appearing that the Arab world does not believe in expressing their grievances in a civilized manner. They seem to quickly resort to indiscriminate violence. I really don't know why this is, maybe they are brought up to deal with problems in a passionate, violent way or something.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 07:30AM

ok fuck all!!! Will the resident fo the flawless nation please for god sake stand the fuck up and be recognized. If not please shut the fuck up and stop bashing others.
stussy_demon Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 10:57AM

Asylum seekers are a fucking virus and France is sending the shit through their end of the channel tunnel so people like me have to give tax money to house the skanky fuckers. I mean WHY would the French tossers build a Asylum camp so close to the tunnel? The French are surrendering, arrogant scum.
We have homeless people and we let them rot...we get a few thousand Asylum seekers, and we house the, so, wrong. Everyone should do their part, but no...we get the bulk of the problem!
Blair should get a grip and tighten asylum rules to the same level as Australia and other European countries to deter the 'free ride' they have come to expect in England.
As for the French....arrogant wankers....every last one of them. Always hated em...always will...
If ever an Arab bomb would become of some use, then blowing that bastard tunnel up gets my vote.
Bob Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 12:55PM

stussy have you ever considered joining the BNP? They love people with your attitude. An arab bomb wouldn't be wasted blowing your sorry ass up
stussy_demon Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 01:06PM

Shut the fuck up Bob. You pay for them if you care so much. WE HAVE OUR OWN PROBLEMS TO PAY FOR YOU STUPID BLIND FUCKWIT
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 01:23PM

Sorry Bob but stussy is right on, I mean London alone has thousands of homeless people and what do THEY get? considering the majority are British born! Certainly not a house and state benefits. Seems to me stussy is shouting out what most us Britains are thinking.
Anyway LMAO, the French are a bunch of tossers!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 02:52PM

LOL!!! I have an English friend and he told me the Nigerians are a huge problem. They are incredibly innovative in stealing from the system. Yes Stussy is speaking for a LOT of people.
stussy_demon Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 03:10PM

Sorry Bob, I was a bit rude, I like a lot of your comments, but the whole Asylum thing really gets my back up. Here in Nottingham there is a big gun problem created by the crack dealing 'Yardies' that have set-up shop. Thing is now they're at war now with all the Albanians that are trying to muscle in on some of the drug dealing. Let them kill each other I say. A big contribution they are giving back to us tax payers....hard drugs, murder, and gun crime...thanks wankers!
Back when the goose fair was in Nottingham a young girl of 12 was randomly killed in a drive-by shooting...suspects: Yardie drug dealers...motive: None
Bob Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 05:48PM

I guess the problem is worse in England compared to here in Scotland. Since England has overpopulation it doesn't need many more people yet scotland has a decreasing population so we need all the people we can get! But just remember these asylum seekers are often the only people who will do the shitty jobs for example cockly picking in Morecame Bay. These Asylum Seekers work for really low wages and are the basis of the economy. Anyway I guess I just feel that people should be allowed to move to get work, even yourself!
Pieter Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 06:14PM

Bob you is a traitor to the good poeples. I comes from europea and I lost my job to a scum seeker nigger from africa. They should get job in their home country and make it better place not steal our jobs and make our country as bad as theirs. Bob support 9/11 yes? A piece of shit is better than you tongue
sticking out smiley
MZLeo Report This Comment
Date: February 05, 2005 06:23AM

hey pieter! do u really think the guy who took your job is a god damn nigger? well, u r the one who lost it... have u ever wonder that maybe he´s better than u on that? u r a damn racist!
i´m sure that in your opinion they all could die and u wouldn´t even care...
why do u think he moved to europe? maybe, just maybe, could be because he was looking for a better place to live and work? i´m sure u didn´t even think ´bout it before...
just think man...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2005 04:57AM

We must all learn the lesson that Islam and Muslims teach us. The lesson is: THEY ARE THE ENEMY!!! Send them all back to where they came from, then send over five or six 50 mega ton hydrogen bombs. Then there shall be peace in the valley of death...