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Nothing to see here
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Nothing to see here

"a screenshot of a social media post"

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Comments for: Nothing to see here
Bill Clitton Report This Comment
Date: September 28, 2020 12:36PM

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2020 03:12AM

See the mentally challenged have posted their response, how novel (taunt)
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2020 06:22AM

This just in! Tax documents prove Donald Trump is a wealthy businessman! spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
pulse Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2020 06:41AM

I find it shocking people would be shocked he pays no tax? I'm sure he can afford a good accountant.

It's always been only working stiffs pay tax, this is not news.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2020 08:50AM

I haven't read much about the details, because personally I don't really care (we're having our own elections in 3 weeks, and that is much more relevant to me than anything in the US), but I think for most people it comes down to morality or ethics. Tax can be seen as a way of contributing to society, paying for what many consider to be essentials, such as law enforcement and justice systems. The fact that he has paid somebody to ensure he didn't pay tax can be seen as not caring for anything or anybody other than himself. Some may not want a leader that they may see as being that selfish, when they should be considering the needs of the entire nation.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2020 10:22AM

I just can't wait until 4 years after November. I genuinely couldn't give less of a shit about US elections if I tried, but it's half the shit on the internet at the moment.

Trump will probably win, then people will whinge. Or he'll lose, then people will whinge. Nobody will shut up, so what difference does it make?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2020 11:29AM

His taxes do not matter, if the tax laws allow for loopholes and he uses those loopholes then more power to him. His tax returns have been under scrutiny for years before he was elected and if they didn't find anything illegal back then what use would it be to them now? If you all are honest with yourselves you would admit that if you made as much money as he did you would use the same loopholes to keep more of your money just like he did.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2020 11:41AM

To our mates in other countries, sorry about all this but where the U.S. government is involved the repercussions of what happens does have effects around the world.

Shrewd business people with good accountants will always work the the loopholes so they pay little or no tax, the system is set up for them to benefit while the middle class carries the burden, this is one reason why the middle class is morphing into a larger poor class. His business model of losing heaps of money to avoid paying taxes doesn't translate well into running a government and then, besides the fact that he said he'd show his tax returns yet has fought tooth and nail to keep them hidden, he said these things while all the while he was avoiding paying taxes:

"Barak Obama who wants to raise all our taxes, pays only 20.5% on $790k. Do as I say not as I do." April 13, 2012

"@conservativeJT: @bluejoni @realDonaldTrump Trump is an American that will pay more taxes in one year than you will pay in your entire life." March 28, 2013
pulse Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2020 12:28PM

While you're kinda right quasi, the impact the US has on the rest of the world has greatly diminished over the past 20 years. The insular approach didn't start with Trump, it really started with Bush (and you could almost say "which Bush?" on that one) - Trump just popularized it and turned it into a catchcry. World markets have been moving away from US centric and US dollar for a very long time. It's certainly gained pace though in the past 4 years with an awful lot of countries just can't be arsed dealing with the crap that goes along with it. I'm certainly not saying there's no impact. Just that it's not what it once was.

I personally believe that it doesn't actually make much difference to the world if it's Trump or Biden, unless one of them starts a war. Trump is unhinged enough that it wouldn't shock me if such a thing happened. But it's not like a Democratic President hasn't ever done it, either. The question is "how big?" of a war and with whom. Australia is a very close ally, so no matter what we'd naturally follow. Our biggest trading partner, by far, is China (33% - the US is only 3%). Our economic growth depends on China's. So if the fight that's picked is between the US and China, we're pretty well fucked regardless. Then, so is the world.

As far as candidates go, I just don't see a difference between them. I'm sure there's some difference domestically; but again that doesn't matter to me. I certainly am a supporter of social services, public health etc; so the rolling back of any of those things, whilst it doesn't affect me, I consider the wrong thing to do as a human. US foreign policy just hasn't changed that much over the past 20 or 30 years, aside from getting more obnoxious. I can say as a person I find Trump repulsive. I know literally nothing at all about Biden though, I've basically never heard of him. Seems boring, but less of a wanker.

None of this, by the way, is any different to Australian politics. Either way, nobody standing for government are there to represent you or your interests. It's all about kicking back to their mates who get them into that position. So, I can definitely say "I don't care", because.. I don't care smiling
smiley I just wish it'd hurry up and fuck off.