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Re: Image comments for Cindy Sheehan ... A mother of a fallen soldier
Posted by: Anonymous
Date: 15/08/2005 08:59PM
Actually, if you 'educated' people would do a search for a reliable news source, other that the Lame Stream Media (aBC, cBS, nBC, cNN), then you would be aware that WMD HAVE been found and that the LSM has avoided discussing it like a plague! Not only do they have to save their face... they also have to save their own political party... go figure...

Not to mention the fact that there is SO much that is NOT reported that is totally positiv eon how things are going over there... it was reported by a radical liberal newspaper at that! go figure.. :/

And if the LSM reported the news as it happened and by what was actually said without pulling a mikey moore (take everything out of context and make the total oposite of what was really said and done), then maybe you would all KNOW what is happening in the states AND the rest of the world.
I have served my country and have gone to a war... can you say the same? Can you understand the honor it is to protect not only USA's freedom, but to protect freedom throughout the world? In case you haven't figured it out yet.. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE, it has to be fought for and protected..

advice: read up on your rules of your party.. and then place the communist manifesto next to it... can you tell a difference?

Last word of advice: At least ATTEMPT to get the whole picture from ALL sides before you do any childish name calling and it will save you face in more ways than 1! AND, you won't look so gullable (are pulled into believing something without doing your research).... then you may begin to understand how things REALLY work in the world.

BTW, I have been overseas and have seen what people think of the US of A... You might be suprised at how many 'foreigners' are behind the US or A 100%! I have now lived in Japan for several years now.. not sure if I want to go back with all the childish bickering going on over there (sure you won't invite me back, oh well, so life goes on.. but I don't need to be invited back).

Just think of everything I mentioned, if you were able to read from the beginning 'till the end... It might help many people.


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