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Re: Image comments for Bush committed to needlessly killing US servicemen
Posted by: aDCBeast
Date: 22/03/2006 08:17AM

Crapper .. I agree. The polls taken on election day don't meant shit. Nov. 06. America installs some sanity. 08 and the course is righted.

The fact is that there is are disturbing polls amongst the military that think Bush is not fighting the war they see every day in Iraq. He is fighting some ficticious bureacrats war in Washington. And they are right.

that is military brass and servicemen thinking the president lived up to democrat rhetoric that he doesn't know what it's like to go into battle and therefore doesn't have the legitimacy to tell servicemen to tough it out.

Bush comes off like a desperate car salesman with his repeated attempts to say "I was duped" by the CIA. BS. The CIA told the fucker he just didn't want to hear anything that didn't fit his plan.

The fact that we are still fighting over the reasons for war 3 years later makes the whole thing stink.

To go to War is clear cut. No if ands or maybes. Bush used the propaganda machine to trick the military to back this BS mission on false premises and he and the world will pay the price.

One that was told to Bush prior to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Everything has happened as if everyone in Iraq was reading from a script. I guess Bush didn't get his.

Being decisively WRONG is not a good character trait. Bush has had the wrong judgement in every endeavor he has ever undertaken. Iraq only continues his imcompetance.

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