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Re: Image comments for FUCK THIS SHIT
Posted by: fossil_digger
Date: 18/10/2006 11:51PM
if you don't like what's been posted...well that's your choice. but bitching about it doesn't do anything but make you look childish.
not every pic posted will be liked by all the users (obviously).
jordan1st hasn't contributed any pics in a while, and mr. anon. i don't know what you have contributed because you don't have a log-in to search your "contributions".

so i guess the point is post something you like and it may spark an interest for others to investigate.

someone posted a pic. of a river the other day asking people to guess it's location, i did some searching and found 1 of the coolest river/waterfall pics. i have seen...ever! and i thank him/her very much. the poster was anon.

laying around and expecting people to keep you amused is quite selfish and naive to think someone will know exactly what you want to see and post only those subjects. there is an extremely wide variety of tastes on this site, that's the beauty of it.

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