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We just weren't looking closely enough
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We just weren't looking closely enough

"a close-up of a man's forehead with words on it"

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Comments for: We just weren't looking closely enough
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 04:11AM

Sweatin' now. At least he can't be president again, unless he changes The Constitution some more with the help of his "comrades".
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 04:42AM

I think we should do that, Best President we ever had!!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 08:50AM

This president will be the first president to be indicted and convicted.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 02:02PM

If Jeb isn't ahead in the polls in 2008 he'll raise the security alert to red, declare marshall law, and crown himself king.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 03:07PM

Sounds 'bout right.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 03:51PM

Good, the fuck should be branded.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 08:53PM

Thats great thinking:
George Bush Sr. (1988-1992)
George W. Bush (2000-2008)
Jeb Bush (2008-2012)

AEoN Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 09:48PM

If your gonna call bush a liar, then your forgetting to add our intelligence agencies, and other countries intelligence agencies. These include Britain, france, germany, and others. Love the libs, their arguments are so infantile. grinning smiley
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 10:48PM

AEoN the dipshit.

The CIA and DIA (Defense Intelligence agency) say Bush is a liar.

Britain has been shown over the past few mosts to have made up intelligance.

France, Germany, and others all said Saddam didn't have WMDs.

If you need to believe lies to maintain stability in your life then so be it. Bush, and the Nixon crooks that back him are criminals. Their lies cost US servicemen and Iraqi citizens their lives.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 11:04PM

hahaha lol... get your facts strait AEoN.

Like most conservatives you only point your finger back at the accusers instead of confronting the facts. If you ever even opened your eyes to begin with.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2005 11:46PM

I for one never believed on the weapons of mass destruction in Irak, Bush Sr. did a good job & removed all teeth from mad dog saddam when he beat the shit out of him in desert storm. That WMDs story was for pussy whimps to shut the fuck up while he went over there to beat saddam ass again for not being a good Dictator and an asshole, next year Ayatolla's ass is gonna be on the run.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2005 08:08PM

Man its quiet...
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 22, 2005 09:24AM

AEoN Report This Comment
Date: August 22, 2005 08:53PM

On August 19, 2005, 5:48 pm aDCBeast@52204 said :
"France, Germany, and others all said Saddam didn't have WMDs."

My mistake, I forgot that that they were the ones involved in the "food for oil" scandal. They wanted saddam to remain in power. Funny that none of you morons ever piped up about that did you?

AEoN Report This Comment
Date: August 22, 2005 08:54PM

Also, if bush is a liar I'm sure he'll be IMPEACHED like CLINTON was.
Truth_from_Georgia Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2005 02:22AM

So AEoN, your argument is now basically that Bush is not a liar on WMD because other people skimmed money in a "food for oil" scandal. Hmm. That's logical.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2005 04:45AM


Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Dick Cheney all said within 6 months of 9-11 that Saddam had no WMDs. Had no ability to wage war against his neighbors or us.

Not only didn't we find WMDs. We didn't find 1 mobile laboratory. Didn't find 1 bunker full of weapons. None.

Not only did France, Germany, and other countries say Saddam had no WMD, but so did the CIA and DIA. All of the UN and United States weapons inspectors said Saddam didn't have WMDs. Are you calling all of them liars ? Nevermind that the post invasion US inspectors found no WMDs either. They proved what was already known.
i_hate_you_cunts Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2005 08:09AM

Saddam flaunted the UN by not allowing weapons inspectors to do their job and Bush was the only one with the balls to pull him up on it.

I love how you fuckin cowards live in constant denial.The world is not a nice place and the reasons for going to Iraq were many.Hopefully Iran,NK and then fucking Lebanon are next.

These people aren't going to change.Let's just kill them all now before they become a bigger prblem in the future.
Truth_from_Georgia Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2005 03:39PM

I hope nobody takes that attitude with us. "The world is not a nice place and those damn Americans keep sticking their nose in our local affairs, so best off with them -- kill them all now before they become a bigger problem in the future." That is what some here are advocating for the rest of the world and there are a couple of old sayings (which got to be old because they are true): (1) what goes around comes around and (2) what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2005 01:00AM


False. Saddam did allow inspectors. And the inspectors never found anything. The US knew that Saddam didn't have weapons because we were Saddam's biggest supplyer until Gulf War I.

The war where the mission was not to liberate Iraq or protect Saudi Arabia. Gulf War I was about blowing up all of the biochemical weapons that the US sold Saddam to fight the Iranians.

The real issue now is that Bush wanted to invade Iraq and he was making reasons up to do it. You are not a man if you lie to enter into war. Just a coward.
i_hate_you_cunts Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2005 07:32AM


To clarify:the weapons inspectors were allowed in the country,they just weren't allowed into certain facilities.Saddam mocked the US when Bush threatened to take action, saying they couldn't do a thing.Wrong.

And as for lying,you liberals always conviently forget the Sarin gas shells they found.

As for lying to enter a war(which he didn't): the only way to prevent the terrorist groups who controlled northern Iraq could only be stopped by a large military force.You think Saddam's gonna volunteer his assets?Mmm,thought not.I wouldn't care even he he did lie.It's the only way to support from the coward populous.Its called tough love,son.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2005 10:22PM

Try reading Scott Ritter's reports. He went anywhere he wanted. The fact is politicians got mad that Saddam did not allow inspectors into government buildings claiming that Saddam had WMDs in the buildings. that is false. Saddam was only under a santion from the UN to provide access to WMDs. He did. The US inspectors that went into Iraq after the invasion went into those buildings and NOTHING of value was there.

The Sarin gas was marked with UN stickers which means it was ACCOUNTED for as of 1998.

Terrorist groups didn't exist in Northern Iraq. That is lie that Colin Powell told to the UN that was known to be false at the time.

They all lied.

i_hate_you_cunts Report This Comment
Date: August 28, 2005 11:38PM

"government buildings".Yeah,right.Saddam hid military buildings under schools,FFS.You think he's going to keep WMDs in a huge hanger with "SECRET WEAPONS IN HERE.NO INSPECTORS ALLOWED!".Once again you've proven incapable of taking more than one logical step.

You're wrong about the Sarin gas and terrorist groups have existed in Iraq for years.Why don'r you provide some primary sources instead of false statistics and bs.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 08:50AM


After the occupation the US went anywhere they wanted. And they found what ? NOTHING !

Look at the congressional record. NOTHING.

WMDs where are you ?