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"a two towers on fire and black smoke with World Trade Center in the background"

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Comments for: Conspiracy
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2007 01:11AM

Well here we fukn go again, for you non beleviers that debunk

911 conpiracy theroy's.Here's a little treasure chest of shit

in the news that most of us wacko Librals already know. Pay

special attention to the timeing of insurer.

NEW YORK - The builders of the World Trade Center site and

seven insurers have reached a $2 billion settlement that ends

all outstanding legal battles over its multibillion-dollar

policy, state officials said Wednesday.
The insurers involved include Swiss Reinsurance Co., which held

the largest policy on the trade center; Allianz Global Risks

U.S. Insurance Co., the former Royal Indemnity Co., Zurich

American Insurance Co., Travelers Companies Inc. and Employers

Insurance of Wausau.

Silverstein, who leased the twin towers weeks before they

collapsed, took out a $3.5 billion policy with dozens of

insurers. He went to court after the attacks, arguing that he

should receive two payouts because the two hijacked planes that

crashed into the towers represented two attacks instead of one.
Silverstein was awarded $4.6 billion in 2004; two juries

decided that some of the insurers had to pay twice the policy

because the companies’ different insurance policies carried

different wording about what would constitute multiple events.

The insurers have been in court recently to determine exactly

how much they would pay
Updated: 5:16 p.m. ET May 23, 2007

its like he new,
NeoCon of Victory Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2007 01:18AM

HA HA HA, Madmex, you have uncovered our plot. Unfortunatly the world will not believe you and our march to world domination will continue.

When we rule the world I will make you my personal shoe shine boy.

smileys with beer
HA HA HA - a toast to evil!!

finger smiley
Mercury9722 Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2007 02:24AM

Go Get em' Tiger! GRRR!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2007 02:45AM

SHIT! That reminds me of Aristoteles Onassis when his rivals sank his oil tankers in the Middle East, he had $hefty insurance on them$ and went laughing all the way to the bank.
Silverstein did the same smileys with beersmileys with beersmileys with beersmileys with beer
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2007 03:53AM

madmex, that article proves nothing. Nowhere in your post does it give any date as to when the insurance policies were taken. Care to post???

You liberals are something else...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2007 04:20AM

Denial will get you nowhere, 911 Truth continues to grow......

Most Americans have not even questioned 911, when they do they will start to see answers that don't fit and question those.... and so on and so on and so on.............................................................................. ....

911 will be brought up in the next Presidential Election, "they" can only blow it off for so long, so many times, if "they" don't question 911 themselves publicly they will be looked down on and lose many, many votes.

Start researching 911, dig in.... now there will be Dicks around talking shit about just believing "facts", well, if they believe the "Official Conspiracy" stories then they don't care about facts, if there are no facts right out in the open either way I'll always go with the most logical stories and the 9/11 Commision Conspiracies are a laugh, all the facts they never looked at (pushed away) are some of the most important out there.

Here's...... Lee Hamilton - Vice Chairman 9/11 Commmision

Lee Hamilton, Vice Chairman, 9/11 Commission – Former 17-term Congressman from Indiana. Former Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Currently President and Director of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and serves as a member of the President's Homeland Security Advisory Council.

* CBC video interview transcript regarding "Without Precedent" a book about the 9/11 Commission authored by Chairman Thomas Kean and Vice-Chairman Lee Hamilton 8/21/06:

Lee Hamilton: I don’t believe for a minute that we got everything right. We wrote a first draft of history. ... People will be investigating 9/11 for the next hundred years in this country, and they’re going to find out some things that we missed here.

Evan Solomon: The first chapter of the book is 'the Commission was set up to fail.' ... Why do you think you were set up to fail?

Hamilton: Well, for a number of reasons: ... we got started late; we had a very short time frame - indeed, we had to get it extended; we did not have enough money - 3 million dollars to conduct an extensive investigation. We needed more, we got more, but it took us a while to get it. ...

We had a lot of people strongly opposed to what we did. We had a lot of trouble getting access to documents and to people. ... So there were all kinds of reasons we thought we were set up to fail. ...

Solomon: I guess the question is, you know, if forty odd million dollars were spent investigating President Bill Clinton’s sexual infidelities, why did the American people and the world have to wait 441 days for a commission [to begin its work] that was originally budgeted for 3 million dollars and given barely a year [to complete the investigation]?

Hamilton: I think basically it’s because they were afraid we were going to hang somebody, that we would point the finger, right in the middle of a presidential campaign - 'Mr. Bush, this was your fault' ..." []

* Editor's note: Ultimately, the budget for the 9/11 Commission was increased to $12 million and they were given 18 months to complete the investigation and issue their report. In comparison, $20 million was spent on the independent Columbia Accident Investigation Board's investigation of the 2003 Columbia space shuttle disaster, in which 7 astronauts were killed. This amount does not include an estimated $300 million spent on debris recovery of the space shuttle, nor tens of millions spent by NASA in support of the investigation.

"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." – Mark Twain
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2007 04:31AM


World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein testified Tuesday that he knew little about the insurance policies he secured before signing a 99-year lease in the weeks before the Sept. 11 terrorist attack destroyed his buildings.

He told a jury in U.S. District Court in Manhattan that he knew the insurance was important enough to the July 2001 closing of the lease that he ordered his staff: "Get it done. Get it done because we need it to close."
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2007 11:38AM

What difference doe sit make about the insurance policies. Every business has insurance, every building has insurance so why is it important that the WTC had insurance? If I were going to lease a building I would have it insured before I signed the lease. It is just not important and shows no conspiracy by our administration.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2007 01:10PM

9/11 conspiracy theories are the funniest form of entertainment available today.
amazing what peoples minds will convince them of when they start grasping for straws. smiling bouncing smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2007 08:37PM

jgoins Wrote:
> What difference doe sit make about the insurance
> policies. Every business has insurance, every
> building has insurance so why is it important that
> the WTC had insurance? If I were going to lease a
> building I would have it insured before I signed
> the lease. It is just not important and shows no
> conspiracy by our administration.

SHIT! yesterday I saw TacoLoco2000 buying insurance for his 1973 Ford Pinto, maybe he's planing to use it in a TacoBell holdup ?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2007 09:11PM

anonymous: you musta missed mex's "coming out" party
quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2007 10:13PM

I have insurance on my house, my health, my cars, and my life. Does that make me a conspirator or just too broke to enjoy my house, my health, my cars, or my life?
quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2007 10:18PM

Oh yeah, my homeowner's insurance was cancelled after hurricane Charley and my replacement policy cost nearly three times as much. I think hurricanes are a right wing conspiracy created to enrich the insurance companies and keep the people down. Bush has a weathermatron in the White House basement he uses to control the weather. That bastard.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 25, 2007 12:00AM

And out come the Dicks! the
finger smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 25, 2007 12:03AM

We had a lot of people strongly opposed to what we did. We had a lot of trouble getting access to documents and to people. ... So there were all kinds of reasons we thought we were set up to fail. ...
- Lee Hamilton - Vice Chairman 9/11 Commmision
Neocon of Victory Report This Comment
Date: May 25, 2007 02:12AM

Hey Fucks, didn't you read my rant at the top?! Case closed.

For my next act I am going frame Obama for raping Hillary.

To evil!! smileys with beer
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 25, 2007 07:49AM

You would be considered a suspect by law enforcement if you had bought the insurance for your house and cars two weeks before they were all destroyed.

Law enforcement would suspect you of either committing the act to destroy your possessions or you had advanced knowledge of the act to destroy your possessions.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 25, 2007 08:42AM

Anonymous Wrote:
Damn Straight, especially if you just made sure that they were insured against "terrorist attacks" like he did.

> You would be considered a suspect by law
> enforcement if you had bought the insurance for
> your house and cars two weeks before they were all
> destroyed.
> Law enforcement would suspect you of either
> committing the act to destroy your possessions or
> you had advanced knowledge of the act to destroy
> your possessions.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 25, 2007 11:22AM

Hey, assholes! The fucking sand niggers fucked up the trade centers!!!!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 25, 2007 12:18PM

how many times have terrorists bombed the trade center? shouldn't it go without saying that the insurance you buy covers this? or am i the only person hee with any common sense?

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 25, 2007 12:30PM

fossil_digger Wrote:
> how many times have terrorists bombed the trade
> center? shouldn't it go without saying that the
> insurance you buy covers this? or am i the only
> person hee with any common sense?

After the first bombong attempt it would be only natural to have insurance to cover terrorist attacks. If your house was flooded once you would carry flood insurance from then on. Common sense is in short supply here.
j1mg Report This Comment
Date: May 27, 2007 03:35PM

Technically... Bush voided the insurance when he described the attack as an "act of war", as insurance policies don't count against acts of god or acts of war. They should have asked me, i could have saved them one hell of a payout.