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An Appeal To The Left: The Change You Wanted
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An Appeal To The Left: The Change You Wanted

"a man in a suit"

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Comments for: An Appeal To The Left: The Change You Wanted
Malachi Report This Comment
Date: February 28, 2011 07:19AM

If you supported Obama then watch this.....

Yeah, right Report This Comment
Date: February 28, 2011 11:41AM

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 28, 2011 12:43PM

I don't like Odamna at all but just bringing our troops home and staying within our borders minding our own business is not an answer. Isolationism will only get us more 911s. Maybe if we attack a country we should just devastate it and get out or if we stay there claim it for our own. The idea of repairing the country we defeated and giving it back to them is just pain stupid. Turn the other cheek and get the other side slapped. If you want us to come home and secure our borders fine but throw out all the illegals who are already here too.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 28, 2011 02:13PM

isolationism is not the answer, but tricking more libs into voting for you under the pretence that you actually give a fuck about the people is brilliant. it seems RP is just another B.S. artist like the rest. Barry can't get any of his campaign promises done because he isn't the president, the Bilderbergs etc. are the real puppetmasters.

color me up on my handful of change.

edit: brilliant = same shit different puppet

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 28/02/2011 02:30PM by fossil_digger.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 28, 2011 02:51PM

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 28, 2011 03:12PM

It really doesn't matter what you think of Obozo, either Bush, Clinton or any other administration. The simple reality is we have in the past, and continue today, to enter into and propagate unconstitutional military actions on foreign soil.

America has never lost a war. We've prevailed in every war that congress ever used its authority to declare. This truth is also tempered with the reality that no military action we've undertaken since WWII was ever declared by congress to BE a war.

Goins comments above encouraged a bit of reflection on the concept of isolationism.

Pulling out of the 700 or so locations across the globe where we have military installations and bringin all our military home is not an isolationist idea, it's a constitutional one. Thankfully it goes even further in the plus category as it also removes our military members from the positions they occupy in harms way abroad, saves our national budget huge sums of $$ that's being paid to other countries to have these installations on their soil, prevents our military salaries abroad from being also spent in those countries (which helps their economies, while depleting our own) and removes the argument from those who claim we can't defend our borders.

In a time where the US faces the most grave financial crisis in our history, defenders of our military actions claim the costs to our national budget are only "a drop in the bucket" in the overall picture, to which I raise the Bull Shit Flag waaaay high!

Try tellin such BS to the American families who've had to tighten their financial belts by such "drop in the bucket" actions to their own budgets in these times just so they can make it through the mess and see if you can find agreement that eliminating unnecessary expenses doesn't help.

Any politician who can straight faced stand and tell us these are only "drops in a bucket" and have no impact financially have no right to a single American vote as they not only are flat out lying, but obviously do not have a grip on the concept of Constitutional governance and principles thereof hot smiley

And to fossil: If you can back up your assertions about RP above, please do so. If you can find a single congressional vote he's placed where it was shown to be in favor of an unconstitutional amendment, please provide it for our edification. Or if you can even find one issue where his stance has waffled one way or the other, please show evidence of that as well.

RP is the only politician I know of who unequivocally says and does the same consistently and never casts votes nor gives support to anything that is either unconstitutional or serves to take away rights of American citizens outlined by the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.

Sure the prez powers are limited (less more so today then ever, but that's another huge topic altogether!), but if you truly believe that then you'd also have to ask how then did Obozo manage to enact so many changes the US electorate stood in opposition to if he does NOT have a significant amount of influence over what congress enacts?

In Obozos case that influence comes from political arm twisting, behind the scenes manipulation of support for his proposals, telling the dem congressional causcus they must support his agenda (which cost lots of them their seats in the last election) and through flat out lies to the American people,

Just my opinion, but I god damned well own it in saying that, NO I do not believe RP is just more of the same, but a breath of fresh air and political sanity that certainly knows what's needed to put our government back on track to live within its means and powers as enumerated by the Constitution smileys with beer


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 28/02/2011 03:35PM by Mrkim.
Mach Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2011 01:47AM

Mrkim, thank you, that was downright American.


"...but tricking more libs into voting for you under the pretence that you actually give a fuck about the people is brilliant. it seems RP is just another B.S. artist like the rest."
- fossil

fossil, yes, Ron Paul came up with the idea and made that video up there (in his spare time, in his basement), you caught him once again, you just can't be fooled, can you?

Bad try.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2011 02:16AM

lemme guess, you AND Kim think that by some incredible super human reasoning, that RP would be any different than any other weasel dick politician? the fruit loops just keep comin' smiling bouncing smiley

now this is where you guys give me the "how he votes" bullshit. fools. smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2011 02:25AM

time to put your monkey where your mouse is boys;

i think $5/bet is affordable

1. he will not get the nomination.
2. if he does miraculously gets elected, he will not follow through on 1 of his "promises" (just like every other weasel cock).
3. unemployment will rise because of his crazy ass "world vision".
4. he will be so busy fighting the unions and libtards so much, he won't have time to take a piss much less run the country.

you may add others for consideration

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2011 02:26AM by fossil_digger.
Mach Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2011 02:50AM

I know how things really work fossil, let's put it this way, if Ron Paul would be elected President and nothing changed at all, then we would be.... right where we are now.

So, you try to blow him off so we can just put another outright puppet in there instead huh? Bad try.

I'm nothing like the Obama followers, I'm not sold on shit-talk, to hell with what any of them SAY, it's what they DO that counts and Ron Paul is on the top of the list as far as doing what he says he's going to and that alone is worth GOLD.
Mach Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2011 03:05AM

By the way... Isolationism?

You guys are reaching so far that you are making yourselves stick out like turds in punch bowls. Or should I say... beating a dead horse... with a stick. (*horse*)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2011 03:06AM by Mach.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2011 03:05AM

so you're too chicken to put 20 bucks on that? or maybe add in some more bets? bock bock bock buckack! smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2011 03:33AM

here's another bet for consideration: if he runs against Barry, it'll be the biggest landslide in presidential history, not in RP's favor. ($5)
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2011 04:24AM

50% of the bets your wantin are sucker bets and the other 2 make it all a wash, so what would be the point?

1. he will not get the nomination.

Sadly, I problee hafta agree, but not because he's not qualified, nor because I don't think he'd make a good prez. I agree because he represents just as big a threat to them as he does to the libs/dems, and they damned well know it.

2. if he does miraculously gets elected, he will not follow through on 1 of his "promises" (just like every other weasel cock).

You might believe that, but not me.

3. unemployment will rise because of his crazy ass "world vision".

Sucker bet for sure. Hell yeah, if he disemboweled the unconstitutional DOH, DOE, IRS, and the other agencies he's been on record as wanting to eliminate there would be a shitload of overpaid govt workers whose gravy train ride would come to a screechin halt. BTW, seems like just eliminating the DOE alone would be a bigger cut in federal spending than all the crap the current congress is wranglin over, but jeez buckwheat, why should we be concerned about a totally unconstitutional agency that manages to burn through more than $100 billion annually while being totally ineffective. Jeez, that's only a TRILLION$$$ over ten years, so why sweat about the small shit, right?

4. he will be so busy fighting the unions and libtards so much, he won't have time to take a piss much less run the country.

Here again, we disagree. He'd be busy alright, no doubt, and his hands would be waay full for sure, but I don't think that would prevent him from makin useful, realistic and beneficial changes to the current BS system that's bein passed off as government. At this point ANYTHING he would move toward could only be an improvement winking

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2011 04:28AM

looks like there are 2 hens in the hen house. smiling bouncing smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2011 12:37PM

If we were to bring the vast numbers of military stationed overseas home, where would we put them? I think if we were to bring them all home then so many of them would be discharged early and will have to reenter the work force which would vastly increase unemployment making our economy even more disastrous.

I neither like nor dislike Ron Paul but I do have to agree with Fossil in that I think he would be no different than any other president and basically do nothing. Anyone thinking he will get rid of IRS is living in a dream world, I wish someone would but it just ain't gonna happen, they are too big and powerful.

All I can say is it is a good theing the world is gonna end in 2012 so we don't have to see what's comin next.
fossl digger Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2011 08:02AM

You want to die? It's a free country.......
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2011 02:43PM

Don't want to but not worried about it if I do.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2011 04:49AM

tsk tsk schmuck. (*butt*)
Mach Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2011 08:30AM

Here fossil, this will straighten everything out, maybe you can learn something, and yes, he does text better than me. I told my uncle before... "your government is NOT your country."


I've posted some of Higgs stuff in the past around here....


"For example, for many years, a single congressman from northeastern Pennsylvania — first Dan Flood and then Joe McDade — substantially enriched the anthracite coal interests of that region by inserting a brief, one-paragraph limitation rider in the annual appropriations act for the Department of Defense. The upshot of this obscure provision was that Pennsylvania anthracite was transported to Germany to provide heating fuel for U.S. military bases that could have been heated more cheaply by using local resources. (We pay either way - Mach) This coals-to-Newcastle shenanigan was a classic sneak-thief gambit, a thing of legislative beauty, but every year's budget contains thousands of schemes that operate with similar effect, if not in an equally audacious manner."


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2011 08:37AM by Mach.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2011 12:09PM

Is that rider not called pork? Maybe that is why the middle east hates us, our love of pork in congress.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2011 02:38PM

so now I need to learn something? smiling bouncing smiley alllllllllrightythen. clown
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2011 11:01AM

There will always be war and some profit from conflict so what? As long as humans remain on this planet there will always be wars utopia cannot be reached by mankind.