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The Man with a Plan... we would hope
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The Man with a Plan... we would hope

"a man wearing a helmet"

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Comments for: The Man with a Plan... we would hope
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2006 11:40AM

Just because you don't know what the plan is doesn't mean we don't have one or that it isn't a good one.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 01, 2006 12:32AM

Just do it.Press it,humanity will not loose much.Bring it to a head quick,hit thier most holy sites.Round up thier fanatical preachers and deport them to Iran.Hitting bellow the belt is what they do so fight fire with fire.Tell the rest of the world we will split the oil and see how fast they jump on board.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 01, 2006 01:05AM

Well goins, considering that the current plan has involved: extreme torture which is inadmissable in court, the death of countless civilians and children, the radioactive irradiation of the middle east (via "depleted" uranium shells), the use of illegal weapons like cluster bombs and white phosphorous, the illegal invasion of a country, the occupation of that country, the re-writing of it's economy and laws, and the basic destruction of it's food & water infrastructure, the destruction of America's image worldwide, the fueling of Islamist jihadists worldwide, the rise in the price of oil, and the weakening of US civil liberties (all of which is readily documented)

... I can reasonably say that the current plan is having significantly bad results.

What *is* the plan goins? Is it worth it? Must we simply "trust" our extremely rich leaders? Or should we have some opinion about the matters of the day which oppose the public statements of those leaders?

What is more American?:
To Say Something, or To Shut Up?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 01, 2006 11:11AM

Well 136136, it is clear by your post that you believe every statement made against the US and it's leaders so there is nothing I can tell you that you will believe anyway. The only problem I have with the administartions direction is that they are not going far enough. They are being held back by bleeding heart liberals like yourself instead of prosecuting the war like they should, fast hard and decisive. We should be taking on Iran by now instead of letting the diplomats waste time with useless talks which gain nothing. The missle sitting on Korea's lauchpad should be destroyed right away instead of talking as well.

You are entitled to your opinion but it would be better if it was indeed your opinion and not an opinion given to you by someone else. The opinions above are my own and not given to me by anyone.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 02, 2006 05:23AM

Push it Dubwa, fuck them ragheads
messyflatmate Report This Comment
Date: July 02, 2006 12:38PM

jgoins, exactly which part of that list do you not "believe" ? Every item on that list is a fact. Every one. It's not as matter of belief mate - these are documented, black and white proven indisputable facts. Not matters for conjecture or for you to make your mind up about whether to believe or not.

Sure, you can have your opinions about what the bush admin should do next - that's a quite interesting discussions in the current environment. Personally, I wouldn't be keen to be the one trying to make policy to extricate the US out of the cuyrrent situation.

But don't go pretending to yourself that none of that shit 136136 lists has happened. Next you will be telling us that the Jews made up the holocaust.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 02, 2006 08:16PM

Every item on the list is open to interpretation as is legalities. Nothing in this world is black and white. Just be prepared, when bush leaves office after '08 and some wimpy president takes over the shit will hit the fan. If you think things are bad now just wait a very few more years and you will see just how bad things can get. Things are happening in the world now and the bottom will fall out of soon. What is coming has only been delayed and none of you are willing to see what is on the way.
messyflatmate Report This Comment
Date: July 03, 2006 11:44AM

>Every item on the list is open to interpretation as is legalities

Not sure what you mean by that?

> you will see just how bad things can get

like what, i am confused what these bad things are. Do you mean that the extremist terrorists are waiting until bush leaves office before planning another attack?

> the bottom will fall out of soon

"end of world arounf corner" ... maybe

> none of you are willing to see what is on the way.

Come on .. let us in on the secret !
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 04, 2006 11:51AM

Nothing on the list has been proven to have occured or been proven as illegal. If any of it is illegal then where are the police to arrest the perps and the PA to prosecute them or the court to try the case? If you are talking about international law then where are the international police?

You already know what's coming but you just don't want to admit it because it is not politically correct to do so or it is just too scarey to think about.
messyflatmate Report This Comment
Date: July 05, 2006 01:52PM

jgoins you don't believe smoking causes cancer so clearly no amount of evidence is going to convince you

you live in cloud cuckoo land
noname6789 Report This Comment
Date: July 05, 2006 02:14PM

press the button and import the glass it makes to sell at the flea markets
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 06, 2006 12:31PM

The commercials for are not truth. they are fabrication and out of context statements. The warning on the packages state it "may" cause cancer, but grilling in the backyard "may" also cause cancer. Driving cars "may" also cause cancer. It is bad enough the law makes me fasten my seatbelt which harms no one but me maybe, now they try to take my smokes away from me. What's next booze. Should we take booze away so the politicians will have nothing for lunch.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2006 01:06AM

jgroins: let me help you:

extreme torture which is inadmissable in court,
---Ok, we know that torture and sexual humiliation was used in Abu Ghraib. It is further alleged that torture by the US to Iraqis (some of whom are innocent) is going on in other Iraqi jails. Are you going to dispute this? Torture, according to US law, is inadmissable as useful evidence. So, if we (the US) is interested in justice and court cases, then this is the wrong way to go.

the death of countless civilians and children,
---45,144 and counting. Not counting the 5,000 per MONTH that were dying during the '90s due to food/medicine sanctions imposed by the US/UN.

British medical organization estimates over 100,000 iraqis dead:
You going to refute the BBC?

the radioactive irradiation of the middle east (via "depleted" uranium shells),
---The US uses "depleted uranium" shells in their tanks.
This is a bad thing:

the use of illegal weapons like cluster bombs and white phosphorous,
---1. Are you going to tell me that the US has not used cluster bombs and white phosphorous?

the illegal invasion of a country,
--- What basis did the USA have to invade Iraq? What legal pretext? Don't give me your junior sophist BS about "where are the int'l cops" ... you know damn well that no one arrests the powerful.

the occupation of that country,
--- Are you disputing that the USA occupies Iraq? I think that's basic fact, chum. Prove it wrong.

the re-writing of it's economy and laws,
--- Do you not believe that Jerry Bremer, the initial viceroy of Iraq, did not commit Iraq to binding laws and resolutions?

and the basic destruction of it's food & water infrastructure,
--- "On January 30, 2005, an official report by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, Stuart Bowen, cited by Time, stated that $9 billion for the reconstruction of Iraq might have disappeared in frauds, corruption and other misbehavior. "

the destruction of America's image worldwide, the fueling of Islamist jihadists worldwide,
--- The US Defense Dept stopped keeping track of "terrorist" incidents, because they rose to a higher level post-invasion than any other time in in history.

the rise in the price of oil,
--- Ok jgoins, you're right about this. The price of oil has not risen one penny since the invasion of 2003. You got me there.

and the weakening of US civil liberties (all of which is readily documented)
Did you know that the cops can get your library check-out records now? Do you think that is an invasion of your civil liberties? I do.

As you can see, my sources are varied.
Anyway, feel free to deny any of this stuff.
You probably will anyway.
That's ok.