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Wernher von Braun
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Wernher von Braun

"a man standing in front of a desk with a rocket in the background"

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Comments for: Wernher von Braun
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2006 05:58AM

I figured that since a number of WW2 posts got quite a few responses both positive and negative, I'd extend the debate by posting pics of some of my favorite people of the 20th century. The sharp observer will notice the row of model rockets behind this man, who was instrumental in the developement of the Saturn V rockets and the Apollo program which would eventually land astronauts on the moon.
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2006 05:59AM

Can anyone name the rockets displayed behind him?
Left to right.....let's see how smart you are.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2006 06:29AM

Did we land astronauts on the moon? There is a controversy right there....
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2006 11:39AM

not sure about the first two, but the last three are the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria... I think...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2006 03:48PM

if this guy is so smart, how did he do in the
stock market?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2006 04:05PM

Left to right:
Atlas Rocket (Mercury Program)
Saturn 1 - Block 1 configuration (Apollo)
Saturn 1 (Apollo)
Saturn 1B (Apollo)
Saturn V (Apollo/Skylab)
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2006 04:09PM

German Engineers and Scientists kick ass!
Many people don't like to hear this, but the fact of the matter is that German made weapons of WWII were far superior to the Allied counterparts. They also had some outstanding military leaders/strategists. Had Hitler and some of his top dogs listened to and followed the advice of his Generals, the war in Europe might have taken a much different turn. One of their biggest blunders was invading Russia in the winter time. I am glad Hitler was not more competent, or most of the world might be speaking German today.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2006 04:31PM

I agree that German engineering was quite
phenomenal.However the Allies had some nice stuff
also ie:

Hawker Hurricane&Supermarine spitfire with
Rolls Royce Merlin engines

Lancaster&Wellllington bombers

B-17 bombers,Curtis P-40 warhawk,P-51 Mustang

Browning Machine guns

In my view the only weapon that was subpar to
German weapons was the Sherman tank versus the Tiger tank and ze Panzer tank.My 2 cents worth smiling
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2006 05:50PM

Dr. Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun (March 23, 1912 – June 16, 1977) was one of the leading figures in the development of rocket technology in Germany and the United States. The German scientist who led Germany's rocket development program before and during World War II, entered the United States at the end of the war through the then-secret Operation Paperclip. He became a naturalized U.S. citizen and worked on the American ICBM program before joining NASA, where he served as Director. He is generally regarded as the father of the United States space program.

90130_ Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2006 07:01PM

Excellent. I love this stuff!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2006 04:36AM

If we took land when we won wars, the presidents retreat would in KROUFFORD, Germany or Cayfoird, Japan..