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So shut the fuck up about it
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So shut the fuck up about it

"a dog with a surprised expression"

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Comments for: So shut the fuck up about it
Loner Report This Comment
Date: June 14, 2020 01:54PM

Whenever there is a powerhouse country that can on it's own determine the fate of the world you better give a fuck. Unfortunately the USA is not alone in this category, asshole.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: June 14, 2020 05:35PM

Way to do foreign relations there, Loner. I think they know exactly who the asshole is now in case they didn't already.
Loner Report This Comment
Date: June 14, 2020 07:22PM

Well, if the truth hurts so be it, fool!
Loner Report This Comment
Date: June 14, 2020 07:33PM

...and, Mr. Context, you are missing exactly THAT.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: June 14, 2020 08:51PM

Yeah, right, lol.
grumple Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2020 02:32AM

Hi Loner

Why should I give a fuck exactly about US politics? If you guys want to tear yourselves apart internally, be my guest. Partisan politics are the worst thing to ever happen to your country, just look at the way you attack each other on here. If you can't sort your own shit out internally, what hope do you have on a global stage?

Incidentally, there's a lot of countries out there that can singularly determine the fate of the world. If you're talking the nuclear path, how much exactly do you know about British politics? French? Chinese? Russian? Indian? Pakistani?

I'm sure you're extremely well versed in the politics of Arif Alvi. How do you think he went on his recent discussions opposing the tariffs suggested by Raja Zafar-ul-Haq? I thought he made some extremely valid points.

Don't be a fuckhead.
Loner Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2020 08:45AM

Yo, Grumple!

Why should I give a fuck exactly about US politics? ---> Because you should care about anything of consequence.

Partisan politics are the worst thing to ever happen to your country. ---> It's called freedom; the 1st Amendment. The same free expression that is practiced on this site, that I appreciate very much.

If you can't sort your own shit out internally, what hope do you have on a global stage? ---> Our freedom is also a huge vulnerability. And we are a fucking huge and (most) diverse county. Like your new masters have said, 'we live in interesting times'.

Incidentally, there's a lot of countries...... ---> Sure, to a greater or lesser extent. Good of you to notice.

Pakistan, unfortunately, seems to be more of the problem rather than the solution. And it has been for quite a while. No, I don't know either of those guys. Perhaps you could explain WHY they are relevant at all. Thank you in advance.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2020 10:36AM

Yo, Loner!

Why should I give a fuck exactly about US politics? ---> Because you should care about anything of consequence. ---> Yet you seem to not care about things of consequences unless they are 'murican.

Partisan politics are the worst thing to ever happen to your country. ---> It's called freedom; the 1st Amendment. The same free expression that is practiced on this site, that I appreciate very much. ---> Partisan politics are not the only way to lead to freedom, and you don't need the first amendment to be free. My country is free, and it doesn't have the US constitution at all.

If you can't sort your own shit out internally, what hope do you have on a global stage? ---> Our freedom is also a huge vulnerability. And we are a fucking huge and (most) diverse county. Like your new masters have said, 'we live in interesting times'. ---> You're actually a tiny country, being only about 5% of the world's population.

Get your head out of your own arse.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2020 11:59AM

Gak, is the beer free there? Asking for a friend.
Loner Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2020 03:10PM


Why should I give a fuck exactly about US politics?...
Wow, that was a whiny reply. Yes Gak, the rest of the world is still there, because it is a fact. You are missing the same context that Quasi did. Re-read the 2nd line of my 1st reply to the OP. And if I think of America 1st, maybe it's because I live there. And wherever you are from I bet that you have a similar perspective.

Partisan politics are the worst thing to ever happen to your country.... "Partisan politics are not the only way to lead to freedom..,"...
You are missing the context of Grumple's question and comments. To rephrase my reply to Grumple, "That shit happens here." Gak, I did not say anything about "the only way". I don't know why you just made that up. That makes the 1st sentence in your reply irrelevant. I forget where you are from. But if your government is not malevolent I'm not going to care too much about how it operates internally. If your government is not a tyranny you probably have partisan politics.

You're actually a tiny country, being only about 5% of the world's population....
Yes, And you have made a calc that conveniently results in a small number. You are silly. Shit, that puts China at only 20%. Like I said, I forgot where you are from. what's the result of that calc? Really. all that you've done is to state how big the world really is, don't you think? Let's look at this a couple of different ways. and I want you to keep in mind the OP and my 1st reply.

1China 1,439,323,776
2 India 1,380,004,385
3 United States 331,002,651
4 Indonesia 273,523,615 <--Shit, I did not know that!

Land Area(Total area Km^2):
1 Russia 17,098,242
2 Canada 9,984,670
3 China 9,706,961
4 United States 9,372,610
5 Brazil 8,515,767
6 Australia 7,692,024

Wealth (in Billions and percentage of total):
1 United States 105,990 29.4%
2 China 63,827 17.7%
3 Japan 24,992 6.9%
4 Germany 14,660 4.1%
5 United Kingdom 14,341 4.0%
6 France 13,729 3.8%
7 India 12,614 3.5%
8 Italy 11,358 3.1%

Military Strength:
1. United States
2. Russia
3. China
4. India
5. South Korea
6. France
7. United Kingdom
quasi Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2020 10:57PM

Just FYI, loner, I understood the context perfectly well, it was your nasty assed way of putting things I was originally commenting on, dumbass. Does all that chest pounding bruise your man boobs? The world has a picture of Americans as being assholes and that's because of ranting shitheads like you.
Loner Report This Comment
Date: June 17, 2020 01:20AM

So, if you understand the context you must also understand what I was trying to say, right?
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: June 17, 2020 07:58PM

"Just FYI, loner, I understood the context perfectly well, it was your nasty assed way of putting things I was originally commenting on, dumbass. Does all that chest pounding bruise your man boobs? The world has a picture of Americans as being assholes and that's because of ranting shitheads like you."

oh the irony..........
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 18, 2020 06:06AM

i had a shit day too. fuck all of ya
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: June 18, 2020 06:57AM

@Quasi - There's no such thing as a free lunch, or a free beer. Apparently we have some good ones down here though. I'm not much of a beer drinker, preferring other poisons.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: June 18, 2020 10:12AM

GAK67, I didn't reckon there was, really not that big a fan of it myself either.
Loner Report This Comment
Date: June 18, 2020 03:20PM

How about an answer to my question, Quaz?
quasi Report This Comment
Date: June 18, 2020 05:29PM

What you were saying in your original ugly rant was obvious and needs no explanation. How about you just stop pretending you care bout any rational answer and you just want to keep a fuss going, loner?
Loner Report This Comment
Date: June 20, 2020 04:48PM

No, you don't understand. And it was made clear when you used the term "chest pounding". I did nothing of the kind. Not at all. YOU attached that all by yourself in your 1st answer. All that I did was to state a couple of facts, albeit "ugly". Yeah, I'll cop to that. Because that's how stupid and dangerous the OP was. My original reply was clearly not about the USA alone. Like it or not, the country and the politics of that country go hand in hand. And to ignore your surroundings is moronic.

What OP really was about was, "We don't want to hear from Americans" ('shut the fuck up'). It's funny, but I don't remember a single OP from a chest pounding American making whatever claim. Help me out here, any? How many, like this one are derogatory toward America? And I've seen comments about America that IMO require a response. It seems to me that if you don't want it, don't ask for it.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 20/06/2020 04:50PM by Loner.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: June 20, 2020 08:56PM

One simple question Loner - why does the US chest pounding have to be in an OP?
quasi Report This Comment
Date: June 21, 2020 12:37PM

Upon further reflection, loner, you're right, I'm sorry, I exaggerated by characterizing your response as chest pounding, it was more along the lines of throwing a screaming tantrum, sort of like your hero DJT. I never disagreed about the importance of American politics and how it affects the world, particularly when there's a self serving idiot in control of the nuclear arsenal and plenty of folks like you who think he's just awesome despite his character flaws, deep, deep character flaws, it was your shit response I called out. There's patriotism and then there's nationalism and from what I've seen you and your ilk fall solidly in the nationalism category ready to hail the fuhrer at every chance.
Loner Report This Comment
Date: June 23, 2020 06:20PM

GAK - Doesn't have to be, and I never said that it must be in an OP. Just be careful when you pull stuff out of nowhere and out of context.

Quasi -
Not a hero, unless you compare him to the alternatives. Because that makes him look pretty damn good.
Are you the only one that thinks he can 'just press a button'?
Not "shit"; I thought we agreed on "ugly".
It is a mistake by many and a lie by some to automatically equate any nationalism (as opposed to globalism) with the national socialists of Nazi Germany. The Nazi card has been over played for decades to the extent that it is almost meaningless given the amount of times that it is misused. You are doing it here. Think about the how the USA is constructed after all (50 individual states). That separation is a good thing.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 23/06/2020 06:20PM by Loner.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: June 24, 2020 05:57AM

@Loner - "It's funny, but I don't remember a single OP from a chest pounding American making whatever claim. Help me out here, any?"

No, you didn't say it MUST be an OP, but you implied it by asking if there were any OP's that met that criteria. From the quote from your post it clearly wasn't out of nowhere or out of context. So since you chose to deflect and be pedantic, and didn't answer my question, I'll rephrase it. Why are you only looking for US chest pounding in OP's?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 24/06/2020 06:07AM by GAK67.
Loner Report This Comment
Date: June 24, 2020 07:48PM

But I DID answer your question, "why does the US chest pounding have to be in an OP?", with this answer:
"Doesn't have to be, and I never said that it must be in an OP."

But you are not considering the context of my statement, or maybe not reading my entire statement, or maybe something else:
Date: June 20, 2020 12:48PM, paragraph 2:
What OP really was about was, "We don't want to hear from Americans" ('shut the fuck up'). It's funny, but I don't remember a single OP from a chest pounding American making whatever claim. Help me out here, any? How many, like this one are derogatory toward America? And I've seen comments about America that IMO require a response. It seems to me that if you don't want it, don't ask for it.

...not to mention that you are forgetting the context of the entire post up to that point.
...and I wasn't looking for them. Re-read the entire post, twice.
So much for the OP part.

"but you implied it":
No GAK, I didn't imply it at all. I directly mentioned it:
"And I've seen comments about America that IMO require a response".
Comments where? In a post.

Pedantic? Maybe it appears that way when I have to chase down disorganized, out of context, and/or deluded (like, made up) claims in order to provide clarity. And I think that you are referring to what mainly was intended for Quasi. Because as I pointed out just above I answered your part directly.
Do you really think that I'm going to allow a Hitler/Nazi claim just go? What the fuck is wrong with you?

You know, if it weren't for the name calling garbage and propaganda lies that you include in your comments you really wouldn't have much to say.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 24/06/2020 07:51PM by Loner.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: June 25, 2020 06:57AM

@Loner - I think you are getting my comments confused with others. I never said, or thought (although I'm confused how you can comment on peoples thoughts), that you would ignore any particular comment. There's a lot wrong with me, but I'm not going into that here because what is wrong with me is irrelevant to this conversation. While I have used name calling in some posts in the past, if you look back on this post I have not called anybody any names, other than their usernames. I also don't think name calling has been a significant part of my posts on here overall. You, however seem to relish personal attacks rather than addressing the issues. I also haven't lied, or used propaganda.