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Bush committed to needlessly killing US servicemen
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Bush committed to needlessly killing US servicemen

"a man in a suit and tie"

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Comments for: Bush committed to needlessly killing US servicemen
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 21, 2006 11:22PM

slslea Report This Comment
Date: March 21, 2006 11:32PM

I wish I was president I would turn the whole middle east into a big sheet of glass and be done with it.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 12:27AM

well thank god your not, but then you'd be as stupid as him..
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 01:27AM

Lets put things in perspective,I know you don't want to because it would not show that "it's all Bush's fault" Wah! Wah! Any loss of a brave soldier is bad, but 2500 in 3 years, 10,000 die from poisoning per year in the US, 45,000 from car accidents per year, 12,000 from drowning per year. Ban cars, ban swimming, ban hazardous chemicals, the word for the day is PERSPECTIVE, and shut the fuck up. Was it 100,000 lost on D-Day, I can't remember?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 02:20AM

the 2500 are the ones that died IN Iraq. That does not include those that died OUTSIDE Iraq due to injuries.

And speaking of perspective the US population is 295,734,134 then you have to look at the number of soldiers in WW 2 vs Iraq.

But well who cares we won't win this war decisivly due to the tactics used.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 02:58AM

Anonymous@238240 . Actually it is "all Bush's fault". The whole premise of taking down Saddam ... And let's be honest about it ... was that Saddam authorized hitmen to take down liar Bush I. that was the reason this BS happened.

Believing the wild claims of 1 discredited Iraqi dissident about Saddam having WMD is a red herring.

the idea that anyone would or could compare WWII to this simple dictator overthrow is embarrassing. Hilter had proven that he would invade other countries and exterminate their people. Saddam couldn't even maintain order in his own country.

Stop deluding yourselves about Bush. He and his NEOCon crew are scumbags. They aren't even conservative. They spend money better than democrats and they never show restraint.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 04:49AM

More husbands and boyfriends are poisoned each year by the women they live with, than we have lost in the past 3 years. "Perspective"
But well who cares we won't win this war decisively due to the tactics used. "BY THE LIBERAL LEFT" you left that part off.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 05:01AM

and we damn sure won't win much acceptance when our own people are discrediting our actions. but we all know bush haters don't give a fuck about world opinion, only changing the minds of people who will not give in to their "conspiracy theories".bush is the best president we have had since ronnie ray gun! maybe not the smartest, but that's not a job description.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 05:09AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 05:39AM

Crapper ... the diseent is bad talking points are BS. That is political crap for the stupid.

Funny 55% of america ALREADY thinks Bush is the worst president EVER. that includes conservatives. Laugh that off Bitch !

Conservatives are beginning to open their mouths after 5 years to call this dumbass incompentant. If they didn't tell the public what the public already knows about this president then they would lose their elections in a landslide.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 06:05AM

oooooooooo 55% of what audience are you polling?

i guess i haven't made my point yet, so here you go again,*polls mean shit to me* !! you can poll till you're blue in the face!, i don't care. i have never seen a poll prove to be accurate......*EVER*

and the dissent comment is true and proven in the past, people just refuse to accept the truth......that's stupid.

landslide? what a joke!
vol Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 06:38AM


At least dying in a car or by chemical mishap or lightning strike is dying not in vain, a life not systematically wasted over fucking ignorant "war on terror" Bullshit!!..

Fossil Digger.. I have to say, I don't go by lame percentages arguements and Polls and all that, I just use my damn common sense God gave me- it is easy as a Disney Movie plot to see that Bush is thee worst piece of shit that never deserved to step foot in the White House- in fact he wasn't elected the first time round, people seem to forget that!

Fuck impeaching Bush, give him and Cheney each 2500 paper cuts to their faces, one for every Soldier they sent to die for absolutely nothing!!!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 08:17AM

Crapper .. I agree. The polls taken on election day don't meant shit. Nov. 06. America installs some sanity. 08 and the course is righted.

The fact is that there is are disturbing polls amongst the military that think Bush is not fighting the war they see every day in Iraq. He is fighting some ficticious bureacrats war in Washington. And they are right.

that is military brass and servicemen thinking the president lived up to democrat rhetoric that he doesn't know what it's like to go into battle and therefore doesn't have the legitimacy to tell servicemen to tough it out.

Bush comes off like a desperate car salesman with his repeated attempts to say "I was duped" by the CIA. BS. The CIA told the fucker he just didn't want to hear anything that didn't fit his plan.

The fact that we are still fighting over the reasons for war 3 years later makes the whole thing stink.

To go to War is clear cut. No if ands or maybes. Bush used the propaganda machine to trick the military to back this BS mission on false premises and he and the world will pay the price.

One that was told to Bush prior to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Everything has happened as if everyone in Iraq was reading from a script. I guess Bush didn't get his.

Being decisively WRONG is not a good character trait. Bush has had the wrong judgement in every endeavor he has ever undertaken. Iraq only continues his imcompetance.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 12:50PM

You people are fucking idiots. The '06 and '08 elections willnot be decided here on this site and you are wasting your time and effort. Beast you are just insane if you think there will be any change in '06 and the only reason there will be a change in '08 is simply because Bush can't run again. The Democrats will have to come up with a viable plan of their own before they will be able to convicne voters. People are not shallow enough to go to the polls just to vote against someone. We will demand something and someone to vote for instead and so far the Democrats haven't produced anything intelligent.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 01:11PM

Sounds as though Americans have the same choice of politicians at elections as us Australians do - between tweedledum and tweedledee. No choice in other words. Its no fun having to choose the lesser of two evils!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 03:13PM

Reagan was the 2nd worse president. He gave millions to Osama Bin Ladin to fight the soviets in Afghanistan in the 80's. He has to take part of the blame for 9/11. Bush is the worst president we've ever had. History will prove it.
BigBrute Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 05:36PM

Democrat, Republican, it makes no difference. Money talks. If you really feel Bush should be Impeached, contact your congressman and let them know. Every President has good views and bad ones. This President basically was re-elected for 2 reasons. #1. The country was afraid to change mid war afraid of back lash. We should have been stronger. We were not. We bought into the idea of weapons of mass destruction. #2. Moral issues such as abortion. We have a President who is against abortion. Does that include women who are raped by a total stranger, or worst yet, a family member? Who makes those desisions? It should be the woman that carries the child. No man should be allowed to decide for her in that case. Think about this question, and ponder it a minute. "If you had to choose between an unborn baby's life, never seeing sin, never knowing evil, or a soldier's life, one that has 3 little children, and a soul that may be unsaved. We are suppose to be a Christian society, but yet we are unable to make the right choices. It seems like every election, we simply choose the lesser of 2 evils. Is that the way it should be? Maybe we need to seek a third party. We give money to other countries, yet we have none for our own. We are laying off while other countries are growing. How long do you think this is going to last? We are Americans, whether you are black , white, red or yellow it makes no difference. We need to take back our Government, strenthen our economy, and stop depending on foreign interest to run this country.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 06:28PM

I agree with Big Brute this government sucks ass there are millions of people in the U.S. that are very poor and the U.S. is just throwing money away on other countries and bullshit space programs and no telling what all else. In the meantime people are dieing because they dont have health insurance to pay for a simple operation or dont have money to pay for there prescription drugs.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 06:59PM

BigBrute ... I agree.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2006 11:03PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2006 01:29AM

Well now, didn't this little post bring out a bunch of shit, I wish I would have been the one to post it. It's always so much fun to start a fire, ya never know how big it's going to get.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2006 04:15AM

poli-scicologists, just made that one up.

reality what a concept (robin williams)

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 08, 2011 12:49PM

sumbitch! did i call Bush the best pres since Ronnie?

what do you want to say about O'dipshit's wars now beastie?
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: July 08, 2011 05:20PM

Or the fifty one trillion dollars he has added to the deficit which is the most by any prez ever...congrats odumba,at least your no.1 in something!(*finger*)