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This is why the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan
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This is why the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan

"a map of the war"

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Comments for: This is why the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan
pissonaDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 04:18AM

No, we just didn't think you were that stupid.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 04:20AM


Still lying to yourself I see.
pissonaDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 04:32AM

Or, you are still lying to yourself--I guess if you keep saying it you will eventually believe that it is the truth.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 04:36AM


Refute it ass. You can't.

Nice try geek. Troll somewhere else.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 06:06AM

lol. Sad but true. That's ONE reason.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 08:29AM

Everyone that has posted here so far is an idiot America is in Iraq for the oil not Iran.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 09:31AM


Wrong. Those believe the public mass media think that. those who actually have information know otherwise.

Oil will run out in 40 years. Oil rationing is a much more economical way of stretching out the oil timeline. Muslims like to get rich just like white men.

Killing people to control the end of a resource that is running out fast is for conspiracy theorists.

This was always about keeping nukes out of the hands of people who have been wronged by the US and Britain.

Unfortunately the US and Britain have fucked over so many people that keeping nuclear arms from all of them is impossible.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 09:56AM

Look at the map of Iraq and the region. If you had a little military training you would see why we went into Iraq. I will make a very good staging ground for the major war which will be brougjt about by the Islamic radicals convincing the people of muslem faith to join their Jhad.
Truth_from_Georgia Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 03:30PM

The one actually reasonable explanation that I read for this whole mess (because yes, nuclear programs had clearly not been restarted before the war and the idea of democracy is naiveté taken to a new level -- remember they are Arabs and have no democratic tradition -- democracy is what the losers in the Middle East cry until they get power, and then screw that) is that the US was getting too much grief throughout the Arab world for bases in Saudi Arabia ("infidels in the Holy Land", etc.) and that we had to get our troops out of there. Still, the Middle East is to important not to have a significant troop presence, so where do we put them? Using Cuba and Guantanamo in the early 1900s as a model, why not invade a country, take out a government you don't like anyway, put in one friendly to you, sign a 99 year base lease (again, a la Guantanamo) and there you go.

That actually makes sense.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 04:46PM

Yeah, truth! Oh, oh, and the oil to. and my pal dick cheny to. Yeah, unfortunatly, the MAJOR war will happen not to far off in the future. Sad.

Hey. Do you know why there were not american made cars most of the 40's? Just guess.
Did you know China has been buying the worlds scrap steel for years, and is an unequal trading partner with the US. Speculate.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 05:13PM


Islamic Jihad is a red herring.

The invasion of Iraq was always about protecting the illegally formed nation of Israel.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 06:36PM

We know their intent and we have seen the lengths they will go to.Talking time is over they have to know the outcome of fucking with the U.S.A.You can cry all day but we will win this war and there will be more countries to drop before we are done so get used to it.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 08:36PM

Hey the last WW the U.S. used nukes. Not politicaly correct? Others have nukes also. Fuck it. Point made? Glass the whole fukin EUR/ASIA? You've got to kill every one to start from scratch. To overcome the cultural differences, some cultures have to be wiped out, one way or another. Hey we're just animals that have a conscience,that don't wanna die,that make up "gods" to fight about, and fight for "the holy land". God is great? Right? JUST TO LET YOU KNOW THAT'S WHAT THOSE JEHAID !@#$%^&* SHOUT EVERTIME THEY SNIPE, OR RPG, OR BLOW UP ANY THING.
Like all this mudslinging in the VA governors race. Some one's lying. I bet both. Fighting about gods? Some one is wrong. I bet my life, both.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 08:36PM

"The invasion of Iraq was always about protecting the illegally formed nation of Israel."
Uhhh what exactly is your definition of "legal"???
Israel was formed by a resolution of the United Nations in 1947. How is this "illegal"?? In your own mind perhaps?
As for the motives of the Iraq invasion, people do not realize how incredibly important a reliable source of oil is to civilization. The use of oil and other energy sources goes hand in hand with mankind's standard of living almost exactly. Without cheap energy, civilization as we know it WILL END. People that profess that we just need utilize the other energy sources that the big oil companies have been suppressing are talking out of their asses. Our society relies on wealth being available to the majority of society, not just the elite. Any other energy source will be prohibitively expensive and the average consumer will end up spending most of their wealth on essentials like just on keeping warm and using electricity. The economy as we know it will collapse without cheap energy. China is aware of these facts and is already securing as much oil as it can. So the leadership of the United States would be remiss in its duties to the American people if it did not act now to ensure that oil producing nations continue to produce oil as long as possible without the instability of a rogue fanatical leadership that threatens other oil producing nation such as Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. It is simply intelligent, pragmatic long term strategy.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 08:38PM

Also I guess no one wanted to talk about raw material shortages that would effect EVERYONES life.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 09:12PM

Anonymous@208121 You seem to be on the right track, but, your not thinking that far ahead. Uhg, need oil. Yes, oil. Yeaa, using the oil to build bigger, larger, more consuming societies. Uhg, need all the oil. What!!!!!!!!no more oil...........collapse. What are you trying to say about humans in general? Oil and coal are not the only resources we have. Easiest to use. Most productive?(no) And yes, life as we know it needs to end. Drastic changes needed.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 09:50PM

OK ToucanSam, forget about the need for consuming luxuries, which I am assuming you are referring to with "building larger more consuming societies". Take just the essential need of FEEDING society. Only the use of cheap energy to increase the efficiency of food production has allowed civilization to grow to the level it has (billions). If energy was suddenly a lot scarcer, food production will suffer and I believe just feeding the billions will be a very serious issue. The use of energy is involved in every aspect of human activity, like powering farm machinery, to cheaply producing insecticides and powering the logistics chain to distribute the food. Only about 25% of energy is used for motivating personal transportation. That 25% is also vital to the economy however because people need to get around efficiently in order to facilitate the exchange goods and services. Yes, one day the oil will run out, and it will not be a good day for mankind, as it was a very important factor in our rise from a pre-industrial civilization. It is still vitally important however that the production of this resource is not hindered by social instability (re Islamic fanaticism, sociopathic dictators) for AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. Hopefully a fairly affordable alternative will be developed. No alternative exists today or will be developed for the foreseeable future. Take the much heralded hydrogen energy source. Hydrogen is not abundant as H2, the necessary form for energy use. It must USE ANOTHER energy source to convert it to H2. Therefore all that is happening is the transfer of existing energy, such as that in fossil fuels, to the hydrogen, like a battery.
When it comes down to it, the fundamental problem is not the "consuming" but it is population growth. Population growth is the primary problem as any gains made by more efficiency or consuming less will be quickly negated by more consumers. World population growth should be attacked relentlessly rather than consuming. The problem is that it is more emotionally acceptable to restrict purchasing behavior than the right to have babies.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 10:32PM


The land where is now sits was stolen from palestine. No payment to palestine was made. No agreement was made with palestine to give up the land. The land was stolen. By any definition.

Stop with the chicken little crap of the world ending without oil. That would only be true if oil ran out TODAY. However in the mean time every government is working for alternatives to replace oil. The US would never be without oil with Saudi Arabia being our lackey.

That the US went to war to secure america's oil future is BS. I'll grant that a natural gas pipeline to fatten Daddy Bush's cronies was a secondary interest for Shrub however the main reason the US invaded Iraq was to protect Israel from the coming muslim retaliation. Mainly Iran launching nukes at Israel.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 10:51PM

aDCBeast, the land you are now renting or owning was stolen from somebody else at one time or another, many times over I imagine. Therefore you are a criminal living on someone elses land. The only way to settle this issue is to accept the fact that possession is 9/10's of the law. To think otherwise would be anarchy, and all of mankind would be involved in incessant warfare and suicide bombings. Actually muslim's do seem to seek out chaos and anarchy, maybe you are right about muslim retaliation. They never seem to let by bygones be bygones in the interest of peace and order, almost like they love to fight and that it gives their lives meaning. Perhaps that is why their interpretaion of God is a violent unmerciful one. Actually, weren't the Israelis originally displaced from Palestine by the Roman Empire a couple thousand years ago?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 11:06PM

And by the way Beast, your contentions about oil simply demonstates your ignorance and naivete about this issue. The growing scarcity of this resource is a very large and looming issue for mankind, not just the United States. A recent world conference by leading geologists, scientists and other experts in the field discussed this very issue and in no way was the development of an alternative energy source assured. Optimists were not in the majority. ANY proposed alternative would be far scarcer and more expensive than something you can simply pump out of the ground. The foundation of almost all economic activity would be scarcer and by definition inflation would run rampant while earnings plummeted. Interest rates would sky rocket, investment by corporations would plummet. Think I'm talking out of my ass? This is pretty basic economics. Grab an economics book and try to understand why the Great Depression occured during the 1930's. The fundamental effects of a gradual depletion of fossil fuels on the economy would make the 30's look diminutive in comparison.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 11:56PM

Look like good locations for oil rigs to me. A little mountainous but that should pose no problem for Halliburton.
gruff Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 01:11AM

Iran has giant pens all along its border?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 04:30AM

fuck liberals......Who in the hell ever thought that women should vote in this free country, my fellow infedels?..............Hope Hillery HiClitlor runs this year (TOO EASY)...rather deal with a puppet conservative than a >>>>>>>>Liberal
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 07:02AM

Hey, ever had Persian food? There's this really great Basmati rice dish prepared with seasoned ground beef in a spicy curry that's pretty awesome.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 10:55AM

Anonymous@208121 we need intelligent people like yourself on the ABC forums. There are a few of us there that like to have intelligent debates but the nut case are increasing. Toucan you are not invited.

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 10:55AM


My naivete ? LOL! Come see me on the job in DC. then we will see who is naive. You have no clue what you are talking about.

Alternative energy sources are being sought by every industrialized nation. Many scientists believe the world can exist without fossil fuels altogether.

I am not a criminal. I didn't steal the land.

The american white man has made poor attempts but attempts none the less to repay the indians for their land. The world made no effort to repay palestine for stealing Israel from them. NONE!

Your two (multiple) wrongs make a right argument is hilarious. That argument supports anarchy. who cares the land will be stolen by someone else in the future so why give a shit ? That argument would invalidate any land claim on the planet. That means I could steal my neighbors yard tomorrow. I don't think the SS would be happy about that.

Your trolling effort is really quite sad. Are you really that lonely ?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 10:56AM


Those are actually giant dildos to aid the sexually frustrated like yourself.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 12:03PM

As long as I can eat red meat, fill-up my sports car and SUV-the one with the satalite TV and spinner mag wheels, have sex with a woman with surgically enhanced breast, and buy a good ounce of primo weed every now and then I say live and let live.
Fuck with that and you got yourself an American Jihad and a big-ol Texas size can of woop-ass on your hands.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 05:04PM

"I am not a criminal. I didn't steal the land"
This is probably exactly what many average Israeli teenagers think when they attend the funeral of their friends who were torn to shreds by a ball bearing filled bomb while gossiping in a cafe.
On the contrary, you are without a doubt benefiting from the land that was seized from American natives. Your belief that "white man" is trying to repay natives is completely a self serving delusion. Instead of a tiny speck of almost resourceless land like Israel, an entire continent was taken from it's native American inhabitants (North/South America). So if Israel pays each Palestinian $50 will that be an attempt to repay them "none-the-less" and help justify the existence of Israel? We can thank god that native Americans are not naturally belligerent and militant like arabs seem to be, otherwise we too might be witnessing daily suicide bombings in the cafes of American cities. Actually more like cities from South America up to Canada. The natives that were displaced by the Europeans around let's say Washington DC very likely kicked some other group of natives off the land at one time. Israelis in Palestine were sent into exile by the Romans. History is replete with examples. The difference with arabs however is that they seem to never let things go in the interest of peace. They LOVE A GOOD FIGHT and look for reasons to hate others. In the grand scheme of things, Palestine is an insignificant speck of dirt, yet for an irrational reason the entire world is unstable because of it. If hypothetically there is some alien intelligence observing us, they would be completely bewildered by our inconsistent and irrational behavior. They would be perplexed of why a large sophisticated nation of millions like Iran would threaten starting a global nuclear war over an insignificant speck of land like Palestine when there is nothing especially unique that has taken place there. One explanation is religion which they would have to consider a huge element in our irrational and destructive behavior.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 07:33PM

They are not pens or dildos....they are WMD's!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2005 10:36PM

we are w/o a dought fucked on oil sooner than calculated (i give 25yrs).pssssst. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC.the more you can do as a citizen of the planet is to conserve energy as much as possible to allow enough time for not only the transfer of technology,but the "emergence" of a new age. have'nt we had this arguement before? islike dejavu and stuff.
Poxy_Cunt Report This Comment
Date: December 08, 2005 12:44PM

John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2006 04:10AM

triton Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2006 12:55PM

no NO
electromag still requires fossil fuels
hydrogen is the answer
but we dont know how to produce it without fossil fuels. YET
I`m including nuclear in fossil fuels
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 03:49AM

the production of hydrogen is waaaaaay to expensive to work and years away from being equitable.