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Same shit, different asshole
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Same shit, different asshole

"a sign on the side of a street"

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Comments for: Same shit, different asshole
anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2004 02:42AM

I would love to meet all those fuckers perpetuating that comparison and commit mass genocide on their bitch-asses.
Wickedvienna Report This Comment
Date: March 08, 2004 01:26PM

Poor Ami´s. They don´t realize it...
Hephaestion Report This Comment
Date: April 22, 2004 11:57AM

I'm surprised a Bush supporter can SPELL "perpetuating"
Hephaestion Report This Comment
Date: April 22, 2004 11:57AM

I'm surprised a Bush supporter can SPELL "perpetuating"
Necky Report This Comment
Date: May 09, 2004 12:46PM

Where can i buy them?? ^^
Canadian Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2004 01:43AM

Im a liberal, beleive in freedom and justice. But the "pro-peace" movement world wide in reality is run by anarchists and communists. Comminists are aok, misguided yes, anarchists however are just plain stupid.

If your pro-peace, why do you want dictators in power so bad? The two largest wars in history were started by dictators.

Pro-peace equates giving Saddam a BJ. BTW I'm Arab as well, and I can gurantee you that Iraq's are divided about their liberation as just as much as America.

Bush != Hitler, hippies = uneducated
Canadian Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2004 01:43AM

Im a liberal, beleive in freedom and justice. But the "pro-peace" movement world wide in reality is run by anarchists and communists. Comminists are aok, misguided yes, anarchists however are just plain stupid.

If your pro-peace, why do you want dictators in power so bad? The two largest wars in history were started by dictators.

Pro-peace equates giving Saddam a BJ. BTW I'm Arab as well, and I can gurantee you that Iraq's are divided about their liberation as just as much as America.

Bush != Hitler, hippies = uneducated
Canadian Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2004 01:43AM

Im a liberal, beleive in freedom and justice. But the "pro-peace" movement world wide in reality is run by anarchists and communists. Comminists are aok, misguided yes, anarchists however are just plain stupid.

If your pro-peace, why do you want dictators in power so bad? The two largest wars in history were started by dictators.

Pro-peace equates giving Saddam a BJ. BTW I'm Arab as well, and I can gurantee you that Iraq's are divided about their liberation as just as much as America.

Bush != Hitler, hippies = uneducated
Sokratesz Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2004 04:28PM

Bush is a hypocrite, and, sorry to say, alot other americans with him.

First they help Saddam to kill his opponents, and establish himself in the region, even support him with weapons and technology, and now, 15 years later, they remove him with some SHIT ASS EXCUSES. I know, people were suffereing, but they were as well, LONG BEFORE 9/11

Some stupid american diplomat came to berlin last week and told it that it was americas historical duty to bring democracy to the middle east....when speaking of plain stupid....
Sokratesz Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2004 04:28PM

Bush is a hypocrite, and, sorry to say, alot other americans with him.

First they help Saddam to kill his opponents, and establish himself in the region, even support him with weapons and technology, and now, 15 years later, they remove him with some SHIT ASS EXCUSES. I know, people were suffereing, but they were as well, LONG BEFORE 9/11

Some stupid american diplomat came to berlin last week and told it that it was americas historical duty to bring democracy to the middle east....when speaking of plain stupid....
Joe Schmoe Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2004 02:42AM

George Bush and the administration below him has quite literally sold the constitution out from under us and handed it to big business ... he IS a NAZI ... how much longer do you think you will be allowed to own a gun when you can no longer speak freely without being sued or arrested! Also there is a little think called the 4th ammendment to the constitution that says 40% of the US patriot act is UNCONSTITUTIONAL
Michelle Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2004 06:32PM

Look at where Bush is from. TEXAS! The highest number of inmates on death row including women exicutions also. The man is either a nazzi or the anti-christ. Either way we as a nation are forever doomed. How can he take away our constitutional rights? They weren't wrote to be sold out! He plays tough guy after 911 and then plays good guy to rebuild what he has ordered to be destroyed! With tax payers money! He and the rest of those people in charge of us suck!
DontBlowSmokeUpMyAss Report This Comment
Date: July 29, 2004 06:22AM

Bush is VERY similar to Hitler, Google on his grandaddy Prescott and how he helped launder money for the Third Reich. He is a drunk, Hitler was hooked on Meth. Hitler marched into other countries with no global support to wage war, so has Bush. Hitler sought to suppress the "rogue" elements of his nation condemning homosexuals, as does Bush. Hitler forced his views down the throats of his citizens, as does Bush with his total illiterate failure to read in the Constitution about the seperation of church and State. Hitler lied outright to the world and his people, as has Bush with Enron & Haliburton and his African Uranium theory. Bush ignored the warning in place and already existing for an attack on American soil with airliners, Hitler ignored his generals about Russia. Bush plays Cowboys and Muslims, Hitler played Jews and Zyklon B. Hitler began to create problems where there was none, Bush fabricates an issue or sees one where none exists and goes to excess to chase his Will `O Wisp.

May you rot in your hell George W. Bush you low life liar sack of ignorant dung.
Anonymous Junike Report This Comment
Date: August 15, 2004 12:01AM

The americans need to stop tring to win friends by messing with other peoples bussines. And they need to look at there own country, which is famed for the amount of gun crime and such.
Although posters like that one, are as bad as the people there against, propaganda!
But everyones alowd the right to an opinion, its just the way the express it.
And George Bush is nothing like Hitlar, he has to do things alot more subltyly, i.e. Kill tuns of civilians by "Acidently" missing, not just gassing millions.
ag russ Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2004 02:16PM

all i got to say is 88 my brothers and sisters
ag russ Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2004 02:16PM

all i got to say is 88 my brothers and sisters
CF98 Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2004 08:02PM

yeah, Bush is a lot like hitler, like DontBlowSmokeUpMyAss wrote before... I'm from Poland, and lots of people here think we should start fighting against USA not Iraq! No one dares to say it in media, but some people i know, and were soldiers in Iraq were sent home, because at some point they got psycho, and wanted to shoot at american soldiers... my friend said that they are ACTING there like F***N NAZI'S!! killin of innocents is not accidental! and those photos, that show americans torturing the iraqi captives! WAR IS THE MOST STUPID WAY TO RESOLVE PROBLEMS....
Eric Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2004 09:05PM

Bush is a moron, no question, but to compare him with one of history's most infamous mass murderers is just plain stupid.
El Chupcabra Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2004 11:40PM

Hitler killed Jews. Jews haven't hurt anyone for two thousand years (Christ, who was a Jew). Bush was after one non-devout Muslim dictator, whom he has now captured and will put on trial. Hitler killed millions of Jews for no goddamn reason except he hated himself and had mommy issues (and he needed a scapegoat, but that didn't have to be the Jews). Bush's war may not prove to be warranted, but hey, Saddam is a maniac and it just might have been true about the WMDs (why would El Psycho Supremo kick out the UN weapons inspectors if he had nothing to hide? It would have been seriously good press for him they searched every sand-crusted inch of Iraq and found zilch). So what do Hitler and Bush have in common? They both might have blamed the wrong people for the bad things in their countries. Hitler then proceeded to kill 6 million innocents among his own population. I would hardly call Saddam and his cronies innocent, even if they don't find WMDs (not finding them, of course, only proves they aren't there NOW).
nameless Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2004 11:03PM

Hey, that's not true... "only" about 300.000 German Jews died in the Third Reich. About 5,7 Million weren't German citizens. But back to topic: Bush is a danger for peace... no matter if the comparison Hitler - Bush is right or not.
katalyst Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2004 04:02AM

bush has a scapegoat. that lovely little word "terrorist". All he has to say is "this nation is harboring terrorists" with some bullshit excuses and wallah thats enough reason to invade an entire nation. i wouldnt doubt he believes every muslim is a terrorist. now hes targeting iran (WTF??). large amounts of weapons cannot just "dissapear". It would take weeks to transport and the U.S have been monitoring iraq HEAPS since the gulf war. The latest "terrorist" act has got nothing to do with terror at ALL ie the Chechyan rebels holding the school hostage and killing many children. this was an act of freedom / revenge against russia itself. For years russia has been killing innocent chechnyans and now all of the sudden there terrorists..FUCKHEADS. bush been the nazi that he is will probably organise an invasion of chetchnya in the near future.
ondeofthedudes!!!!! Report This Comment
Date: October 13, 2004 05:29AM

lol figures, cant even goto a porn site without having to hear about politics! If you wanna talk about politics. Kerry is more of a Nazi than bush, Kerrys grandfather helped the Nazis invade france. Kerry helped set up communism in North Korea(Goto Korea and look up his name, I did) and then see how his wife is supporting anti-american groups. Who is loving peace now fuckers?
stussy-demon Report This Comment
Date: October 15, 2004 10:24AM

Bush is a prick..FACT...he's a stupid fuck wit and someone as dumb as that asshole shouldn't be running the largest superpower. Get that stupid fuck out and replace him with someone that can speak and spell at the least...
brewmiester Report This Comment
Date: November 03, 2004 11:26AM

A sad day in the once free America, they scammed us again!!! I for one will display my flag upside down for the next four years as a sign of distress!! All bend over and spread your cheeks in salute to our King George the second!!! The fuck!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 20, 2004 01:00PM

i don't like any of you
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 20, 2004 02:52PM

I really think you're giving "Shrub" too much credit here. Really, haven't Jesus' followers of fear been behind most post-1700CE attrocities?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 24, 2004 04:06AM

I want one.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 12:13AM

arabs are still killing more arabs than any other group. When does the light go on for you people?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 12:48PM

Here in England most people hate bush, this is starting to reflect really badly on American people. Pretty soon America will find itself on it's own unless you get rid of Bush who should clearly not be in power. The sad thing is, if bush is dumb, what does that make the voters??
52_percentElectorate_too_stupi Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2005 03:14AM

Well the similarity is the final endgame it's the nationalistic jingoism that they have in common.
We look a LOT like 1933 Germany. You just have to substitute anything besides our own pseudoDEMOCRACY in the blank where JEWS goes.
Criticism is bad, individuality is bad, the least restrictive legislative option (except when it concerns the spoiled rotten "ruling/ownership class" wealthy) is bad. Not being a member of the global community but rather selfishly acting in it's own unilateral interests are the things that are irrefutably similar and only the willfully stupid dispute it.
Being that evil (Jesus) while hiding (Jesus, Jesus, Jesus) behind religon (Jesus, Jesus, WHOA, Jesus) is why I nearly puke everytime I think of him representing the nation I used to be proud I'm from.
assface Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2005 09:08AM

Hey "52_percentElectorate_too_stupi@1016". you are a complete dipshit! Completely!!! Don't deny it asshole!!!! You are the scum of the Earth! You are probably a little lonely nerd fucker piece of shit, that has nothing better to do. I wish that Hitler would've grabed your scrawny ass, you cock-sucking tub of shit. Tell me where you live, you vermin!
hmm Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2005 12:19PM

looks like assface lives up to his name, lemmi guess, a typical nazi right? you must have been a bush voter! HEY WISEGUY your dick of a president is gonna fuck this world right up! but i guess thats what you want anyway.... twat.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 15, 2005 12:15PM

Anonymous@21932 said :
arabs are still killing more arabs than any other group. When does the light go on for you people
Hang on a minute, more americans are killed by other americans (guncrime) than any other group" Therefore the war on terror is unneccessary????? You stupid fucking idiot, think before you show your ignorance"
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 16, 2005 02:19PM

I doubt bush is realy that dumb
He's an asshole no doubt about that
but maybe he just might be smart .
Kerry to is an Asshole he shares the same values as Bush but calls himself different.

Btw I seriously doubt that americans kill more americans then other groups kill theirselves.

In Lot's of African Countries there's like major war ( not muslim , Christian and Protestant to )
For Example Keny and Soedan)

And for the record ... I'm no anarchist :-)
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 17, 2005 10:15AM

Michelle@11681 i dont know if u will ever see my POSt, BUSH AINT FROM TEXAS hes a godamn yankee, thats from new england somewhere. Nota bene i have nothing against yanks, amerloque, pute de ricans and rebels, im a foreigner so im watching my ass out from both kinds specially ifim plan om making it big
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 17, 2005 10:16AM

Michelle@11681 i dont know if u will ever see my POSt, BUSH AINT FROM TEXAS hes a godamn yankee, thats from new england somewhere. Nota bene i have nothing against yanks, amerloque, pute de ricans and rebels, im a foreigner so im watching my ass out from both kinds specially if im plan om making it big
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 17, 2005 10:19AM

damn whats up with all these them spelling mistake people i thought i was stupid until i cam ehere, im actually BRIGHTER than whoever hosts this site, just kiddng i have a feeling most of yall are a bunch of mid school kids typos is acceptable but damn learn to spell, maybe i might learn on eor two things from you guys MALPT!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 23, 2005 07:10PM


El Chupcabra@19823

Jews haven't harmed anyone in 2000 years?
There are quite a few arabs who would disagree, especially those in Palestine.

When the truth finally surfaces we will be able to add several thousand Americans to the list of deaths caused by these "harmless" jews.

9/11..... the truth shall overcome!

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 04, 2005 07:49AM

Piss off, pathetic poker pillocks and pill pushers
Jeef Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2005 06:09PM

we discuss an get angry at yanks inability to act as all we can do but before you give me a smartass coment back yanks remember your brainwashed an stupid
Commento Report This Comment
Date: November 27, 2005 10:32AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 30, 2006 03:41PM

haha, fucking bible basher's will believe anything their president tells them, even if its fucking bs

which it is
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 11, 2008 07:38PM

I feel quite sory for all of you, you live in other countrys and have different views, and are truely ignorant, arrogant, and insignificant. You may bash America and compair Bush the one of the worlds greatest mad men that have ever lived, and I feel you are all entitled to your opinions. But lets not forget America has the greatest educational process in the world, unlike all of you who would be lucky to be scoreing in the 80's of IQ tests. Bush may talk and act like hes stupid like you all really are, but the difference is unlike you ignorant fools he gradated from Harvard. So I feel I should say its quite funny watching people who are less intelligent then a pet in the USA the greatest world power there is, talking as if they know how the world actualy works.