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Hiroshima! Nagasaki! Don't you ever forget, don't you ever fucking forget!
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Hiroshima! Nagasaki! Don't you ever forget, don't you ever fucking forget!

"a large explosion in the sky"

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Comments for: Hiroshima! Nagasaki! Don't you ever forget, don't you ever fucking forget!
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 06:11PM

We are the only nation on Earth to have used nulcear weapons to kill innocents. And we wonder why other people of the Earth fear and detest us.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 06:22PM

uh, oh... looks like Beast has some new competition for preaching, ranting, judging, etc... should be entertaining
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 06:40PM

quite simply how could we forget the most deadly science experiment on this earth?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 06:47PM

Anonymous@1176 ~ If "preaching, ranting, judging, etc." is what it takes, then I'm up for it. How about you?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 07:02PM

calm down, Blah... I was just assessing your "resolve"
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 07:07PM

it was not approached as a science experiment... it was a very deliberate project to invent the most powerful killing force and with the rationale that, in the long run, more lives were saved by doing that pre-emptively in WW2... we'll never know if that rationale was correct... for sure, a horror no matter what you believe...
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 07:09PM

I'm calm just fine. Speaking of opinions, what's your's? BTW, if you weren't anon it'd be a bit easier for us to talk and know who we're addressing.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 07:21PM

"for sure, a horror no matter what you believe..."

Indeed. I know it wasn't an experiment, it was a calculated and carefully planned offence. And you're right, the rationale was with "good intentions" and I even agree with it for the most part, but tell that to the poor souls who woke up with their asses on fire and the "survivors" who suffered from radiation poinsoning for many years later. It should not have been allowed to happen in the first place, and as an a U.S. American I for one am very ashamed of it. That shit is not what this country is supposed to be about. And yes, I vote, for what that's worth.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 08:14PM

You should not mess with peole you do not know, they had it coming. THE JAPS MURDERED MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF INNOCENTS. Nobody seems to remember what that contry did during world war II. Then after the war ended they went back to the islands they had plundered,murdered,raped, to (as late as the 70ies) to walk over the INNOCENTS they had murdered, to take back to japan what thier ancesters had stolen. Some races of people never learn. As I said,THEY HAD IT COMING
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 08:26PM

BlahX... OK, good... call me "Joe" as I don't think that names or handles in forums like this are important or meaningful... me, I'm just an average American, age 54, living in the Northeast... the world has become a rather sad place in terms of conflict... so much so, you tend to become numb to it... perhaps why I initially reacted to your comment... it's like, shit, with all the current events, where did the A-bomb lament come from... world peace (or some subset of that) is a nice "aspirational goal," but one we'll never see... so there's my rant ;-)
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 08:39PM

Look up "the rape of nan-king" and read a few
heartwarming paragraphs of that endeavor.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 08:52PM

pearl harbor was a naval base... yeah it was attrocious attack, but no where nearly as sick as wtc... and yet we never used nukes on any of those assholes
maybe it's the fact that i have =yerrow feber= that this posts disgusts me lol i don't know, but i do think it's kinda funny how this horrible device has never been implemented in afghanistan, iraq, or iran
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 08:55PM

dont think for 1 second that if iran gets their hands on a nuke they wont use it. drop the bong people.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 09:00PM

Heres a quick summary of the nanking massacre

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 09:01PM

And lol@shadez and his yellow fever
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 09:02PM

all good points... Pearl Harbor was yesteryear's equivalent of WTC, sort of... this all becomes an argument of body count if that makes any sense... meaning, if PH resulted in several thousand deaths (cannot recall from history), did the BOMB on Japan, where many more were killed, justified? not taking sides here... it's all tragic... just saying that there are many ways to look at this... sigh
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 09:10PM

Shadez... to put things in perspective, Pearl Harbor resulted in 2400+ people killed... WTC came in at 2700+... so, they are rather equivalent... WTC just feels very different for the current generation because it was current events vs. history...


Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 09:10PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 09:13PM

154177: "As I said,THEY HAD IT COMING"
Agreed, the Japanese perpetrated total horrors against the Chinese, Koreans and more. BUT...
(1) Who is America to give them "what they had coming" ?
(2) Does the killing of more civilians really solve the problem?

120207: "if iran gets their hands on a nuke"
I disagree. The nuclear game is based on prevention. States without nukes can be invaded (like Iraq), States WITH nukes cannot be invaded, because they have a huge answer (like N. Korea).

Weak states want nukes to stop strong states (like the US) from fucking invading their national territory... which the US has been proven to do to weak states in Latin America, SE Asia, the Middle East, South America, etc.

If you read deep into history, you'll realize that the US Government has a pretty shitty track record of invading countries and distributing justice, peace and democracy.

Why should any state trust us now? So they try to get the Bomb in order to check our Govenment's aggression.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 09:25PM

You're fooling yourself if you think Iran would
just sit on nukes as a deterrent.They'll try
and smuggle one into the U.S. or lob one into Israel
just for kicks.Time to wake up and smell the coffee
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 10:09PM

Does anyone truly believe that if the US had not developed and used nuclear weapons that they would not exist today? Give me a fucking break. The Germans were the first to begin development, along with their V1 and V2 rockets as predecessors for eventual deployment. It was German scientists and engineers who headed up both the US and Russian development of nuclear weapons and rockets. Do you think the Russians would have not developed nukes if we had not beat them to it? And how do you think WWII would have turned out if the Germans had completed development a few years earlier? Hitler killed over 6 million jews. Do you think he would have hesitated to nuke Stalingrad or Moscow? Just because we were the first to develop nukes, doesn't mean we were the only ones working on them. Wake up!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 10:16PM

Just another double standard for the USA. This pisses me off as much as the protests of Columbus Day because he was "responsible" for the downfall of the Native Americans. Do people think that if Columbus had not made the journey, no one else would have come eventually? The Spainards and Portugese conquered most of Latin and South America. The brits took over India. The French "colonized" SE Asia and much of Canada. All of Europe took part in the subjugation of Africa. Why was it OK for everyone else to take land and displace indiginous people, but the "white man" of the US is evil and wrong for doing it.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2006 10:52PM

I'm glad to have stirred up the pot again. This is the kind of exchange we need (IMHO).

Thank all of you. As far as I'm concerned, *all* your thoughts and opinions matter and none should be discounted. Well, at least they do to me, for whatever that's worth.

Keep `em comming. This is exactly what we need.
HADITCOMING Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2006 12:57AM

As I said,you should not mess with people or countries that you do not know. Yamamoto was the only Japanese person who understood what they were getting theselves into,he understood that the attack on PH would bring the entire wrath and induterial might of the USA on them and it would be a no holds bared fight to the end. the USA at that time was not willing to loose another man to the japanese. So we did the only thig we could do to get the Japanese to surrender. We won they lost. they started it we finished it. the lesson here is do not start wars you might loose. WE AS A COUNTRY HAVE NOT LEARNED THIS LESSON YET. With the nam and now iraq. Sometimes I wonder DID we have TWC coming????...............
blahdblah Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2006 11:03AM

Your turning into an Al Queso agent with all this preaching Blahx3.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2006 12:06PM

Maybe we should irradiate the entire middle east and solve all the problems coming from that region.

When Iran gets their nuclear weapons they will start the armegeddon for Israel then the world will follow.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2006 12:04AM

Anonymous@1092 "Joe" - "where did the A-bomb lament come from"

It came because the aniversary of these events just passed without notice; Hiroshima on August 6th, Nagasake on August 9th, 61 years ago. I think all these people talking about nuke this and nuke that need to remember what it really means.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2006 04:56AM

---- 16042! Damn Straight! Check out this book I found around here somewhere, The 48 Laws of Power! Don't worry, it's not some fluffy success type book, it's the real world, if you read this you'll see how the Politicians of the World work!