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now this is one sesy Canada
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now this is one sesy Canada

"long bridge over water with a road and houses"

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Comments for: now this is one sesy Canada
honkytonk Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2005 07:40PM

you mean sexy?
Kevin Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2005 08:30PM

How much is the toll for that bad boy?
dub_kingdom Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2005 08:53PM

Why the bend in the middle? Surely it would have cost less to build it in a straight line.

...and can you walk over it?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2005 09:34PM

toll is about $40 Cdn, but you only pay it going one way ... there's no other way off Prince Edward Island other than a ferry

called Confederation bridge

two lanes, no walking

takes about 12 minutes to drive across ... ferry used to be about 3 hours

the bridge has a curve on purpose so people pay attention while driving - seriously
Bob Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2005 09:41PM

LOL Canadians
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2005 10:31PM

The bend is because they got stoned while building it and went just a tad off course. Silly stoners! That or the water currents pushed them off course.

Too bad they didn't build in ped access and bicycle lanes. Not very forward thinking, alas.
geezer Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 02:37AM

Leave it to a Canadian to think a friggin' bridge is sexy....
Kevin Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 03:28AM

Or a Civil Engineer
dub_kingdom Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 01:26PM

or a bridgeophile. im outraged at the naked bridge pictures on this site, this bridge isn´t even into its teens yet! I would ban myself but I find it strangely alluring...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 10:29PM

yeah, silly canadian's ... god forbid they build something with safety features like a bend in it

What's next for them - a health care system, a non-aggressive military dictatorship, free elections, foreign aid packages that are 10x per capita more than others in north america, convincing their citizens to be friendly and kind to neighbouring governments even if they are arseholes ...

geezer Report This Comment
Date: January 27, 2005 02:52AM

The only good things to come out of Canada are (in this order) beer, hockey and Dudley Do-Right.
duane Report This Comment
Date: April 03, 2005 03:13PM

I say sence were such war mongers we fucking take Canada.Our world policy has made us the premier world super power,while you've just faded away.Dont kid yourself if not for the U.S. poking its nose in the worlds problems you could'nt live relaxed like you do.Bitch all you want but were the reason the Nazi's,the Japaneese,and the Russians and yes the fucking muslims are not in the driver seat right now,so you live with our policies and like it you maple flavored turd.
Lindsey Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 07:31PM

pretty sure i live on that island and pretty sure that bridge is the longest free-standing bridge over salt water in the world. It has a bend in it because if your not stupid you would realize that yes there is rocks on the bottom of the sea and they need to go AROUND the rocks so the bridge wouldnt be going up and down up and down, and safety purposes, cuz the bridge is 12.9km long and high winds are a factor and if yer going up and down safety can become an issue. Think before you say stupid things and Canada is ranked one of the best countries to live in and at least we aren't bombing every country we see. You don't see us bitching about your Country at all so back off and go bomb another country. I wanna see you try and make something like that, oh wait all you can do is bitch and bach about our accomplishments and wish you were like us subconsciously.
Get a life and we all live in the same world and you should show some respect towards other people and where they live. Beer, hockey? We succeeded in both and both are amazing so be thankful u drunking complaining no body.
Thank you smiling
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: February 01, 2006 12:09PM

why is this categorized as Erotic/Adult?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2006 04:38PM

I don't know if we can find a dumber comment as the one from Lindsey. Really. Up and down and up and down? You've got to be half retarded.

Hmmmmm..... maybe they'd change the length of the support columns, dont'cha think?
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2006 07:30PM

I love it when pictures from ages back appear in the recent comments pages for no particular reason.

finger smiley