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The Oregon Vortex
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The Oregon Vortex

"a couple of men standing on a wooden platform"

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Comments for: The Oregon Vortex
Kevin Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 02:55AM

Kevin Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 03:04AM

America's premier mystery spot is the Oregon Vortex near Gold Hill, Oregon, open to the public since 1930. Tennis balls really do seem to roll uphill here, brooms really do stand on end. After subjecting many spots to rigorous, very scientific tests, our Mystery Spot Test Kit TM indicates that the Oregon Vortex is the most disturbed.

What causes the mysterious goings-on here? No one knows. One theory is that a great beam of "high velocity soft electrons" exits the earth through the vortex. Another claims that a giant underground device produces the weird effects.

And there's always a new theory on the gift shop shelves, or the latest explanation of how TIME speeds up and S-S-L-L-O-W-W-W-W-S-S-S down in a vortex, depending on where you stand and when. One man who apparently knew the secret of the Oregon Vortex -- John Litster -- studied its effects first-hand for more than forty years. He even corresponded with Einstein on the subject. What he uncovered no one will ever know, for he burned all his notes before his death.

"The world isn't yet ready for what goes on here," he warned.
Kevin Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 03:10AM

cut and paste postings are fun!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 08:02AM

same stuff even the description is found in wisconsin dells... such a tourist crap
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 02:09PM

What's the big deal? They're on a hill.
Kevin Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 03:07PM

click the link and read
Kevin Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 03:14PM

Here's a little more:

The Oregon Vortex is a location in southern Oregon, near Jacksonville. It was made famous by an English Engineer named John Lister. Lister arrived in Oregon in 1929 to conduct mining surveys, when he discovered a dilapidated log cabin that had been an assay office for a turn of the century mining camp. Lister noticed that there were some strange anomalies in the magnetic field in the vicinity of the old cabin. He felt that this field, or vortex of energies went so far as to warp the fabric of space/time. He set up a series of displays that he felt might illustrate this.

At the same time as Lister was charting the Oregon Vortex he set up displays outside and inside the boundaries to show observers its effects. This includes having two people of different heights standing on a concrete slap. One person is inside the vortex, the other person is outside. The person standing inside the vortex is always shorter than the person standing outside the vortex. When the two people change places, the person who was inside the vortex (and shorter) becomes taller than the person who outside the vortex (and formerly taller). There is a large collection of photographs that show strange light effects on film that were not visible to the photographer when the pictures were taken. According to the staff at the Oregon Vortex, this phenomenon is different than that encountered by visitors in the old log cabin.

As an engineer Lister was familiar with the effects of light and complex angles on people's vision. He set up a series of complex optical illusions inside the log cabin. These optical illusions include standing a broomstick upright, at an angle and rolling a bottle uphill, among many other visual effects. These illusions have been copied by numerous amusement parks since Lister's death in 1959.

Even skeptics would enjoy a visit to the Oregon Vortex to try and "discover" the secrets of some of the visual effects or explain the apparent expansion and contraction of people when entering the vortex. I have practiced with optical illusions myself over time, but if all of this is a trick, I don't see how it was done. If someone has an explanation, I would be interested in seeing how it was done myself.

Another interesting note about the Oregon Vortex, it is haunted. Several visitors to the vortex have seen Lister standing at the top of the sloping floor of the old log cabin. He is usually seen resting against the wall, laughing and plucking his eyebrow. The visitors have asked the guide the identity of the man who somehow got ahead of the tour. One tour guide looked inside and recognized Lister from an old photograph. After the quick look, Lister disappeared. When the other tour guides have looked inside the cabin, there was no one there. Anyone leaving the cabin by the back door would have been seen.
Kevin Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 03:22PM


Here is the trickery!