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Let the military do their job !
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Let the military do their job !

"a cartoon of soldiers standing in line"

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Comments for: Let the military do their job !
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2007 02:13AM

I suppose you think we surrendered in Vietnam too.

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2007 07:01AM

I believe if the military were left to function without the constant hand tying gesticulations put upon them by politicians the outcome of Viet Nam and the ultimate outcome in Iraq would be far different than what the history books show and will show.

Anyone who thinks the militarys hands are NOT tied by politicians is seriously deluded. Left to their own equipments constraints and tactics I feel sure our military is nearly unstoppable, but ..... never will this be true so long as its operations are mandated by politicians agendas from 1/2 a world away.

Perhaps a viable solution would be for our congress to be convened in Iraq. I bet if the tables were turned and these same lame assed politicians asses were on the line from their decisions they would indeed have a different perspective about how battles should be fought. Odds are they would set a record in just how long such assaults would take too grinning smiley

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2007 10:43AM

You are correct Mr. Kim about congress tying the military's hands. I have said that since 1970 when I went into the military, if congress would just sit down and shut the hell up the military would be able to ake care of business. Our military has never been allowed to do it's job unfettered by politcs since WWII. Just give them an objective to "win" and leave them alone to do it without the meddling and they will win.
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2007 03:07PM

Well its a damn good thing there was someone to stop the war machine. Its east to comply and be obeident to the military. HISTORY HAS ALSO SHOWN WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO SOCIETYS THAT CLOSE THERE EYES AND NOT RESIST MILITARY RULE. need not remind you of that.
Thats great that you want to show your patritisom by being told what to do and when to do it, by joining the military. But theres alot of AMERICANS that dont' want to be told what to do,tru freedom.
Iraq needs to work its own problems out. Get our boys out of there. We ALL KNOW by now that iraq was no threat.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2007 03:22PM

Mrkim, jgoins thumbs
downsmileys with beer
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2007 04:23PM

madmex2000 Wrote:
> Well its a damn good thing there was someone to
> stop the war machine. Its east to comply and be
> obeident to the military. HISTORY HAS ALSO SHOWN

Military rule and allowing the military to suceed at a task they're given without decision making by NON military leaders are hardly the same thing. Tying the militarys hands in deciding what can and can't be targets in all other areas other than outright offensives/attacks upon non combatants is total BS.

The real tragedy is that these tactics by politicians make our military seem ineffective in their ability to do the job they're given, which is far from the reality that would occur if they were simply given a task and the freedom to get it done without non military personnel making the calls.

My feelings are that if the same campaign being conducted in Iraq had been carried out with the military makin all the calls it would have lasted a matter of a few months and at a lot less risk to the soldiers involved.

The politicians in their efforts at waging war within the confines of political correctness (a totally stupid and rediculous concept!) put our troops at far greater risk than what their commanders own decisions would.


Hmmm .... so on 9-11 when the shit hit the fan I suppose the government shouldn't have grounded all the other planes in the air in an attempt to stop any further possible attacks that might have been in progress? The tightening of airport/aircraft security measures mandated by the government in an attempt to avert similar future attacks should not have occured either then huh ? Or when foods are found to be contaminated with harmful bacteria the government again should do nothing, right ?

I'm not much for governmental intervention in my life either, but there is a definite need for the governments protection in the above mentioned and MANY other instances.

So .... to make a blanket statement that we don't need their protection only once points up your own lack of knowledge madnez and the roots of your heritage really have no more relevence in such a discussion than do modern blacks demanding retribution for the fact that their now long dead ancestors were slaves.

If you are indeed a native Indian by heritage YOU have more rights than I as a white native born American do. There is no such sanctuary in existance in the US for MY race to be allowed free reign as any native Indian does, I can't get ANY of the program benefits offered to the native Indians, nor am I awarded the same minority status rights or tax exemption status rights you posess by nothing more than the fact that you were ever born at all, so just get off that BS the
finger smiley

HappyMex Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2007 05:50PM

So....Madmex. When was the last time the "Military" made you to do anything. You should get this passionate about the amount of damn taxes we have to pay. Now there's a real problem. The fact that we have not been attacked here since 911 means zip to you huh? If we were...or better yet your town, family, ass was attacked YOU know you would be the first to bitch about the government didn't protect me boo hoo. And yes I showed my patriotism for 20 years in the service. What have you done other than gripe? You think the Indians got a raw deal....maybe so but it pales in comparison to what these insane islamic give me virgins nut cases will do to all of us if our Military is not allowed to do what needs to be done. By ham stringing them we are only prolonging and worsening the inevitable.
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2007 08:12PM

Well ,the goverment suspended our habeus corpus with the patriot act. The same rigtht that your forfathers fougth for in WWII. Guess because you werent using it,you dont mind the goverment taking it
And by the way the BUSH administration had two years to do what they want in iraq even torture and Air bombings and clear & sweep directives. Even they cant stop the attacks. So how can some native iraq stop it. There has been no politicians involved,its been as the generals wanted ,ask BUSH,he says it all the time.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2007 12:17AM

Just think, in a hundred years you be dead anyway, so why worry.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2007 10:19AM

Madmex, why don't you just go to DC and take matters into your own hands. I look forward to seeing you in the news.
anon Report This Comment
Date: May 14, 2007 11:47PM

mr kim, i think i love you. LMAO. as for the injun, dont listen to that drunk. he sits around doing nothing and he makes more that most. LOL. just cause your people did not have the brains to defend themselves, very much like the french, dont be a hater.